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  1. I use a Mac, intel chip, if it matters, and am looking for any guidance on how to configure the Tribot client. It's been a while since I've used it and there appear to be a lot of new settings. I don't want to misstep, so if there are any guides or someone can share a screenshot of their settings that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  2. Is there a guide anywhere for the optimal MacOS setup process of the tribot client? Again, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I would like to use this script on a Mac and can't find any config/setup guidance.
  3. Are any other purchases required to run your script other than the script? I was on Tribot long ago and remember they wen through a change where you had to subscribe to the client for a monthly cost + the script cost. Or they did away with lifetime scripts or both. Just want to understand current state before jumping back in, potentially. Apologies if this is the incorrect place to ask.
  4. Any chance Hallowed Sepulchre or Prifddinas Agility Course get added?
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