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Hey this script DEFINITELY needs a function to get cannon back, with failing randoms teleporting you or random script breaks/logout breaks ,cannon will always decay.


needs to run back to nulodion at dwarf mine and get it back, otherwise this will always needs constant babysitting with cannon on.


Also doesn't drink ranging pot(4) for me.


Other then that gone from 80-85 ranged so far thanks :)


Not a bad idea, won't take long but I am very busy at the moment and can only provide bug fixes and not content releases for a few days

Hey is it drinking other doses for you?


When it switches worlds, the bot doesn't attack anymore. can you fix this?


Sure :)

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Not a bad idea, won't take long but I am very busy at the moment and can only provide bug fixes and not content releases for a few days

Hey is it drinking other doses for you?



Sure :)


Nope no doses at all . Hard to get a good proggy atm stupid failing randoms screws up script :(

Edited by lawlz1
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Hey small bug report,


- Wont setup cannon at the start of script unless you have inventory page open.

- Doesn't recognize cannon being missing all of the time and will permanently afk until you manually stop the script, so really needs to logout and stop loginbot if it goes missing.

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When are you updating script Tri??



- No longer sets cannon up

- Doesn't recognize cannonballs and immediately logs out.

- No longer loots with tele grab.

- For some reason runs through bars into ogre cage and gets itself stuck??



Script was semi-functional for less then a day but now its non functional for me again.

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Not a bad idea, won't take long but I am very busy at the moment and can only provide bug fixes and not content releases for a few days

Hey is it drinking other doses for you?



Sure :)



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any good spots for pures to use a cannon and get good exp per hour and get little damage?


Could try black demons taverly, lesser demons karamanja, both have safe spots use youtube if u need to know exactly where.


Also black demons will make you $$$ since they have high level drops :)

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cannot get the bot to drink potions let alone telegrab?


Dude stop post counting and put it all in 1 post.


Pots/Spec and cannon decays are all issues atm but i spoke to tri yesterday and he said he will fix it today.

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yeh sweet :) does telegrab work for you?


Yeah, if you arent able to telegrab and are having other issues not including pots/spec/decaying, then try deleting your dependancies folder, then reload client, it works nearly 100% of the time.


Check help section for guide to deleting dependencies if you dont know how :)


Hope this helps.

Edited by lawlz1
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Hi Tri, i would again like to post about the recurring issues with the script mainly being


- No Spec

- Not Potting

- Cannon Decaying, and not logging out.


All 3 of these issues have been prominent since day 1 release and i have posted multiple times about it.


Could you give me an ETA on a fix since i have been asking about them for upwards of 7 days now and you have said you would fix them multiple times and still haven't made any fixes.


i have since received a bot busting ban from this script because of the afking inside cage. Script is unstable to use in my opinion.



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Hi Tri, i would again like to post about the recurring issues with the script mainly being


- No Spec

- Not Potting

- Cannon Decaying, and not logging out.


All 3 of these issues have been prominent since day 1 release and i have posted multiple times about it.


Could you give me an ETA on a fix since i have been asking about them for upwards of 7 days now and you have said you would fix them multiple times and still haven't made any fixes.


i have since received a bot busting ban from this script because of the afking inside cage. Script is unstable to use in my opinion.




I am coding special attack and potion updates right now.

I need more information on the cannon decaying from you guys, add my skype: tri.tribot

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I am coding special attack and potion updates right now.

I need more information on the cannon decaying from you guys, add my skype: tri.tribot


Cannon decays mainly because of randoms and breaks, doesn't pickup cannon at break and then decays by time you return.


Like i said before, needs to run back to nulodion and get a new cannon then death walk back if possible then it will be hard to break.

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Todays update:

  • Fixed and tested potions
  • Fixed and tested special attacks
  • The bot can now bank anywhere that is supported by the TRiBot web walking
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If you add set locations that you can train at, at let's say Caged Orge's or Blue dragons etc. I'll defently buy this script! It looks really good :)

Edit: Different config files that other people can download.

If it exist, I'll buy this script ASAP

Edited by BoT


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