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cChompy Killer


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey There, Awesome script.

i was using it the other day then there was an RS update now it seems to be broken - ive cleared hooks etc.
I'm also at the location where you hunt the birds.

Ive tried setting up @ CW too. 

  • [16:08:42] Script Started: cChompyBirdKiller.
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:42] [Info] [CassScript]: Populating initial skills xp HashMap
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:43] [Info] [CassScript] Mouse speed is 254
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:43] [Info] Inflating bellows
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:43] [Info] Going to drop tile
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:43] [Info] [PathingUtil] Global Walking V2 - Worldtile: (2332, 3057, 0)
  • ForegroundColor[255,136,0][16:08:44] [Warn] [PathingUtil] GlobalWalking failed to generate a path from (2393, 3045, 0) to (2332, 3057, 0)
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:44] [Info] [Listeners] Kills: 1
  • ForegroundColor[255,136,0][16:08:47] [Warn] [PathingUtil] GlobalWalking failed to generate a path from (2393, 3045, 0) to (2332, 3057, 0)
  • ForegroundColor[255,136,0][16:08:49] [Warn] [PathingUtil] GlobalWalking failed to generate a path from (2393, 3045, 0) to (2332, 3057, 0)
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:51] [Info] Inflating bellows
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:51] [Info] Going to drop tile
  • ForegroundColor[42,159,214][16:08:51] [Info] [PathingUtil] Global Walking V2 - Worldtile: (2333, 3056, 0)
  • ForegroundColor[255,136,0][16:08:52] [Warn] [PathingUtil] GlobalWalking failed to generate a path from (2393, 3045, 0) to (2333, 3056, 0)
  • ForegroundColor[255,136,0][16:08:54] [Warn] [PathingUtil] GlobalWalking failed to generate a path from (2393, 3045, 0) to (2333, 3056, 0)

Seems to be related to DAXWalker. but im no coder. Thanks anyway!


Also The GUI K/C was inaccurate. but thats not a real issue. 

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first off... much appreciate the free script, love it.


It seems the pathing is big issue, like guy above me posted. seems to get stuck occassionally. definitley have to run it while monitoring it. could you please look at it

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