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DAQINGREX last won the day on November 4 2023

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  1. Script does not work. GUI doesn't have two tick teaks, forestry doesn't work. Submitted script for a refund.
  2. Thanks for getting back to me, worth noting script works very well. I have noticed that when it implements a tribot break via the inbuilt break manager in the client, if the script is on a cannon task it doesn't pick it up before logging out to break, so when it logs back in it goes to Nudolion for a new one but if the break is shorter than i believe 30mins then the script bugs out as its still in the 'same place you left it'.
  3. @Ark Hi, Could you make fossil island wyverns a dragon ask please, currently set to use general slayer gear. Also is there a reason Dark beasts are not supported? tasks fast only getting 10-20 and can get there using slayer ring if Mournings end pt2 is completed. Is this possible?
  4. @Worthy Is it possible to add slayer staff equip to melee options? Taking bcp of seems unhuman?
  5. @Ark Hi Ark, the Vyre outfit would make banking much easier than tele out when full inv of loot and getting back, minimal time saved so not necessary just QOL, however nobody uses SGS at. Vyre and it looks pretty suspicious as you would just use the altar for pray and the sharks the bot withdraws for food. any word on using POH fairy ring as this is the main update in terms of efficiency and antiban?
  6. @Ark Could you look into adding Vyre outfit for banking at Vyres? Similar to the presets of dragons/ auto gets anti fire? Also I use SGS as spec but spec weapons have no use here, could this option be ignored on task? Also fairy ring in house as option. Script works very well though 🙂
  7. You have to buy more than one instance of the actual script. Has nothing to do with the version of the client you buy.
  8. I believe it works once, but doesn’t repeat if the break handler is set to repeat within the defined parameters. example: break every two hours roughly. Does the first break after two hours however will just continue until 6hour log after that. Edit: worth saying the script is smooth as butter using range however melee has some issues.
  9. @Worthy does this script support tribot’s break handler?
  10. @BegMM2 is not supported, script doesn’t use prayer pots when it’s stacking the monkeys, doesn’t use staminas either. Died from the script not using prayer potions and lost 9m in chins.
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