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  1. @ArkHow do I disable jewelry decanting? The bot is running back and forth between the bank and NPC to decant jewelry when the jewelries can't be decanted.
  2. I'm not sure why the bot is withdrawing only 1 antipoison instead of superanitpoison or antivenom. One antipoison only lasts approximately 5 mins which the bot is constantly banking.
  3. the bot doesn't make super combat potion. I keep getting missing supplies: 269. What item is that? [13:46:39] [nScript] [Session Tracker] Data updated successfully BackgroundColor[255,175,175]ForegroundColor[0,0,0][13:46:39] [nScript] [Important] Script Ended - nHerblore: We do not have enough supplies: 269 [13:46:39] [nScript] [Info] [NewRepoId:220915], thank you for using nHerblore! [13:46:39] Script Ended: nHerblore.
  4. Awesome, I'll try it out later. Does it recognize rune pouch or does the runes need to be inventory?
  5. Do you have an ETA when it will be added? If using ring of endurance, humidify, and with high enough agility you don't need to bank.
  6. The bot was stuck trying to hop to a speed run world. Can you add safe guards to prevent the bot from hopping word that are dangerous or event worlds?
  7. Has humidify been added for Pyramid Agility? It's been a while since I've used the script.
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