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Encoded last won the day on May 25

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  1. Max is 20 at this time
  2. Script is working from what I saw in my testing. If there is a specific location that isn't working please let me know.
  3. Script has been updated. You also can now bring any rune combination including rune pouches for humidify.
  4. I'll be able to look into it tomorrow
  5. Added. Let me know if you have any issues with it.
  6. If the GUI doesn't give you the option to drop them then no there isn't. I also do not recommend fishing tuna/swordfish for xp, even in f2p.
  7. Can you take a screenshot of your GUI settings and where it is clicking? I just verified none of the widgets have changed.
  8. Making orbs no problem for me. Make sure you fill out the GUI. You need to make sure you add the task before hitting Start.
  9. Yes, here's a progress report from today
  10. I'll check it out, but in the mean time if you would like a refund you can open a support ticket
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