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Probability Based Code Execution


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To allow for more randomisation throughout my scripts, I've implemented a how I like to call it, Lottery helper. It's a rather simple re-usable Singleton, which allows for lambda code execution, if a given probability is achieved. 

For this, I've created the following Singleton:

package scripts.utils.antiban

import scripts.utils.Logger
import kotlin.random.Random

 * Utility class to randomize certain actions on a probability(%) basis.
object Lottery {
    var logger: Logger? = null

    fun initLogger(log: Logger) {
        this.logger = log

     * Pass through a probability and lambda to execute, if our case is within the probability threshold
    fun execute(probability: Double, action: () -> Unit) {
        val won: Boolean = shouldExecute(probability)

        if (won) {
            this.logger?.info("[Lottery/Antiban] - Executing randomized action")

     * Probability refers to the rough percentage % this action will be executed on
    private fun shouldExecute(probability: Double): Boolean {
        require(probability in 0.0..1.0) { "Probability must be between 0.0 and 1.0" }

        val diceRoll = Random.nextDouble()
        return diceRoll < probability



For example, executing a mini-break every now and then: 

Lottery.execute(0.16) {


Or, to better demonstrate, by running a 1.000 iterations:

fun main() {
    val probabilities = listOf(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9) // Test probabilities from 1% to 90%

    probabilities.forEach { probability ->
        var executedCount = 0
        val totalRuns = 1000 // Run each test 1000 times for a statistical sample

        repeat(totalRuns) {
            Lottery.execute(probability) {
                executedCount++ // Increment if action is executed

        println("Probability: ${(probability * 100).toInt()}% -> Executed: $executedCount times out of $totalRuns")


Which resulted in the following:

Probability: 1% -> Executed: 9 times out of 1000
Probability: 5% -> Executed: 44 times out of 1000
Probability: 10% -> Executed: 97 times out of 1000
Probability: 25% -> Executed: 227 times out of 1000
Probability: 50% -> Executed: 523 times out of 1000
Probability: 75% -> Executed: 733 times out of 1000


Hope this introduction either helped you out or inspired you to create amazing, randomised code!


Edited by WrEcked
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