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aAgility v2 [All rooftops] [Agility Pyramid] [Brimhaven Agility Arena]


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AIO Agility Script for Tribot. Completes agility courses in OSRS Runescape for XP and Marks of Grace.

Make sure you have the normal spellbook enabled. (home teleport is used in course traveling)
Make sure ROOFS ARE TOGGLED OFF in Runescape's settings.

The script can be found from the store:
aAgility AIO - Tribot for OSRS®

- Can bank for energy potions or stamina potions and food. 
- Many optional antiban features that you can enable (afk mode, worldhopping mode etc.)
- Progressive leveling (autoleveling 1-99), which will change courses when you reach the appropriate level. Needs to be enabled!
- You can affect how the script goes through the agility course.

Normal courses:

  • Gnome Course
  • Barbarian Course

Rooftop courses:

  • Draynor Village
  • Al Kharid
  • Varrock
  • Canifis
  • Falador
  • Seers' Village
  • Pollnivneach
  • Rellekka
  • Ardougne

Additional locations: (only in v3, press "aAgility v3" button in the script to access it)

  • Brimhaven Agility Arena
  • Agility Pyramid
  • Prifddinas Course


Autoleveling [PROGRESSIVE LEVELING 1-99]


- Will change course automatically once you reach the required level. Needs to be enabled in settings before it works. Rooftops are automatically enabled. You can disable some rooftop courses if you want.

- Traveling to Ape Atoll is not supported right now since very few people would need that as a feature anyway.

- Will use certain teleport items/tablets/runes when switching courses in the autoleveling mode. Support for amulet of glory, ring of dueling, runes and tablets. Check traveling settings to enable them.

Are you having problems with the script?


Easy way to solve most issues with tribot is to use the built in Tribot tool: (this will delete hooks.dat, jagex cache, lg client related cache etc. for you). Follow this guide to do that: 


You can also try the following:

- Simply restarting your Tribot client can sometimes help too. Also restart your Looking Glass client if you are using Looking Glass. Close all windows of Tribot and then restart it. It's recommended to restart a few times to make sure all hooks get updated, especially after Runescape has updated. Let Runescape load after each restart.

- If you are using Looking Glass with a client that has plugins, please try disabling plugins since some of those could interfere with Tribot's functionality.
You can do the following all in one before restarting your client:

- Try clicking on File ---> Delete Cached Files and restart your Tribot client.

- Try going to litemode in Tribot's settings and restart your Tribot client.

- Disable "Use Hook Storage" setting in Tribot settings.

- Some people have also reported that deleting Jagex Cache manually can fix some issues. Here are steps to delete it: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001441169-How-to-clear-your-cache-


if all else fails, please post a proper bug report:
- Describe the issue properly

- Go to Tools -> Generate Bug Report in your tribot client. Do this when the issue is happening or right after the issue happened to provide the most useful bug report file. Send this .zip file to me.
> You can now send the .zip file directly to me by pressing the "Send to scripter" button. Please send me a message after doing this. This button will only appear when the script is running. Make sure to press this button when the issue is happening or right after. If you are unable to press it when the issue is happening or right after, you can still use it to send me your script settings.


Settings information and help:


AFK mode instructions:


You should use the preset options in the script to make it easier to set it up. Below instructions are for those who want to customize their times even more.


You can choose how many seconds the script will AFK From A to B. By default it's from 0 to 300.

Common: The most common value. It will randomize the AFK time around this number. By default it's 30 seconds.

Variation: How much the common value will vary. By default it's 15 so with the default settings it will vary between 15-45 seconds. This doesn't mean it will always be between 15-45, it just means that it will most of the time be between those values.

Timeout: How long will the script wait minimum before AFKing again. This time will be randomized with the randomly generated seed from your account's name.

Mouse movement: You can choose if you want the script to move its mouse off-screen sometimes/always/never when being AFK.

Even if you have the exact same AFK settings with two different accounts, they will be randomized differently so it will not be exactly the same. The script generates a seed from you account name and will use that to determine the randomization.

The script will disable the login bot until the AFK sleep time ends. This means it will not attempt to login while it's being AFK.

Worldhopping (antiban) mode instruction:


You should use the preset options in the script to make it easier to set it up. Below instructions are for those who want to customize their times even more.


You can choose how often the script will worldhop to another world based on a timer in minutes. Works in the same way as the AFK mode.

From A to B: The script will randomize the value between these numbers so if you want the script to wait at least for an hour until worldhopping, you'll just add 60 - 90, which means from 60 to 90 minutes.

Common: The most common value. It will randomize the worldhop time around this number. By default it's 75 minutes. This value needs to be between the min and max value, otherwise the script might freeze.

Variation: How much the common value will vary. By default it's 10 so with the default settings it will vary between 65-85 minutes. This doesn't mean it will always be between 65-85, it just means that it will most of the time be between those values. The entire variation needs to be in between the min and max value, otherwise the script might freeze.

Even if you have the exact same worldhopping settings with two different accounts, they will be randomized differently so it will not be exactly the same. The script generates a seed from you account name and will use that to determine the randomization.

Action priority:


Here you can select which actions the script will prioritize when doing the course. If first priority is camera rotation, the script will check if it can rotate the camera, if not, it will try the second priority action. You can also choose how common those actions are.

- Disable camera rotation: will disable camera rotation done by the script, but not hover camera action. Tribot's antiban will still rotate the camera occasionally

- Disable screen tile clicking: Will disable clicking on screen tiles (getting a random tile near the next obstacle and clicking on it)

- Disable minimap clicking: Will disable occasional minimap click prioritization. The script will still click on the minimap if it's required or as a failsafe.



Disable hovering delay: Will disable a small delay in the hovering method. It will make the script check for hovering more often.

Disable screen tile hovering: Disables hovering over screen tiles when they are visible but the obstacle is not.
Disable minimap hovering: Will disable hovering over the minimap if the script is going to use minimap to go to the next obstacle.
Disable camera rotation while hovering: Will rotate the camera while still going through the previous obstacle.

Enable faster clicking after hovering: Will make clicking more faster if the script has just hovered.

Enable right-click hovering: Will occasionally or always right-click on the next obstacle and then select the option when it's time to click it.

Alching: (only in v2)


Have the items you want to alch in your inventory. Go to Debug --> Inventory in your Tribot client's menu. This will show IDs for all items in your inventory.

Then go to aAgility's settings. Behavior --> Alching. Input the ID(s) of the item(s) you want to alch into the Item IDs field (in the same format as 0,0,0,0 for example 5648,6678).

Enable "Cast alchemy spell while doing agility" checkbox and any other settings you wish and start the script.

Maximum alchs per obstacle allows you to make the script alch more than once before every obstacle and it's randomized around the number you input. Don't put too high values because the script will alch more or even too much with high values. Max I would put is probably 5. The absolute highest value I would put myself would be 7-8.

Always precast alchemy while in the previous obstacle will always precast alchemy while in the previous obstacle and you can override ABC2 (tribot's antiban), which prevents it from doing it all the time otherwise.

Enable more cast randomization = Doesn't affect the script much. Only affects alching while walking (does it start alching before it start walking more often etc.)



aAgility v3:


aAgility v3 is the next version of aAgility with many improvements. The recorded data part of v3 is still in beta because it has so many variables.

You can access it by clicking on the button that you can see when you start v2.

Brimhaven Agility Arena and Agility Pyramid:
V3 also includes Brimhaven Agility Arena support and Agility Pyramid support. Recording is not and will not be supported in Brimhaven or Agility Pyramid. Both Brimhaven and Agility Pyramid have their own settings that you can find under Customization. Eating and antiban settings for these locations are the same as other courses.

How does recording work?
When you record data for the script to use, it will be used in the decisions and actions the script makes. This doesn't mean it will exactly copy all your actions in the same order or in the same way. It will use your data as a reference and base its actions on it which is also affected by randomization. To record data you simply press the start recording button and start doing the course when the script is recording. The script will record things like delays between actions, hovering, right-click hovering, minimap movement, screen tile movement, camera movement etc. Recorded data usage is constantly being improved and all playstyles might not be supported in the best possible way. Please report issues properly. Things like mouse movement itself and clicking actions are still handled by Tribot.

How much data should I record?
The more data you record, the better. I have disabled restrictions (minimum amount of recorded data) on this for testing purposes but I strongly recommend you to at least record 10 laps of data for each course. There's no way to know how much data you should record exactly, but more is always better.

Can I use v3 without recording data?

Will write more info about possibly unclear settings below when I get around to doing it.

Camera settings:


To help you understand how the angle degrees work etc. you can enable Debug --> Camera in your Tribot client. It will show you the current rotation and by rotating your camera you can see how much it changes.

Max range adjust how much the camera rotation made by the script can differ from your recorded data. If you put it at 30 degrees, your camera rotation can have a maximum randomization of 30 degrees in both directions. Same applies for angles.

Randomization slider adjust how much the common randomization is out of the max range. So if your max range is 30 but your randomization is 50%, it will most of the time randomize the camera rotation about 15 degrees in both directions from the recorded data. Same applies for angles.

Increasing camera rotations means that the script will increase camera rotations between actions. This is useful if you didn't rotate the camera much because the camera was usually at a certain angle but you want it to rotate camera more if the rotation is different from when you recorded. Because the script also records the angles you click the obstacles in, it will be able to use your recorded data to increase camera rotation.

lastv3 = start v3 without GUI using last saved settings
profile:profilename = load that profile and skip GUI


Script arguments:
last = Will use the last saved settings. Skips GUI and starts script right away.
profilename = Will use settings saved in that profile. Skips GUI and starts script right away.


Please report any bugs properly. Don't just say something doesn't work or gets stuck. Explain as much as possible about the problem you are having. Taking a picture of the problem happening and showing it to me always helps too!


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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Shouldn't really be premium, but I guess that'd help keep bans down a lot.
How much time you put into this? Just wondering :P

Need work.

I program HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, and C#.

I can do pretty much anything. Automated webstores, minecraft/rsps servers, websites, etc.

Message me for my Skype.

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does it tele to apeatoll?

Already bought

Agi was one of thefew prems i was missing.

Imo if i were you make Agility free bot only barb + gnome.


6$ is 2-2.5M on 07.


if you can'tget that you shouldn't get to do agility.

Edited by SenorChang
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does it tele to apeatoll?

Already bought

Agi was one of thefew prems i was missing.

Imo if i were you make Agility free bot only barb + gnome.


6$ is 2-2.5M on 07.


if you can'tget that you shouldn't get to do agility.


It doesn't tele to ape atoll but I can add it if you tell me where it teleports your account in Ape Atoll.


About the free version: I will be removing Ape Atoll from the free version soon. Wilderness will stay in it tho.

Edited by Aropupu


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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It teleports you to where the king monkey is, right above the altar where people train on the monkey guards, up those stairs. 


Im at ape atoll now and i have been running fine but now im at 1 lobster and about 4 pineapple slices and my bot stops, i tried restarting bot with custom ID of the pineapple slices and the eat option lobsters but hes not moving. I ran the course and the camera corrected but hes not clicking.


EDIT i changed the way it eats, i have 1 lob left but it quit even though it had pineapples to eat as well. So under the "Eat option" i left it alone and just hit use knife and entered the pineapple ID. Now it works. I guess it stopped because i was low on lobsters even though it picked pineapples and sliced them.

Edited by DroDude
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It teleports you to where the king monkey is, right above the altar where people train on the monkey guards, up those stairs. 


Im at ape atoll now and i have been running fine but now im at 1 lobster and about 4 pineapple slices and my bot stops, i tried restarting bot with custom ID of the pineapple slices and the eat option lobsters but hes not moving. I ran the course and the camera corrected but hes not clicking.


EDIT i changed the way it eats, i have 1 lob left but it quit even though it had pineapples to eat as well. So under the "Eat option" i left it alone and just hit use knife and entered the pineapple ID. Now it works. I guess it stopped because i was low on lobsters even though it picked pineapples and sliced them.


There must be something wrong with the way I coded it. I'll go through the code and find out what's wrong.


EDIT: I forgot to include pineapples in the banking check so that will be fixed soon.


UPDATE: I updated the script to fix pineapples and banking. If you have a knife, the script will no longer attempt to bank unless you are about to die and you have no pineapples.


I also added the Ape Atoll teleport as a method for deathwalking/banking. You have to choose it as the deathwalking method so the script knows to use it while banking too. I have not tested the usage of the teleport myself because I don't have the requirements for it. It should use it properly and I did test that the script can find its way from the monkey in the temple.

Edited by Aropupu


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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There must be something wrong with the way I coded it. I'll go through the code and find out what's wrong.


EDIT: I forgot to include pineapples in the banking check so that will be fixed soon.


UPDATE: I updated the script to fix pineapples and banking. If you have a knife, the script will no longer attempt to bank unless you are about to die and you have no pineapples.


I also added the Ape Atoll teleport as a method for deathwalking/banking. You have to choose it as the deathwalking method so the script knows to use it while banking too. I have not tested the usage of the teleport myself because I don't have the requirements for it. It should use it properly and I did test that the script can find its way from the monkey in the temple.


Awesome, going to let my bot run until it "may" die? lol

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  • 2 weeks later...



Proggy I got on alkharid rooftop :D


Thanks, even though the proggie isn't that long. :)


You are actually using a buggy version of the al kharid course, because the update to fix some issues still hasn't gone through in the repository. I wonder what's wrong with the repository again.


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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Thanks, even though the proggie isn't that long. :)


You are actually using a buggy version of the al kharid course, because the update to fix some issues still hasn't gone through in the repository. I wonder what's wrong with the repository again.


will keep it on as long as I can. :D


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any ETA on seers rooftop :P?


It will be done tomorrow hopefully. I'm going to sleep soon so I'm not going to work on new stuff anymore today.

I can get the courses done quite quickly because I just have to collect certain information from each course etc.


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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It will be done tomorrow hopefully. I'm going to sleep soon so I'm not going to work on new stuff anymore today.

I can get the courses done quite quickly because I just have to collect certain information from each course etc.

okay, thank you =D


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hey looking to buy this script if you could add relekka soon enough, or maybe you could use my account too script the new courses in for the premium script itself :D? (81 agility so i don't have access to the ardougne course to bad)

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Wondering for rooftop does it pick up marks? that would be amazing.


Yes, it should pick them up in all courses.


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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Finished Rellekka today.


Unfortunately I need an account with at least level 90 agility to make it support the Ardougne Rooftop Course. Is anyone willing to lend me an account? It would take like 20-40 minutes (+testing) to code one rooftop course into the script.


My scripts: aTrainer AIO - aMiner - aAgility - aPlunderer [Pyramid Plunder]

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