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Liam's Introduction


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I was called "Liam." on the old TRiBot forums.

I joined TRiBot in 2013 and wrote a few scripts and sold proxies for awhile. I was given the rank of scripter on a different client, so I moved to there until 2017. I've been out the scene since late 2017.

I'm a software engineer full-time but quitting my full-time gig in February and pursuing some other projects.

I have an archive of old scripts I've wrote that might be of use to people on TRiBot, I will try to dig up some of my original scripts published here because I know they were still in use 5+ years later by a good number of people.

I'm taking new script requests if you have an account for testing and a method you'd like me to make a script for. 

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

welcome buddy i also joined in 2013 wish i could get a name change for myself lol.... but sometimes old scripts can be refreshed and reworked to something great . a lot of the scripts today are copied from others. maybe your old stuff is original 🙂 


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