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nHunter [Box Traps] [Net Traps] [Bird Snares] [Customization] [Black Chins/Salamanders] [ABC2] [Muling] [400B+ Total Profit/80B+ Total Exp]


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7 minutes ago, balvons said:

could you please make it so it doesn't activate anti pk when script user logs in? because i am getting tired of writing new names in the ignore list.  thank you

I've added in a few additional failsafes to try and prevent anti-pk from triggering when the game is loading via log in and the local player stored in the client is not updated yet

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3 minutes ago, Naton said:

I've added in a few additional failsafes to try and prevent anti-pk from triggering when the game is loading via log in and the local player stored in the client is not updated yet

so i dont have to write names to ignore list anymore?

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15 hours ago, osrscoxy said:

is it possible to configure when my bot will take a break? this is the first bot ive ever used to excuse me for not knowing sorry ;-;

You can find the tribot break manager at View -> Break Manager in tribot, then select that break profile when starting a script

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1 minute ago, Dabble said:

Hey great looking script, about to try. Wanted to ask if falconry is supported and if not, do you have any plans to include?

No, it supports box traps, net traps, and bird snares. I don't currently have any plans to add it but that could change in the future.

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Just bought this, using it for net trapping currently. Works well. Only lost 1 net in a 2 hour session. How would i go about slowing the mouse movements just a tad? It goes a bit too quickly for me on its default speed. Do i change settings in Tribot or in the bot itself or both?

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1 minute ago, briareos2285 said:

Just bought this, using it for net trapping currently. Works well. Only lost 1 net in a 2 hour session. How would i go about slowing the mouse movements just a tad? It goes a bit too quickly for me on its default speed. Do i change settings in Tribot or in the bot itself or both?

You can find options to change the mouse speed at Advanced Preferences -> Basic Controls

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3 minutes ago, zeraygun said:

@Naton do I have to have tribot prem to use this bot 

Tribot prem? Do you mean VIP? If so, as with all premium scripts on tribot, you can run a single instance without VIP if you purchase the script I believe.

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Just now, simongek said:

For some reason it says something wrong with inventory once i go to black salamanders. But i use the same inventory as if i did red salamanders u know whats up?

Check out the section on the original post in the forums thread on "wilderness hunting", this should explain what is needed

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Just now, Naton said:

Check out the section on the original post in the forums thread on "wilderness hunting", this should explain what is needed

sorry where can i find it? on the forums itself? i went throug the options on youre script

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