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nMagic [Regular Spells] [Lunar Spells] [Arceuus Library] [Grand Exchange Restocking] [Progressive System] [Muling] [Customization] [ABC2] [20B+ Exp Gained]


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This bot will train magic with almost all spells in the game. It includes a powerful progression system, and a plethora of customization to create your own playstyle. It can also restock missing spell items (such as runes, alch items, and more), and mule off gold.


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Select the spell you would like to cast, and configure the necessary spell-specific settings (if any)

Start the script near or at where you would like to cast the spell, with supplies to cast the spell



Supplies to cast the specified spell(s), or gold to purchase them through the restocking feature

The necessary magic level to cast each spell



Stun alching
Tele alching
Enchanting bolts
Enchanting jewelry
Lunar spells:
All teleports
Bake pie
Tan leather
String jewelry
Superglass make
Spin flax
Plank make
Grand exchange restocking
Progressive spell changing
Progressive gear changing
Progressive location changing
Progressive purchasing gear from GE
Muling - cash in gold/mule off gold
Custom GE pricing
A ton of other customization options to create your own playstyle







Progress Reports






Track your progress against other users at http://nscripting.com/highscores/magic/



Show off your success with a dynamic forum signature generated just for you!

Find yours at http://nscripting.com/magic/signatures/users/YOUR TRIBOT USERNAME HERE.png


Bug Reports

For the sake of both of our time, please attempt to solve issues on your own first to verify that the issue is not on your end (for example, misconfigured settings).

If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, please reach out to me for assistance. You can obtain assistance through the forums thread, the TRiBot forums private messaging system, or in my support discord.

At the minimum, please provide the debug when reporting an issue. You can obtain the debug by following right clicking the Client Debug/Bot Debug tabs and clicking Copy to Clipboard. You can then paste this to pastebin and give me the link. This will help me to figure out what exactly is happening.

Follow this gif for assistance with obtaining the debug. https://i.imgur.com/JruOAaz.gif

The more information you can provide, the faster the issue is likely to be resolved. A description of the issue (ex. what is happening vs what you think should be happening) is helpful. A gif of the issue is very helpful, but if you can't get that then a screenshot is better than nothing. The debug, as mentioned above, should be provided.


Advanced Preferences

This script contains a plethora of advanced customization. These settings are primarily targeted at more advanced users. It's not recommend to mess around with them until you have some experience with the script. You can hover your mouse over many of the advanced preferences for more information. If there is a specific setting you would like a description of, reach out to me and I'll add a tooltip/improve the existing tooltip to better help you.


Script Arguments

All of my scripts support script arguments in the form


where name is the name of the settings file to load. You can use the special name `last` to load your last settings.




User Testimonials











Things to be aware of

Note that while restocking is supported for all spells, make sure the script can actually reach the grand exchange (by walking), and return to the location without issues (ex. don't use restocking if you're alching in your house)

Make sure that the script is able to return to the location you are casting your spells. If you are using bank standing spells then you don't need to worry as it can continue at the grand exchange. If you are splashing/cursing/stun alching or something where you need to travel back to the location, you must use the progression system and select a location to travel to in the advanced progression settings

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1 minute ago, cre said:

Wasn't this a free script? Was working great!

It was rewritten and a ton of new features were added such as grand exchange support

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Yee haw, congrats on (re?)release! 

Used progressive splashing in the past, worked great! 

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Slightly dropped the prices from what they originally were. If the script gets a lot of users I may raise them back up slightly (although it really wasn't much).

Current prices:

$5.99 for 2 instances per month

$11.99 for 5 instances per month

$19.99 for 10 instances per month

$34.99 for 20 instances per month

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Added a beta version of alching ethereum bracelets

Requirements: Must raise the high alch GP warning above the cost of a bracelet so that it never appears. In the future I may auto recognize this and disable.

For best results, enable escape close bank ingame and enable the fkey option in the GUI. Also increase mouse speed.

I wouldn't run this method on an account you care about.

Profits are probably pretty volatile, and keep in mind the paint doesn't account for +- ge prices, it simply uses market price to calculate profit.


Edited by Naton
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30 minutes ago, PurpleKat69 said:

Trying to stun alch, error loading settings instance: last

Send me the bot debug

I just did a quick test with stun alching and it works fine, make sure that your settings are properly filled out. Don't leave the item ID blank.

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Grats on release! 

I was wondering if this bot supports worldhopping and if so is there a way to adjust logout/response time. E.g.: loging out for pkers when alching in wildy?

Edited by rs06botHein

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3 hours ago, rs06botHein said:

Grats on release! 

I was wondering if this bot supports worldhopping and if so is there a way to adjust logout/response time. E.g.: loging out for pkers when alching in wildy?

Yes it supports world hopping but it really isn't meant to be used in the wilderness so I can't guarantee it will insta-hop

3 hours ago, chrisbla said:

What are the ideal runtimes for this script per day?

I've personally been running it a couple hours a day on my account but I would recommend to not bot on any account you care about because there's always a risk of getting banned.

Edited by Naton
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Hi, bought the script and when splashing fire strike on Monkey it is not doing anything to continue splashing after auto-retaliate stops after 20 minutes. Please could you fix this and add days equivilant to time it takes to fix as thats just what I bought the script for (splashing)




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8 minutes ago, CyberWizard said:

Hi, bought the script and when splashing fire strike on Monkey it is not doing anything to continue splashing after auto-retaliate stops after 20 minutes. Please could you fix this and add days equivilant to time it takes to fix as thats just what I bought the script for (splashing)




Should be fixed now. Haven't tested it yet but I'm going to right now.

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6 hours ago, Lucky_ said:

hey does this script when splashing with breakhandler does it spam click log out or can u take gear off kill spider  or something like that how it work with splashing

It does not support break handler with splashing currently, unless you are safespotting so it can log out

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Hey so it seems mostly fixed, but not completely? Just checked on the bot, and it was idling not attacking, but over the night it was working, so I think shortly after it loses agro the bot takes a while to get it back, can it be made so decently-promptly after agro is lost, the bot re-gains it?

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  • Naton changed the title to nMagic [Regular Spells] [Lunar Spells] [Arceuus Library] [Grand Exchange Restocking] [Progressive System] [Muling] [Customization] [ABC2] [20B+ Exp Gained]

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