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nScripts All-In-One [Convenient nScript Bundles] [Combat] [Skilling] [Money Making] [Ultimate] [All nScripts]


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Introducing nScript All-In-One Bundles — bringing together multiple premium scripts into one convenient package!




nScript All-In-One is a unique offering that bundles together multiple premium automation scripts under one umbrella. Whether you're focusing on combat, skilling, money making, or want the ultimate all-in-one solution, these bundles provide unparalleled value and convenience compared to purchasing each script individually.

Each nScript All-In-One variant includes a curated selection of scripts designed to streamline your gameplay, enhance efficiency, and offer a versatile OSRS botting experience. From training combat stats at Nightmare Zone, to mastering the Blast Furnace, to efficiently flipping items with the Mercher, there's a bundle for every goal.


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Variants & Inclusions

See the corresponding store listing/forums threads for more information on each individual script.

1. Combat Bundle

  • nFighter: Automate fighting npcs for experience and loot
  • nCrab Killer : Automate killing crabs for reliable AFK combat experience
  • nNightmare Zone: Automate the Nightmare Zone minigame for consistent, safe XP gain
  • nMagic: Automate casting spells, from splashing to high-level enchanting

2. Money Making Bundle

  • nBlast Furnace: Profit from high-level smithing with efficient automated runs
  • nHunter: Automate hunting creatures for profit and experience
  • nBlast Mine: Efficiently mine at the blast mine for ores and profit
  • nMercher: Flip items on the Grand Exchange for steady profits
  • nGreen Dragon Killer: Slay green dragons and bank your loot
  • nOrb Charger: Charge air orbs at edgeville dungeon for profit
  • nRestocker: Automate your supply runs and keep your gold farm running efficiently

3. Skilling Bundle

  • nHunter: Hunt creatures for XP and profit
  • nFletcher: Fletch arrows, bows, and other items effortlessly
  • nCrafter: Craft a wide range of items for experience and gold
  • nHerblore: Mix potions at scale for rapid Herblore training
  • nSmither: Automate smithing/smelting for experience and profit
  • nRogues Den: Complete Rogues’ Den runs for rogue equipment
  • nPrayer: Automate burying bones or using altars for quick Prayer XP
  • nCooker: Cook your way to max level, with support for various foods

4. Ultimate Bundle

  • Everything! Every script listed above is included, giving you access to a comprehensive suite of automation tools across combat, skilling, and money making.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are these bundles account builders?
A: These bundles are not account builders. They focus on packaging multiple skill- or activity-specific scripts for better value.

Q: How does this differ from buying each script individually?
A: This provides more value for your money if you want to run multiple nScripts. Each instance allows you to run a single account on any of the scripts in your bundle simultaneously. You can run any of the scripts in that bundle.

Q: Does this support script arguments?
A: Yes! See the script arguments section of this thread.


Script Arguments

You can select the script in the bundle you want by passing the script name - see the table below for the value to pass in. All arguments after the script name are forwarded to the corresponding script. All included scripts support loading settings files using the settings:name argument. Use settings:last to quickly load your last saved configuration.

Example Argument to run nFighter with your last settings: fighter:settings:last

Script Name Argument
nFighter fighter
nNightmare Zone nmz
nHunter hunter
nBlast Furnace blastfurnace
nCrab Killer crabkiller
nRestocker restocker
nMagic magic
nCrafter crafter
nFletcher fletcher
nHerblore herblore
nBlast Mine blastmine
nSmither smither
nRogues Den roguesden
nMercher mercher
nDragon Killer gdk
nPrayer prayer
nCooker cooker
nFiremaker firemaker
nOrb Charger orbcharger


nRestocker Integration

This is available now, but is in active development. Please report any issues.

Build progressive profiles chaining nScripts together based on conditions such as reaching skill levels using the nScripts All-In-One nRestocker integration.

When nRestocker is launched through nScripts All-In-One, a new task is available called 'nScripts All-In-One'. This allows you to run any script in your current bundle without consuming an additional instance (because, you are already running nScripts All-In-One). You can chain together scripts in a simple task list, or customize it with advanced automation in a task tree.

Example use case: Train fletching until level 30, then train crafting until level 20, go to the GE and buy supplies, and then train combat at sand crabs until 50 attack, strength, and defence.

To get started, simply start nScripts All-In-One and select nRestocker. Then configure your task tree with a 'nScripts All-In-One' Task.




Track your progress against other users at http://nscripting.com/highscores/


Bug Reports

If you encounter any issues:

  1. Verify your settings and ensure you meet the script’s requirements.
  2. Provide the client/bot debug logs, accessible via right-clicking the Client Debug/Bot Debug tabs and selecting Copy to Clipboard.
  3. Paste your logs into a service like Pastebin and share the link when reporting issues.
  4. Include details about what went wrong, what you expected, and any screenshots or GIFs if possible.

Support is available through this forums thread, TRiBot PMs, or the support Discord. The more detail you provide, the faster the resolution.


Advanced Preferences

These bundles inherit the advanced customization options from each included script. Hover over any advanced setting for tooltips and instructions. New users are encouraged to start with basic settings before exploring more complex features.

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  • Naton changed the title to nScripts All-In-One [Convenient nScript Bundles] [Combat] [Skilling] [Money Making] [Ultimate] [All nScripts]

New feature has been added!


nRestocker Integration

This is available now, but is in active development. Please report any issues.

Build progressive profiles chaining nScripts together based on conditions such as reaching skill levels using the nScripts All-In-One nRestocker integration.

When nRestocker is launched through nScripts All-In-One, a new task is available called 'nScripts All-In-One'. This allows you to run any script in your current bundle without consuming an additional instance (because, you are already running nScripts All-In-One). You can chain together scripts in a simple task list, or customize it with advanced automation in a task tree.

Example use case: Train fletching until level 30, then train crafting until level 20, go to the GE and buy supplies, and then train combat at sand crabs until 50 attack, strength, and defence.

To get started, simply start nScripts All-In-One and select nRestocker. Then configure your task tree with a 'nScripts All-In-One' Task.


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2 hours ago, blowpopper69 said:

The blast furnace script is not working in this. First script I’ve tried with it, but it just says it can’t find the bank.. I’m at bf bank, on bf world with all the correct items and it’s just stuck.

I will do some testing shortly. Just incase, have you tried restarting your client recently? Also, are you on Tribot X or legacy Tribot?

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37 minutes ago, Naton said:

I will do some testing shortly. Just incase, have you tried restarting your client recently? Also, are you on Tribot X or legacy Tribot?

I've tested and it's working correctly for me. Can you please generate a bug report in the client and send me the zip file for more information?

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It was on the legacy client. I restarted my PC and re loaded  the client, i thought jt was working but jt still gets stuck at bank. I have the x client,  but it stopped working for some reason. I can load the client with any of my accounts on my Jagex account, but when I click login it always says login failed now. So I have to use legacy.  

Edited by blowpopper69
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24 minutes ago, blowpopper69 said:

It was on the legacy client. I restarted my PC and re loaded  the client, i thought jt was working but jt still gets stuck at bank. I have the x client,  but it stopped working for some reason. I can load the client with any of my accounts on my Jagex account, but when I click login it always says login failed now. So I have to use legacy.  

I recommend figuring out the issue with tribot x since the legacy client will be disabled soon. You can join the Tribot discord and explain your problems there and someone can help.


Back to the issue, there is something wrong with your Tribot if it can't find the bank. I just tested on legacy Tribot too and it was working for me. One thing you can try is to clear your cache/hooks using Tribot's bulk launcher. Close all your clients, and try following this: 


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2 hours ago, Andyb said:

I’m having trouble making wines, it does the first few inventory’s fine then seems to forget to bank the wines, then keeps trying to withdraw more grapes and jugs over and over? Thanks andy 

I will test wines shortly, but could you please generate a bug report in Tribot and send me that / or capture a gif of this? Also, are you using Tribot X or legacy Tribot? It may be worth trying this if you are using legacy Tribot: 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Added basic skilling scripts exclusive to nScripts All-In-One: nMiner, nWoodcutter, nFisher, nThiever, and nAgility. These are basic skilling scripts, feel free to offer feedback/feature requests.

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