Welcome to Optimus AIO Combat & Magic!
1. Description
2. Combat Overview 2.1 What Can the Script Kill
2.2 Core Combat 2.3 Looting 2.4 Banking 2.5 Progressive Training 2.6 Worldhopping
3. Magic Overview 3.1 Regular Spellbook 3.2 Ancient Spellbook 3.3 Lunar Spellbook 3.4 Combo Alching
4. Purchase Info 4.1 Packages
5. Testimonials
6. Gallery
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1. Description: Optimus AIO Combat & Magic is a script engineered to safely train up your Combat, Magic and Slayer skills using nearly every training method available in the game.
Using ABC2 technology and thousands of hours of real human playing data, the script now out-performs most human players, while also avoiding bot-detection and staying under the radar from Jagex.
2. Combat Overview:
2.1 What Can the Script Kill?:
The script is capable of killing every monster in the game, below are some noteworthy opponents:
Dragons - Including Green, Blue, Red, Black, Brutal, Adamant& Rune dragons - Amazing for goldfarming or training up your account.
Slayer monsters - Dark Beasts, Cave Krakens, Abyssal Demons, Drakes, Spiritual Mages/Warriors, Wyverns, Nechryaels, Gargoyles, Dust Devils & everything below. It will automatically use the required slayer items for finishing.
Crabs - The script can kill ALL types of crabs: Rock, Sand, Swamp and Ammonite crabs! are all supported. The script will reset the aggressiveness when they stop waking up.
Experiments - Insane XP for pures.
Yaks - Insane XP for mains.
Chaos druids - Good goldfarming for medium level accounts.
All wilderness monsters - Good for farming emblems & wildy slayer.
Dagannoths - Insane XP, I recommend bringing a cannon for maximum gains.
Nightmare Zone Bosses - The script can kill all bosses inside NMZ and drink all the potions. It will end once the dream is complete.
Stronghold of Security and other dungeons - The script supports all of these locations.
Plus 1000's of other monsters - Literally anything you can think of, some people even use it for KBD.
2.2 Core Combat:
Below are some of the core features that make the script so powerful. Using the features mentioned below the script can perform just as good as any player.
Custom fight areas - You can specify exactly where in the game you want the script to fight. Either with a polygon or a circle. Below is an example of a polygon fight area.
Dwarf multicannon - The script will place, reload, pickup and stop your cannon decaying.
Prayer - The script can use all prayers, including quick prayer, and even recharge your prayer at nearby altars.
Potions - Including Divine, Extended, Super, Regular, Energy, Stamina & NMZ potions.
Special Attacks - Supports every special attack weapon in the game, including weapon switching.
Guthans - The script can switch to Guthan's to heal, then switch back to your primary gear once hp is recovered.
Resetting Aggressiveness - The script can detect when monsters stop being aggressive towards you, and run away to reset the aggro.
Food - It can eat every type of food in the game. Even multiple types of food, simply seperate their names with a comma E.G Lobster, Swordfish.
Bones to peaches - The script efficiently uses Bones to peach tablets if you've got them in your inventory.
Safe spotting - Safely train combat from a distance without taking any damage.
Uses slayer items to finish kills - Bags of salt, ice coolers, rock hammer etc. Detects if you've unlocked the slayer ability to auto-kill.
Bone burrying - Train up your prayer!
2.3 Looting:
Looting by item name or ID - Simple to setup
Looting by item price - E.G Loot all items over 500gp - Fetches prices from the Runescape grand exchange.
Telekinetic grab support - For those hard to reach places.
High alching - Turn your loot into gold while you train!
Pickup and re-equip ammo - Supports all ammo types.
Ironman looting - The script will automatically detect if you're an Ironman, and loot accordingly.
Looting bag & Herb sack - The script will automatically use them if you're carrying one.
Accurate profit calculations - Track your gains on screen or with your dynamic signature.
2.4 Banking:
Supports every bank in the game - Can use every bank chest / booth / banker in RS.
Fully customisable inventory setups.
Tip 1: When withdrawing potions or charged jewellery, you can type (*) Instead of the dose number and it will withdraw whatever dose is highest in the bank.
For example Ring of duelling(*).
Tip 2: You can also type 0 as the quantity, and it will withdraw-all of the item instead of a specific quantity. For example these settings would make it withdraw all of your cannonballs, then fill your inventory with lobsters.
Supports all Teleports - The script can use all teleport methods including Spells, Tabs, Jewelery & Scrolls + more.
Will bank for multiple conditions:
- Hp is below a set %.
- Inventory is full.
- Out of food.
- Out of runes.
- Out of ammo.
- Out of all potions.
- Out of prayer potions.
- Out of antifire potions.
- Out of cannonballs.
- Before a break starts.
- When your slayer task is complete.
Heals to full HP at the bank - To save food during your trip, it'll heal up in the bank.
Logs out when you're out of supplies.
2.5 Progressive training:
The script can do the following when you level up, or after x amount of time:
Upgrade equipment - E.g upgrade to Rune scimitar when you reach 40 attack.
Change attack styles - E.g switch to Strength training after you reach 40 attack
Change training method / location - The script can completely switch training methods, e.g Rock crabs to 60 strength, then go train magic to 70 alching, then switch back to Chaos druids after an hour. All without stopping the script.
2.6 Worldhopping:
The script uses both the ingame worldhopper and login screen worldhopper to find the ideal training spot. Note: All of these settings are optional.
Supports F2P, Members & DMM worlds - It will automatically detect which you're in, and select worlds accordingly.
Worldhop when x players in your area - The script can count how many players are around and worldhop if it gets too busy.
Worldhop when there's a cannon in your spot - To avoid reduced XP / GP rates.
Worldhop when there's a Jagex Moderator nearby - A safety precaution.
Worldhop when the break handler activated - So someone doesn't see you training for prolong periods of time.
Worldhop when someone talks in your area.
3. Magic Overview:
The script can train with pretty much every training method available, from Air strike to Ice barrage, it's all supported.
(The script can also loot, use cannon etc while using non-combat methods). 3.1 Regular Spellbook
The script can use the following regular spellbook spells, both in combat & out of combat.
Strike spells
Bolt spells
Blast spells
Surge spells
Enchant jewelry spells
Superheat items
Enchant crossbow bolt spells
Curse spells
Alchemy spells
Teleport spells
3.2 Ancient Spellbook
The script can use the following ancient spellbook spells.
All rush spells
All burst spells
All blitz spells
All barrage spells
3.3 Lunar Spellbook
The script can traing using the following lunar spellbook spells.
Superglass Make
Tan Leather
Plank Make
Spin Flax
String Jewelry
3.4 Combo Alching
The script can also Combo alch, meaning it will cast the high alchemy spell after using another spell to recieve rapid XP.
It can combo alch with the following spells:
Combat / Alch - E.G Fire surge & Alch at the same time
Curse / Alch - From curse up to stun it's all supported. Earn up to 180K XP/Hour
Teleport / Alch - Very fast XP.
4. Purchase info and script trial info:
$6 Package: Instance count: 1 Duration: 1 month
Note: Bulk discounts are available for goldfarmers, please contact me via my discord in signature and we can work out a price .
All packages include:
VIP is not required to run the script
The ability to train all of combat and magic effortlessly and safely for the duration of your subscription.
Complete customer support via discord and the TRiBot forums
Click the image below to view the script on the TRiBot Shop.
5. Testimonials:
6. Gallery:
Killing 15,000 abyssal demons and getting over 26 whips on one account.