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  1. Today
  2. It also doesn't run far enough away from Ardougne Knights if it aggros them from stealing at the stalls. Re-aggros when it runs back in, runs away again, runs back in, re-aggros, runs away again, again not far enough, etc etc. Until the character dies.
  3. I have a few concerns with this bot, it's honestly quite buggy, not sure if it hasn't been updated in a while, Progressive scaling for some reason afk idled at Al-Kharid once it reached the required level to pickpocket warriors, in fact it doesn't pickpocket them at all, even after resetting tribot. It afk idled at North Ardougne when it couldn't find a farmer to pickpocket, It literally ran around from farmer to farmer when i set it to pickpocket farmers at lumbridge chicken pen, i mean it would actually pickpocket one farmer, just once and then run around the map to locate another one to do the exact same thing, so on and so forth. I set it to thieve at the cake stall hoping that would be less buggy, it does this odd thing where it'll thieve from the stall then run the mouse to the top left corner of the screen, constantly, same with with the tea stall, i mean that in and of itself is not a natural human like mouse movement, it's easy for them to detect a bad script when it does things like this. I don't know, this seems like the sort of script that will send most accounts straight to Jagex Black Hole with no disk of returning, this script needs serious attention and some actual fine tuning. Please respond to this message ASAP. and before you ask me send you bot data, turn it on yourself for 5 seconds and you'll see for yourself, not happy at all.
  4. hey jamie, can we please make this use house teleports? as i have all the portals in my house for farm runs otherwise i just bought this for no reason as its an ironman and dont want to make glories and camelot teletabs when i have it all in my house
  5. Yesterday
  6. Do you have the Diary Completed to be allowed to cook there? That's what it's checking for Edit: Spotted the issue, should be resolved - I recommend firing me a ticket in the Discord for quicker support 🙂 Deadman worlds should already be disabled 🙂 Did it perhaps miss-click? Some debug would be appreciated! I'll sort the thread link - thanks!
  7. Hey Dentist, Looks like the script is checking for a divine rune pouch and stopping if only a regular rune pouch is found. Is it possible to revert back to regular runepouch compatability? Hard to get a divine runepouch on the midagme iron. Cheers
  8. Last week
  9. default... and previously I always used them like this
  10. Will there be any future in a mobile version for Android phones to be able to bot. Not many bots in that space currently. Could be a great opportunity
  11. what is your loot value set to ?
  12. To be honest, the change to Runelite cloak should of been done a long time ago. There shouldn't be any different risks than what there is now which in general, you're botting in a game that doesn't allow it, assuming Nullable implements the cloak correctly which I'm sure he will.
  13. No, you were toxic in the general chat, get fucked idiot.
  14. Hello, the script works excellent... only that for a few hours it has been killing the zombies but it doesn't take any drops
  15. Did you get an answer for this? I am having the same problem.
  16. Hi @Ark. Great scripts, used them (almost all) all great. Quick fix; Could you disable the deadman worlds for messhall? Currently it hops to worlds that it cannot play on, and script gets stuck. Second quick fix: The starting GUI > View script thread has a wrong link. Thanks for the great scripts, hope to see the quickfixes 🙂 Have a nice day!
  17. > Tribot does not use the Legacy Java Client @NullableCould you help me understand what Jagex means by making it harder for cheaters that use the legacy java client for botting/nefarious stuff? Does this mean that other clients hook directly into the Java Legacy Client for botting that these would automatically get removed due to the client not functioning? It also sounded as if anyone masking themselves as the legacy client would get flagged immediately, which would also include tribot users in this case? Sorry if my questions don't make sense. Maybe ELI5 how much downtime would tribot require and why or whether you see any additional risks after this change?
  18. Version 1.030 Released: Fixes Lunar NPC Contact Fixes Ring of dueling interaction text Optimizes imbue related activities that take place within the fire ruins for the lava rune method Version 1.031 Released: Optimizes pouch emptying and crafting at altars across numerous Runecrafting methods Enjoy, Warfront1
  19. Tribot does not use the Legacy Java Client, but we make sure we "look" like it. We'll switch over to doing the same for Runelite.
  20. How does someone set up a game for it to continuously run for a long time when just starting out in nmz? My character keeps dying and not using prayer pots but uses protections until he’s dead.
  21. OSRS just posted on their youtube channel a few updates one of which mentioned that the Legacy Java Client will be discontinued in the near future as it's mainly used for malicious purposes. Since Tribot is running on the legacy client and is imitating it from the jagex servers' perspective - I was wondering what this means for tribot and it's future. Maybe some of the devs could comment on this?
  22. Hi all, After todays update I get the following message when I try to login “failed to login, please try again later”. this is the same for all 3 of my accounts. all 3 accounts have no offences registered. I’ve tried reinstalling the jagex client, runelite and Tribot. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone know what is going on and how I get this fixed? thanks!
  23. If you have used the script without any issues but suddenly you cannot see it in your scripts, it might be that the 1 month purchase has run out. Otherwise it could be a connection issue. Try restarting tribot if it could be a connection issue (if you can't see any other public scripts). Please check the following if what I said above doesn't apply: 1. Check your order history and user overview to see if the script shows up there: > Order History - TRiBot > User Overview - TRiBot 2. Make sure you are using the same account you used to purchase the script when you login to tribot. 3. If you bought the script using crypto it might take some time for the purchase to go through 4. Make a support ticket here: Support Tickets - Tribot Community > Make sure to include your order information in the ticket. Order number and script name at least.
  24. Hi, I can't see the script under the 'tools' script heading. Have I somehow deactivated it?
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