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Encoded last won the day on September 12

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Tribot God

Tribot God (14/14)

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  1. Got the off hand version added, should be working now.
  2. Making and using rejuvenation potions is now supported! You no longer need to have food if you have herblore unlocked! Currently requires herblore to be unlocked, future support to use the NPC to create the potions will be added if there are enough requests for that feature. Type "Rejuvenation" with a capital R for the food name to use Rejuvenation potions Alternatively, select the new Use Rejuvenation Potions checkbox
  3. I believe it should work unless the item id changed. I haven't gotten a torch yet on my active account.
  4. Script has been updated for today's wintertodt changes. Make sure you update your GUI settings! Heal at Hitpoints has been changed to Heal at Warmth %
  5. I've never had an issue with cakes
  6. When the new update goes live, Heal at Hitpoints option in the GUI will become Warmth Percentage to Heal At. Note that the label will not be changed immediately. There is a chance the script may not work when the update goes live so do not bot on a HCIM until you have verified it works.
  7. That shows you eating at 7 +/-6 so there is a possibility you wouldn't eat until you are 1 hp.
  8. Post your GUI settings, most likely due to your eat at setting.
  9. Sorry it isn't working for you. You can open a support ticket and request a refund.
  10. Max is 20 at this time
  11. Script is working from what I saw in my testing. If there is a specific location that isn't working please let me know.
  12. Script has been updated. You also can now bring any rune combination including rune pouches for humidify.
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