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How To Import Accounts and Proxies into TRiBot


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TRiBot has built in comma-separated values (csv) file importers for accounts and proxies. By default, accounts and proxies are stored in json format which you can locate in ~/.tribot/settings/. The built in importers read the values from the specified csv files and save them to these json files.

Extended csv format


Shortened csv format 


Extended csv format


Shortened csv format 


How To Import
Select Tools -> Import Accounts CSV or Import Proxies CSV
A file selector will then appear and you will need to navigate to your respective csv file for which you are importing.
A message will print in the bot debug whether or not accounts were successfully imported. Duplicate entries will be ignored and if all entries are duplicates a message stating that no new accounts or proxies were imported will be displayed.
To verify accounts or proxies were successfully imported, open the account or proxy manager.


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