Dibes 1 Posted September 29 Share Posted September 29 (edited) Here is a simple Kotlin experience tracking system that lets you register for new skills that have gained XP. Also provides several useful calculations and accounts for XP/hr only with active time on the skill! You can tweak the inactivity timer by changing the `inactivityThreshold` in the ExperienceTracker Usage // Declare once in the root on your main script class YourScript : TribotScript { private val experienceTracker = ExperienceTracker() override fun execute(args: String) { experienceTracker.addNewSkillListener { skill -> Log.info("Trying to track ${skill.name}") } experienceTracker.addActivityStatusListener(skill) { isInactive -> Log.info("Your ${skill.name} is $isInactive") } // Your loop here scriptLoop { experienceTracker.update() } } } Library package scripts import java.time.Instant import org.tribot.script.sdk.Skill class ExperienceTracker { private val skillTrackers = mutableMapOf<Skill, SkillTracker>() private var lastUpdateTime: Instant = Instant.now() private val newSkillListeners = mutableListOf<(Skill) -> Unit>() private val inactivityThreshold: Long = 60 * 3 private val activityStatusListeners = mutableMapOf<Skill, MutableList<(Boolean) -> Unit>>() fun update() { val currentTime = Instant.now() Skill.values().forEach { skill -> val currentXp = skill.getXp() val tracker = skillTrackers.getOrPut(skill) { SkillTracker(skill, currentXp, currentTime) } val hasGainedXp = tracker.update(currentXp, currentTime) // Notify listeners when a new skill is tracked and has gained XP if (hasGainedXp && tracker.isNewlyTracked) { newSkillListeners.forEach { listener -> listener(skill) } tracker.isNewlyTracked = false } // Check for inactivity status change and notify listeners val wasInactive = tracker.wasInactive val isNowInactive = tracker.isInactive(currentTime) if (wasInactive != isNowInactive) { tracker.wasInactive = isNowInactive activityStatusListeners[skill]?.forEach { it(isNowInactive) } } } lastUpdateTime = currentTime } fun getChangedSkills(): List<Skill> { return skillTrackers.values.filter { it.hasChanged() }.map { it.skill } } fun getSkillStats(skill: Skill): SkillStats? { return skillTrackers[skill]?.getStats() } fun getXpToNextLevel(skill: Skill): Int? { return skill.currentXpToNextLevel } fun getTimeToNextLevel(skill: Skill): Double? { val tracker = skillTrackers[skill] ?: return null val stats = tracker.getStats() val xpToNextLevel = skill.currentXpToNextLevel return if (stats.xpPerHour > 0) { val activeTime = stats.activeTimeInSeconds if (activeTime > 0) { (xpToNextLevel / (stats.totalChange.toDouble() / activeTime)) // Calculate time in seconds } else { null } } else { null } } fun isSkillInactive(skill: Skill): Boolean { return skillTrackers[skill]?.isInactive(Instant.now()) ?: false } private inner class SkillTracker(val skill: Skill, initialXp: Int, initialTime: Instant) { private var startXp: Int = initialXp private var lastXp: Int = initialXp private var currentXp: Int = initialXp private var startTime: Instant = initialTime private var startLevel: Int = skill.getCurrentLevel() private var currentLevel: Int = startLevel private var levelsGained: Int = 0 private var lastActiveTime: Instant = initialTime private var xpHistory: MutableList<Pair<Instant, Int>> = mutableListOf() var isNewlyTracked: Boolean = true var wasInactive: Boolean = false fun update(newXp: Int, currentTime: Instant): Boolean { val hasGainedXp = newXp > currentXp if (hasGainedXp) { lastXp = currentXp currentXp = newXp val newLevel = skill.getCurrentLevel() if (newLevel > currentLevel) { levelsGained += newLevel - currentLevel currentLevel = newLevel } wasInactive = isInactive(currentTime) lastActiveTime = currentTime xpHistory.add(currentTime to newXp) // Keep only the last hour of data xpHistory = xpHistory .dropWhile { it.first.isBefore(currentTime.minusSeconds(3600)) } .toMutableList() } return hasGainedXp } fun isInactive(currentTime: Instant): Boolean { return java.time.Duration.between(lastActiveTime, currentTime).seconds > inactivityThreshold } fun hasChanged(): Boolean = currentXp != lastXp fun getStats(): SkillStats { val totalChange = currentXp - startXp val recentChange = currentXp - lastXp val activeTime = calculateActiveTime() val xpPerHour = if (activeTime > 0) { totalChange.toDouble() / activeTime * 3600 } else { 0.0 } return SkillStats( skill = skill, totalChange = totalChange, recentChange = recentChange, xpPerHour = xpPerHour, xpHistory = xpHistory.toList(), isInactive = isInactive(Instant.now()), activeTimeInSeconds = activeTime, levelsGained = levelsGained) } private fun calculateActiveTime(): Long { var activeTime = 0L var lastXpTime = startTime for ((time, _) in xpHistory) { val timeSinceLastXp = java.time.Duration.between(lastXpTime, time).seconds activeTime += minOf(timeSinceLastXp, inactivityThreshold) lastXpTime = time } val timeSinceLastXp = java.time.Duration.between(lastXpTime, Instant.now()).seconds activeTime += minOf(timeSinceLastXp, inactivityThreshold) return activeTime } } data class SkillStats( val skill: Skill, val totalChange: Int, val recentChange: Int, val xpPerHour: Double, val xpHistory: List<Pair<Instant, Int>>, val isInactive: Boolean, val activeTimeInSeconds: Long, val levelsGained: Int ) fun addNewSkillListener(listener: (Skill) -> Unit) { newSkillListeners.add(listener) } fun removeNewSkillListener(listener: (Skill) -> Unit) { newSkillListeners.remove(listener) } fun addActivityStatusListener(skill: Skill, listener: (Boolean) -> Unit) { activityStatusListeners.getOrPut(skill) { mutableListOf() }.add(listener) } fun removeActivityStatusListener(skill: Skill, listener: (Boolean) -> Unit) { activityStatusListeners[skill]?.remove(listener) } } Edited September 29 by Dibes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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