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How to use CLI arguments to launch TRiBot


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The Basics

TRiBot can be launched with a variety of command line arguments.
The client must be launched from tribot-splash.jar which requires Java 8 or higher to be installed.
TRiBot is meant to be launched in the following format:

java -jar tribot-splash.jar <arguments>

The Arguments

Example data has been provided to give you a better idea of how to use the arguments.
Please replace the example data with your own data.

TRiBot Username (Required): Specifies the email address you use to login to your TRiBot account. 

--username your_username

TRiBot Password (Required): Specifies the password to login to your TRiBot account. 

--password my_password_123

Character Username (Required): Specifies the username or email address you use to login to the account you want to bot on. This account does not have to be in the TRiBot account manager. If it isn't, it will be automatically added. 

--charusername botting_account@tribot.org

Character Password (Required): Specifies the password of the account you want to bot on. If this password is different than the password of that same account in the TRiBot account manager, then the account manager will be updated to this password. 

--charpassword my_password

Pin: Specifies the bank pin of the account you are botting on. If this pin is different than the pin of the same account in the TRiBot account manager, then the account manager will be updated to this pin. This argument is only required if you account has a bank pin. If your account doesn't have a bank pin please leave out this argument. 

--charpin 1234

Character World: Specifies the world you wish to bot on. This can be left out and the client will select a world for you.

--charworld 393

Script (Required): Specifies the name of the script you want the client to run when it launches.

--script "Delta Woodcutter"

Script Arguments: Specifies the argument(s) (or options) you want the script to use when it starts. Note: These must be supported by the script and not every script will support these. Please ask the script author or check the script's thread. 

--scriptargs location:rimmington,tree:willows

Proxy Host: Specifies the IP address of the proxy to use for the entire client. The proxy does not have to be in TRiBot's proxy manager. This argument is required to use a proxy. 


Proxy Port: Specifies the port to use to connect to the proxy. This argument is required to use a proxy. 

--proxyport 1080

Proxy Username: Specifies the username of the proxy to use. This is only required if you're using an authenticated proxy. 

--proxyusername TRiBot

Proxy Password: Specifies the password of the proxy to use. This is only required if you're using an authenticated proxy. 

--proxypassword proxyPassword

Mem: Specifies the heap size the client will use. This can be left out, and the client will default to your previously selected heap size. 

--mem 512

SID: Specifies the SID of the TRiBot account you want to bot on. This can be left out, and the client will use the SID from the last account to log in to TRiBot on your computer. 

--sid 18fh931fyon38fasnd9sndpadns9dm7ba73tr

Break Profile: Specifies the name of the break profile you would like your bot to use. The break profile must be created in TRiBot before you can use the argument. 

--breakprofile "Test Break Profile"

LG Path: The full file path to the client you want to use with Looking Glass. In most cases this will be the path to the OpenOSRS.jar. If you're not using Looking Glass do not include this argument. 

--lgpath "C:\Users\User\Downloads\OpenOSRS.jar"

LG Delay: The number of seconds to wait after launching your external client before launching TRiBot. That way if the external client has a longer load time you can ensure the client is loaded before TRiBot tries to find it. 

--lgdelay 10

LG Args: A list of arguments to pass to your external client. This list is strictly optional, but some clients do require extra arguments in order to launch correctly. 

--lgargs "\-\-stable"

Minimize: Minimize/iconify the TRiBot client after it has been opened.



  • Does the order of the arguments matter?
    No, you can write the arguments in any order you choose. As long as the arguments are written in the proper format, the client will handle them.
  • Do I need to supply all the arguments?
    No, most arguments can be left out! You only need to supply the arguments specified with the required tag.
  • Is there a full example I can look at of what it might look like with all the arguments?
    There sure is! 
    java -jar tribot-splash.jar --username "Tutorial" --password "my_password_123" --charusername "[email protected]" --charpassword "botting_password" --charpin "1234" --charworld "393" --script "Delta Woodcutter" --scriptargs "location:rimmington,tree:willows" --proxyhost "" --proxyport "1080" --proxyusername "Proxy Username" --proxypassword "secretProxyPassword7" --mem 386 --breakprofile "TRiBot Best Breaks" --lgpath "C:\Users\Tutorial\Downloads\OpenOSRS.jar"  --lgdelay 10 --lgargs "\-\-stable"


Edited by Naton
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for this guide! However it's not launching for me. Can you explain what the tribot-splash.jar is? I think that might be the issue since my launcher is just called tribot

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