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Can Jagex differ bteween RuneLite and the official client?

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Hey everyone. I'm curious since I know Looking Glass is currently not working, and I normally play with RuneLite on this account that I sometimes bot with. I assume it would be suspicious/red flag if Jagex notices I'm switching between clients; can they differ between what client is being used?

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Not perfectly. Their data isn't good enough to fully determine anything like that. Their "3rd party client" detection is a lot less reliable than people think.

Tribot automatically ensures your account has a particular random.dat UUID for each account. To Jagex it will basically be like you're using a different machine when you bot, which makes any differences in client parameters seem reasonable. 


Of course, client detection is not Jagex's primary factor for detection. They mostly use player behavior. I highly recommend reading the post about what we know about bans in the Premium section of this forum to learn more. As an absolute rule, botting always carries some risk.

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I noticed in "Settings" there's an option called "Cloaked Client" which can be set to either vanilla client or RuneLite, guess that solves my problem. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/30/2024 at 10:40 PM, Nullable said:

Not perfectly. Their data isn't good enough to fully determine anything like that. Their "3rd party client" detection is a lot less reliable than people think.

Tribot automatically ensures your account has a particular random.dat UUID for each account. To Jagex it will basically be like you're using a different machine when you bot, which makes any differences in client parameters seem reasonable. 


Of course, client detection is not Jagex's primary factor for detection. They mostly use player behavior. I highly recommend reading the post about what we know about bans in the Premium section of this forum to learn more. As an absolute rule, botting always carries some risk.

I appreciate the work you put into the client but please consider fixing looking glass, its a must bro. Botted 90 agility within two weeks hours a day without any ban with LG.

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