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  1. I posted a while ago about this script not doing the boss fight well and it's still the case like a whole year later. It makes zero sense why safeguards are not built into the boss fight to make sure to prioritize minimum HP & prayer so that it doesn't die but finishes the kill. Sometimes it'll run well but a lot of the time it will have a 50% run rate maybe even worse. I'm getting over 45 FPS and 30> ping when running this script. For the most expensive script on tribot you'd think this would be cleaner. It is what is it but I won't ever be purchasing it again.
  2. Joined that discord and tried to find it.... might be buried deep in that discord. Maybe add a different channel with just ReadMe for scripts you've written?
  3. An honest review: This script is well written but has major faults during the boss fight resulting in an overall success rate of probably ~60%-65%. I've been running it on an account with virtually maxed stats and I can see major flaws in the boss fight such as completely prioritizing prayer switching over eating even when health drops below 5-10%. Also running away and trying to time a hit on the boss while health is far below safe thresholds. I think some safety additions into the script during the boss fight would really clean this up and make it a GREAT script. Again, It's worth it regardless of these faults if you are just trying to build shards while AFK and don't want to devote the time. In terms of money making... I'd say with a better success rate it would be a lot better.
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