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Dentist last won the day on November 17

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Tribot Lord

Tribot Lord (12/14)

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  1. it do collect it from the guy when it dies do u have debugs when the error happened ?
  2. can u try it on tribot X it shouldnt happen there
  3. Dentist


    u cant for now u need rune pouch as it say under auto castable spells i will add support to bring runes instead soon
  4. Dentist


    are u using the auto case spells ?
  5. for SOTE we use phoenix amulet method so we need ( hunter cross bow and kebbit long bolts ) and u need trident in the gear profile u can open ticket in my discord for faster answer btw
  6. i will add some improvements to vorkath fight today
  7. Dentist


    G.Duke Script Store Link Requirements: - Desert treasure 2 quest finished Recommended: - +80s melees - Thralls - +76 Crafting and +81 Magic to be able to craft the ring it is ( 65 m ) currently ( Highly recommended ) - Good melee gear - Spec weapon Features: - Super easy to use GUI - Restocking - Mule - Buying and filling runepouch for thralls - Restocking rings and charging it - Huge anti-profile each account will play in diff way than the other - Multiple banking options - Crafting ring and selling it
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