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Getting started with Looking Glass!


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What is Looking Glass?

Looking Glass is when TRiBot interacts with OSRS through the use of a 3rd Party Client (as of the 23rd of July, the only supported client is Runelite). This is Premium TRiBot feature.

Why would I want to use Looking Glass?

Some people swear by it's effectiveness at staving off bans. It should be noted that it is purely anecdotal, and many (...many) people have success using the standard TRiBot client.

OK, I'm convinced - how do I get started?

1. You'll first need to get the "All platforms" runelite jar (note: it must be the .jar and not .exe), this can be found on the runelite homepage: https://runelite.net


2. You'll need to open TRiBot

3. If you have previously a Runelite location (and maybe it's wrong - don't worry, we can all make mistakes sometimes 😄) click Client > Reset Runelite Location


4. Click Client > New Client (RuneLite), and then find the .jar file you just downloaded 


It's that easy! Happy botting 🙂




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