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A Cooks Tutorial [SDK Scripting Tutorial]


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I felt that Tribot needed a tutorial on how to write a script using the new SDK to assist those who may be trying to learn.

I'm not claiming to be an authority on the best way to do things, I am just hoping to help you get on the right track :) 

I've tried to capture as much as I can in this thread, but even still I have most definitely missed things - if there's anything you'd like to see added or if you have any questions please drop me a message or comment on this thread.




A basic knowledge of java 

Unlike other clients, the Tribot SDK makes use of Optionals so it’s important you have a basic understanding of how Optionals work and how they are different to nullable objects. I recommend checking out this link if you need to get your head around them https://www.baeldung.com/java-optional

I can recommend using the oracle java tutorials at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ or doing the mooc.fi java programming course https://java-programming.mooc.fi/ 

Either Tribot VIP standard or premium

Intellij IDEA


There are a number of scripting frameworks that have been open sourced and are available in the tutorial section of the forums, the options I am aware of are:

Task by Encoded
Node by Worthy
Decision Trees by Nullable
Behaviour Trees (kotlin) by Nullable

The frameworks vary in complexity and some are easier to grasp than others, in the context of beginning scripting I think you should look into each one and decide what is the easiest for you to begin with.

As this is a beginners tutorial, for the sake of simplicity I will be using Encoded’s Task framework.

Important links:
The Docs:


The Gradle Template:

The Query System:


Setting up our environment:


1. Open IntelliJ IDEA 


2. Click File > New > Project from Version Control


3. Paste the URL for the tribot script template in repository URL https://github.com/TribotRS/tribot-script-template


4. Select the directory you want to have your environment setup in (it needs to be an empty directory)


5. Click Clone


6. Wait until the template finishes downloading and click Trust Project if prompted


7. Once all background tasks finish running, click File > Project Structure 


8. On the Project tab, ensure a Java 11 JDK is selected or click the Project SDK dropdown* 


If you do not have a Java 11 JDK downloaded you can download it from this dropdown menu



9. Click Apply


10. Click OK to close the window

11. File > Settings


12. Build, Execution,  Deployment


13. Gradle


14. Ensure the Gradle JVM is set to a Java 11 JDK


15. Click OK to close the window

16. Build your project


Creating a library for our framework


1. Create a directory under libraries named however you like - I will be using "framework"


2. Create a "src" directory under the newly created directory


3. Create a "scripts" directory under the "src" directory


4. Open settings.gradle.kts


5. Add a line: "include("libraries:directoryName")" where directoryname is the name of the directory you created


6. Click the Load Gradle Changes icon


7. Confirm it worked by looking at the directories you created


8. Create the framework files under framework/src/scripts


Create a place for your new script


1. Copy the my-script file and paste it under scripts



2. Create a name for your script, in this example I will use cooks-assistant


3. Open settings.gradle.kts


4. Add the line include(scripts:scriptName) where scriptName is the name of your script


5. Click the Load Gradle Changes icon


6. Confirm that it worked


Add the framework to your new script


1. Go into build.gradle.kts under your script's root directory


2. Add the line: "implementation(project(":libraries:libraryName"))" where libraryName is the name of your library


3. Click the Load Gradle Changes icon


Planning the script


In the interest of doing as much as we can with this exercise, we will be gathering the required items instead of relying on the Grand Exchange for getting them.

It's important to plan a script before you start coding, this helps in reducing the amount of time you spend refactoring and rewriting down the track. 

Lets look at getting an egg:


This should make it fairly clear how we need to handle the task of getting an egg, before we've started actually writing any code

Collecting data


Most scripts are going to need a considerable amount of data gathered, this data is generally stored as a static constant. 

1. I have created a data package under my scripts folder


2. I have created a Constants class in the data package


package scripts.data;

import org.tribot.script.sdk.types.Area;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.types.WorldTile;

public class Constants {
    public static final int EGG = 1944;
    public static final int BUCKET = 1925;
    public static final int BUCKET_OF_MILK = 1927;
    public static final int GRAIN = 1947;
    public static final int POT = 1931;
    public static final int POT_OF_FLOUR = 1933;

    public static final Area COW_PEN = Area.fromRadius(new WorldTile(3258, 3276, 0), 4);
    public static final Area CHICKEN_COOP = Area.fromRadius(new WorldTile(3230, 3298, 0), 2);
    public static final Area BUCKET_AREA = Area.fromRadius(new WorldTile(3228, 3291, 0), 2);
    public static final Area WHEAT_FARM = Area.fromRadius(new WorldTile(3158, 3299, 0), 4);
    public static final Area FLOUR_MILL_TOP = Area.fromRadius(new WorldTile(3166, 3307, 2), 2);
    public static final Area FLOUR_MILL_GROUND = Area.fromRadius(new WorldTile(3166, 3307, 0), 2);
    public static final WorldTile COOKS_KITCHEN = new WorldTile(3209, 3213, 0);

    public static final int FLOUR_BIN_SETTING = 695;

    public static final String[] COOK_DIALOGUE = {"What's wrong?", "Yes."};

Setting up an Enum to handle states


An enum should be used anytime we need to represent a fixed set of constants. An example in the context of this tutorial is an enum type that would have a field for an item id and a method to determine if the inventory contains the item id.

I have created an enum type called Ingredient in the data package of our script.


Using the Lombok annotation @AllArgsConstructor I don't need to worry about creating a constructor

package scripts.data;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Inventory;

public enum Ingredient {
    private int itemID;

    public boolean hasIngredient() {
        return Inventory.contains(this.itemID);

Storing Variables


There are a few ways to go about storing variables that are used by your script.

One of the more common ones is to create a Vars object that is initialised at the start of the script and use that to get and set the values as your script runs.

Here I have created a Vars class under the data package.


I've populated it with commonly used variables, as well as added a CurrentIngredient object which will be used to store the current ingredient being gathered.

package scripts.data;

import lombok.Getter;
import scripts.Ingredient;

public class Vars {

    private boolean isRunning = true;

    private String status = null;
    private Ingredient currentIngredient = null;

    private static Vars instance = new Vars();

    public static Vars get() {
        return instance;


Creating the Gathering Tasks


First I am going to create a package named tasks that sits under my scripts package:


Then I'll make a template task

package scripts.tasks;

import scripts.Priority;
import scripts.Task;

public class TemplateTask implements Task {
    public Priority priority() {
        return Priority.MEDIUM;

    public boolean validate() {
        return false;

    public void execute() {


Next I will copy and paste it 3 times (once for each item to gather):


OK, let's start with the egg task

package scripts.tasks;

import org.tribot.script.sdk.Log;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Waiting;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.query.Query;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.util.TribotRandom;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.walking.GlobalWalking;
import scripts.Priority;
import scripts.Task;
import scripts.data.Constants;
import scripts.data.Ingredient;
import scripts.data.Vars;

public class EggTask implements Task {
    public Priority priority() {
        return Priority.MEDIUM;

    public boolean validate() {
        // We only want to execute this task when the current ingredient is equal to egg AND we do not have an egg in our inventory
        return Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().equals(Ingredient.EGG) && !Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient();

    public void execute() {
        if (!Constants.CHICKEN_COOP.containsMyPlayer()) {
            Log.info("We need to go to the chicken coop, to get an egg");
            if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.CHICKEN_COOP.getRandomTile()) && Waiting.waitUntil(Constants.CHICKEN_COOP::containsMyPlayer)) {
                //This code will execute if we have successfully clicked on a random tile in the chicken coop
                // and we have successfully waited until we are in the chicken coop
                Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90); // let's sleep before the next action
            } else {
                //this code will execute if we have either failed to walk to the random tile in the chicken coop,
                // or the waiting condition has timed out before we make it to the coop
                return; //lets return early as we don't want to execute anything underneath this
        if (takeEgg() && Waiting.waitUntil(TribotRandom.uniform(1800, 2400), () -> Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient())) { 
            //this code will execute if the take egg method returns true AND waiting until the player has the curent ingredient succeeds
            //note that I've added a uniform timeout to the Waiting.waitUntil method here
            Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);

    private boolean takeEgg() {
        return Query.groundItems() //An egg is a ground item, so let's query those
                .idEquals(Constants.EGG) //We only want ground items that have an id matching an eggs
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which egg to get
                .map(egg -> egg.interact("Take")) //if there is an egg let's try to pick it up
                .orElse(false); // if there is not an egg, or taking it fails, let's return false

Now let's move onto the milk task

package scripts.tasks;

import org.tribot.script.sdk.Inventory;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Waiting;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.query.Query;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.util.TribotRandom;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.walking.GlobalWalking;
import scripts.Priority;
import scripts.Task;
import scripts.data.Constants;
import scripts.data.Ingredient;
import scripts.data.Vars;

public class MilkTask implements Task {
    public Priority priority() {
        return Priority.MEDIUM;

    public boolean validate() {
        // We only want to execute this task when the current ingredient is equal to bucket of milk AND we do not have a bucket of milk in our inventory
        return Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().equals(Ingredient.BUCKET_OF_MILK) && !Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient();

    public void execute() {
        if (!Inventory.contains(Constants.BUCKET)) { //This code will only execute if we do not have a bucket - we'll need one before we can milk the cow!
            if (!Constants.BUCKET_AREA.containsMyPlayer()) {
                Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to bucket");
                if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.BUCKET_AREA.getRandomTile()) && Waiting.waitUntil(Constants.BUCKET_AREA::containsMyPlayer)) {
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
            if (Constants.BUCKET_AREA.containsMyPlayer()) {
                Vars.get().setStatus("Taking Bucket");
                if (takeBucket() && Waiting.waitUntil(TribotRandom.uniform(1800, 2400), () -> Inventory.contains(Constants.BUCKET))) {
                    //this code will execute if the take bucket method returns true AND waiting until the inventory contains an item that matches the bucket item id
                    //note that I've added a uniform timeout to the Waiting.waitUntil method here
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
            //lets return here, because assuming all the code has executed successfully the inventory will now contain a bucket and this code will not execute again
        if (dairyCowDistance() > TribotRandom.normal(4, 6, 5, 1)) {
            // lets only trigger this code if a dairy cow is not nearby
            Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to cow pen");
            if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.COW_PEN.getRandomTile()) && Waiting.waitUntil(Constants.COW_PEN::containsMyPlayer)) {
                Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
        if (Constants.COW_PEN.containsMyPlayer()) {
            Vars.get().setStatus("Milking Cow");
            if (milkCow() && Waiting.waitUntil(TribotRandom.uniform(2400, 4800), () -> Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient())) {
                //this code will execute if the milkCow method returns true AND waiting until the player has the curent ingredient succeeds
                //note that I've added a uniform timeout to the Waiting.waitUntil method here
                Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);

    private boolean takeBucket() {
        return Query.groundItems() //Like the egg a bucket is a ground item, so let's query those
                .idEquals(Constants.BUCKET) //We only want ground items that have an id matching an a bucket
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which bucket to get
                .map(bucket -> bucket.interact("Take")) //if there is a bucket let's try to pick it up
                .orElse(false); // if there is not a bucket, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private boolean milkCow() {
        return Query.gameObjects() //dairy cows are game objects so that's what we'll query
                .nameEquals("Dairy cow") //We only want game objects that have a name matching Dairy cow
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which dairy cow to get to get
                .map(cow -> cow.interact("Milk")) //if there is a dairy cow let's try to milk it
                .orElse(false); // if there is not a cow, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private int dairyCowDistance() {
        return Query.gameObjects() //dairy cows are game objects so that's what we'll query
                .nameEquals("Dairy cow") //We only want game objects that have a name matching Dairy cow
                .findClosest() // we only care about the closest in this case
                .map(cow -> cow.distance()) // let's grab the distance of the closest cow
                .orElse(100); // if there is no nearby cow, let's assume it is 100 tiles away

Now let's move onto the flour task, usually it would be better to separate this code even further, with a PickWheatTask/MakeGrainTask... in order to ensure the code is concise and readable

package scripts.tasks;

import org.tribot.script.sdk.GameState;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Inventory;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Waiting;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.query.Query;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.util.TribotRandom;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.walking.GlobalWalking;
import scripts.Priority;
import scripts.Task;
import scripts.data.Constants;
import scripts.data.Ingredient;
import scripts.data.Vars;

public class FlourTask implements Task {
    public Priority priority() {
        return Priority.MEDIUM;

    public boolean validate() {
        // We only want to execute this task when the current ingredient is equal to pot of flour AND we do not have an egg in our inventory
        return Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().equals(Ingredient.POT_OF_FLOUR) && !Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient();

    public void execute() {
        if (!Inventory.contains(Constants.POT)) { //This code will only execute if we do not have a bucket - we'll need one before we can milk the cow!
            int distance = TribotRandom.normal(3, 6, 4, 1);
            if (Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() > distance) {
                Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to Pot");
                if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN) && Waiting.waitUntil(() -> Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() <= distance)) {
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
            if (Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() <= distance) {
                Vars.get().setStatus("Taking Pot");
                if (takePot() && Waiting.waitUntil(TribotRandom.uniform(1800, 2400), () -> Inventory.contains(Constants.POT))) {
                    //this code will execute if the takePot method returns true AND waiting until the inventory contains an item that matches the pot item id
                    //note that I've added a uniform timeout to the Waiting.waitUntil method here
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
            //lets return here, because assuming all the code has executed successfully the inventory will now contain a pot and this code will not execute again
        if (isFlourBinEmpty()) {
            if (!Inventory.contains(Constants.GRAIN)) {
                if (!Constants.WHEAT_FARM.containsMyPlayer() && GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.WHEAT_FARM.getRandomTile()) && Waiting.waitUntil(Constants.WHEAT_FARM::containsMyPlayer)) {
                    //This code will execute if we are not initially in the wheat from
                    // then have successfully clicked on a random tile in the wheat farm
                    // and we have successfully waited until we are in the wheat farm
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90); // let's sleep before the next action
                if (Constants.WHEAT_FARM.containsMyPlayer()) {
                    Vars.get().setStatus("Picking Wheat");
                    if (pickWheat() && Waiting.waitUntil(TribotRandom.uniform(1800, 2400), () -> Inventory.contains(Constants.GRAIN))) {
                        //this code will execute if the pickWheat method returns true AND waiting until the inventory contains an item that matches the grain item id
                        //note that I've added a uniform timeout to the Waiting.waitUntil method here
                        Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
                //lets return here, because assuming all the code has executed successfully the inventory will now contain grain and this code will not execute again
            if (!Constants.FLOUR_MILL_TOP.containsMyPlayer()) {
                Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to the Top of the Flour Mill");
                if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.FLOUR_MILL_TOP.getRandomTile()) && Waiting.waitUntil(Constants.FLOUR_MILL_TOP::containsMyPlayer)) {
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90); // let's sleep before the next action
            if (Constants.FLOUR_MILL_TOP.containsMyPlayer()) {
                if (fillHopper() && Waiting.waitUntil(() -> !Inventory.contains(Constants.GRAIN) && !MyPlayer.isAnimating())) {
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);// let's sleep before the next action
                if (operateControls() && Waiting.waitUntil(() -> !isFlourBinEmpty())) {
                    // after operating with the hopper, the setting that stores the value for whether or not there is flour in the bin changes from 0 to 1
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);// let's sleep before the next action
            if (!Constants.FLOUR_MILL_GROUND.containsMyPlayer()) {
                Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to the Ground of the Flour Mill");
                if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.FLOUR_MILL_GROUND.getRandomTile()) && Waiting.waitUntil(Constants.FLOUR_MILL_GROUND::containsMyPlayer)) {
                    Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90); // let's sleep before the next action
            Vars.get().setStatus("Emptying Bin");
            if (emptyBin() && Waiting.waitUntil(TribotRandom.uniform(1800, 2400), () -> Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient())) {
                //this code will execute if the emptyBin method returns true AND waiting until the player has the curent ingredient succeeds
                //note that I've added a uniform timeout to the Waiting.waitUntil method here
                Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);

    private boolean emptyBin() {
        return Query.gameObjects() // The flour bin is a game object, so let's query those
                .nameEquals("Flour bin") // We only want game objects named flour bin
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which flour bin to get
                .map(wheat -> wheat.interact("Empty")) //if there is a flour bin let's try to empty it
                .orElse(false); // if there is no flour bin, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private boolean operateControls() {
        return Query.gameObjects() // The hopper controls are a game object, so let's query those
                .nameEquals("Hopper controls") // We only want game objects named hopper controls
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which hopper control to get
                .map(wheat -> wheat.interact("Operate")) //if there is a hopper controls object let's try to operate it
                .orElse(false); // if there is no hopper controls, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private boolean fillHopper() {
        return Query.gameObjects() // The hopper is a game object, so let's query those
                .nameEquals("Hopper") // We only want game objects named hopper
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which hopper to get
                .map(wheat -> wheat.interact("Fill")) //if there is a hopper object let's try to fill it
                .orElse(false); // if there is no hopper, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private boolean pickWheat() {
        return Query.gameObjects() // Wheat is a game object, so let's query those
                .nameEquals("Wheat") // We only want game objects named wheat
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which Wheat to get
                .map(wheat -> wheat.interact("Pick")) //if there is a wheat object let's try to pick it
                .orElse(false); // if there is no wheat, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private boolean takePot() {
        return Query.groundItems() //the pot is a ground item, so let's query those
                .idEquals(Constants.POT) //We only want ground items that have an id matching a pot
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which bucket to get
                .map(bucket -> bucket.interact("Take")) //if there is a bucket let's try to pick it up
                .orElse(false); // if there is not a bucket, or interacting with it fails, let's return false

    private boolean isFlourBinEmpty() {
        // here we check if the flour bin has flour in it by checking the setting that stores the value, this value is gathered via the settings explorer
        return GameState.getSetting(Constants.FLOUR_BIN_SETTING) == 0;

Goodness that's a lot of repeated code! Let's make it a bit tidier by making one method to handle all of our game object interactions! 

private boolean interactObject(String name, String action) {
    return Query.gameObjects() 
            .map(wheat -> wheat.interact(action)) 

Great so now we have the code to gather flour, eggs and milk!

Turning in the Quest


Let's copy the TemplateTask class and paste it in the tasks package. I'll be calling mine "TurnInQuestTask"


package scripts.tasks;

import org.tribot.script.sdk.ChatScreen;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Log;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.Waiting;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.query.Query;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.util.TribotRandom;
import org.tribot.script.sdk.walking.GlobalWalking;
import scripts.Priority;
import scripts.Task;
import scripts.data.Constants;
import scripts.data.Ingredient;
import scripts.data.Vars;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class TurnInQuestTask implements Task {
    public Priority priority() {
        return Priority.MEDIUM;

    public boolean validate() {
        //we only want to execute this code when we have all the ingredients
        return Arrays.stream(Ingredient.values()).allMatch(Ingredient::hasIngredient);

    public void execute() {
        int distance = TribotRandom.normal(4, 1);
        if (Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() > distance) {
            Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to Cook");
            if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN) && Waiting.waitUntil(() -> Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() <= distance)) {
                Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
        if(Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() <= distance){
            Vars.get().setStatus("Talking to Cook");
            if(talkToCook() && Waiting.waitUntil(()-> ChatScreen.isOpen())){
                Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);
                if(ChatScreen.handle(Constants.COOK_DIALOGUE) && Waiting.waitUntil(()->Arrays.stream(Ingredient.values()).noneMatch(Ingredient::hasIngredient))){
                    Log.info("Successfully handed in quest");
                    //YAY! This code will only execute if we successfully handle the Cook's chatscreen AND our ingredients are taken from our inventory

    private boolean talkToCook(){
        return Query.npcs()//The cook is an npc, so let's query those
                .nameEquals("Cook") //We only want npcs named cook
                .findBestInteractable() // Let's make tribot decide which egg to get
                .map(cook -> cook.interact("Talk-to")) //if there is a cook let's try to Talk-to him
                .orElse(false); // if there is not a cook, or Talking to him fails, let's return false


 Putting it together


First let's create a taskset in Vars which contains each of the tasks we've made!

private TaskSet tasks = new TaskSet(new EggTask(), new FlourTask(), new MilkTask(), new TurnInQuestTask());

Let's make some changes to our MyScript Class - starting with a rename (Refactor > Rename)


Let's update the script manifest with some meaningful information

@TribotScriptManifest(name = "A Cooks Tutorial", author = "SkrrtNick", category = "Quest", description = "Completes Cooks Assistant")

Let's remove the code from the script template in the execute method

public void execute(final String args) {


Now let's add a while loop that iterates over each of the tasks 

     while (Vars.get().isRunning()) {

         for (Task task : Vars.get().getTasks()) {
             if (task.validate()) {

         Waiting.waitUniform(20,40); // we need this sleep here to prevent iterating too quickly


Now we need a way to reassign an ingredient if we have it (or if the value is null e.g. at the start of the script)

    while (Vars.get().isRunning()) {

        if (Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient() == null || Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient().hasIngredient()) {
            //we only want this code to execute if we do not have a currentIngredient set, or if we already ahve the currentIngredient
            Arrays.stream(Ingredient.values()) // this converts the array of Ingredients into a Stream so that we can operate on it
                    .filter(ingredient -> !ingredient.hasIngredient()) // lets only choose from ingredients that we don't have
                    .findAny() // we can choose any as the order in which we grab ingredients does not matter
                    .ifPresent(nextIngredient -> Vars.get().setCurrentIngredient(nextIngredient)); // lets assign the result, if any to currentIngredient

        for (Task task : Vars.get().getTasks()) {
            if (task.validate()) {

        Waiting.waitUniform(20, 40); // we need this sleep here to prevent iterating too quickly

Let's make sure the login bot and break handler are enabled by overriding the configure method and setting their values as true.

public void configure(@NotNull ScriptConfig config) {

Adding a Paint


Making a pretty paint has never been easier.

In the execute method of our main class (but not in the while loop) we can add this code:

PaintTextRow runningPaintTemplate = 
        .background(new Color(120, 123, 128, 180)) // this is the bg colour for our rows
BasicPaintTemplate paint = BasicPaintTemplate.builder()
        .row(PaintRows.scriptName(runningPaintTemplate.toBuilder())) //this method will use the manifest to grab the script name
        .row(PaintRows.runtime(runningPaintTemplate.toBuilder())) //this method will automatically print the value of runtime
                .value(() -> Vars.get().getStatus()).build()) // we can also display our own values 
        .row(runningPaintTemplate.toBuilder().label("Current Ingredient")
                .condition(()->Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient() != null) // we can assign conditions which will dictate whether or not a value is displayed
                .value(() -> Vars.get().getCurrentIngredient()).build()) 
Painting.addPaint(i -> paint.render(i)); // this is the most important part of painting, actually doing the render


Video of the final product


You can also get my source here: https://github.com/SkrrtNick/a-cooks-tutorial

Edited by SkrrtNick
update links and embeds for new forums


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Wow! Looks really good looks like you put a lot of hard work into this one of the best tutorials i have seen to get you going and straight into it.

Edited by ELON


 394be3a8-5eaf-4266-b234-01e95300be59.png.76cba13888011134cd5915f53a665c21.png 621afd0f-83ca-4b71-a843-9150a9da770c.png.fcb652c7ae868c992f1c0db3eebff152.png 49d2ac52-402b-48ee-985c-c843bd89e5f8.png.a8022edbba18146a72dbb32e9e5e3071.png 0977182c-9141-4343-8620-961534956fa7.png.39f8e80ec2ee2e36d8152fcf1790f6b0.png ttt.png.24a94083f264620b7a9d8407b70dfae0.png



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  • 1 month later...

Yoo bro real nice tutorial, had a hard time finding any explaination. But i still have a little trouble with the code:

I need to say I just started scripting for OSRS but starting to get better at it and I have done some random map scripting and other types of coding.

public static Vars get() {
    return instance;

this code is in de Vars class but is called up on in the flour and milk task class

if (Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() > distance) {
    Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to Pot");
    if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN) && Waiting.waitUntil(() -> Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() <= distance)) {
        Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);

the Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to Pot"); gives the error because it says it does not know how to resolve method setStatus in Vars.

I dont see setStatus in the code i only find the public string Status

private String status = null;

followed by the code 

private static Vars instance = new Vars();

public static Vars get() {
    return instance;

Can anyone hit me in the right direction, I get the point something is missing but dont know what.

Thanks in advance !!

Edited by dizz.nationl
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  • 3 months later...

I’m not sure if I’m the only one struggling slightly but then again I’m not sure many would even attempt with zero coding experience 😂 


A video would make this a 10/10


Currently experimenting with AI written code but I need to get to that stage first 🤣

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1 hour ago, trentnz said:

I’m not sure if I’m the only one struggling slightly but then again I’m not sure many would even attempt with zero coding experience 😂 


A video would make this a 10/10


Currently experimenting with AI written code but I need to get to that stage first 🤣

I would definitely suggest avoiding AI code if you want to learn - I assume you mean Chat GPT?

I would also suggest that you spend a little time learning Java before you start scripting!



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  • Nullable pinned this topic
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  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 8/18/2022 at 5:05 PM, rs06botHein said:

Well needed! Thanks for sharing to all of us! Great work

I recently came across "A Cook's Tutorial [SDK Scripting Tutorial]" and I must say, it's an invaluable resource for anyone looking to delve into SDK scripting. The tutorial provides clear and concise explanations, making complex concepts easily understandable. The step-by-step instructions are incredibly helpful, allowing users to follow along and implement the techniques with ease. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this tutorial offers something for everyone. I highly recommend checking it out if you're interested in expanding your skills in SDK scripting. On another note, if you're in need of expert assistance with MBA essay writing, I highly recommend checking out https://essaypro.com/mba-essay-writing-service. Their team of professional writers delivers top-notch quality and can help you craft a winning MBA essay that showcases your unique strengths and experiences. With their assistance, you can confidently submit a standout essay that sets you apart from the competition.

Thanks for the information!

Edited by babamans
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/27/2022 at 6:14 PM, dizz.nationl said:

Yoo bro real nice tutorial, had a hard time finding any explaination. But i still have a little trouble with the code:

I need to say I just started scripting for OSRS but starting to get better at it and I have done some random map scripting and other types of coding.

public static Vars get() {
    return instance;

this code is in de Vars class but is called up on in the flour and milk task class

if (Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() > distance) {
    Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to Pot");
    if (GlobalWalking.walkTo(Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN) && Waiting.waitUntil(() -> Constants.COOKS_KITCHEN.distance() <= distance)) {
        Waiting.waitNormal(600, 90);

the Vars.get().setStatus("Walking to Pot"); gives the error because it says it does not know how to resolve method setStatus in Vars.

I dont see setStatus in the code i only find the public string Status

private String status = null;

followed by the code 

private static Vars instance = new Vars();

public static Vars get() {
    return instance;

Can anyone hit me in the right direction, I get the point something is missing but dont know what.

Thanks in advance !!

I also had a hard time following this as its outdated it seems. However, I was able to work around this thanks to the GitHub link for the source code. 
If you look in that, you will see those areas you are struggling with have been updated. 

Im learning to code, so dont know how to properly explain the WHY...but wanted to at least provide a direction for you since I was able to find the solution. 
I think* the Lombok plugin was updated to use "Data" instead of "Getter" so you have to go into your Vars class and change the import. After that step you have to change the @Getter under the imports to @Data

Hope this is helpful to anyone else who is stuck

Edited by Vizro92
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  • 2 months later...

I also found it challenging to follow along since the information seemed outdated. However, I managed to work around this issue by referring to the GitHub link for the source code.

If you check out the source code there, you’ll notice that the areas you’re struggling with have been updated.

I’m learning to code myself, so I might not explain the technical details perfectly, but I wanted to offer some guidance based on what I discovered. It seems that the Lombok plugin was updated to use @Data instead of @Getter. You’ll need to update your Vars class by changing the import statement accordingly and replace @Getter with @Data.

For those needing additional support, you can always seek programming help to tackle these kinds of issues. I hope this helps anyone else who might be stuck with similar problems!

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