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  1. Would really like to know how to make the bot barrage both Dust devils and Abbysal demons, it only does barraging for Nechreals for me. For abbysal demons it goes to the slayer tower and dust devils the smoke dungeon.
  2. How can I make sure the bot goes for the bursting/barraging method for dust devils? In the equipment - barraging tab, the 'use barraging on suitable tasks' is checked, options and potions selected + I have a loadout. It still wants to go to the smoke dungeon to cannon them. I also tried starting with ancients and unchecking the alch option.
  3. I have some more suggestions, I hope they are welcome 🙂 - A toggle option to always use the best combat prayers (I noticed it didn't see gargoyles as a high level task for instance) - An option to choose whether or not to burst certain tasks, like Nechreals
  4. Amazing script, really loving it! I did notice one thing while babysitting it just now. A superior gargoyle for someone else spawned and the bot kept clicking on it repeatedly. Coud you add a failsafe if the message 'That is not your superior creature.' is given, the bot stops trying to kill it? Or having the message 'A superior foe has appeared...' as a requirement to kill the superior? Thanks!
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