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  1. Thank you for the update! I don't know the first thing about scripting but this is the only slayer script ive ever come across that works and helps out us Ironmen. May i please ask that can you put in that when we are doing the point boosting method that we can still select the 10th task master by choice? Some of the higher end tasks are still incredibly difficult for my ironman. I'd like to be able to choose the 9 turiel and then 1 for example Vanakka instead of the highest one possible. (By default it chooses the highest possible) I can select Van standalone but the point boosting method would still be more beneficial than just Vannakka selection. Of course this is asking alot im sure but if no, then no big deal i appreciate the though! Best script on this Site hands down.
  2. Hello, so i'm absolutely in love with this script. Especially as an GIM. However, i don't know if this has been brought up before so forgive me if it has but the debug states that i'm missing x1 Tinderbox in my bank which i have plenty in there for Harpie bug swarms. If i take a tinderbox out of my bank manually and put it into the inventory it will stash it and then close script saying i dont have a tinderbox. Any fix for this? Seems to be the only issue i've come across. Thank you so much for this btw! Fixed. I think the script was mistaking a tinderbox for a lit bug lantern. I bought my own and lit it and placed it into inventory and it withdrew it just fine after that and completed task. Just making you aware that it does stop and won't buy it on it's own.
  3. Can this be used with GIM account? I got your chaos druids one and wasnt able to run it because i cant support GE functionality. If there is an option for this, please let me know. I need it just for the bones mainly.
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