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[ABC2 L10] LAN Thiever [AIO] [Stalls] [Npcs] [Chests + Alching] [Blackjacking 230K XP/hr] [REALTIME BOT PANEL ]


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On 19-11-2016 at 5:34 PM, obbyk012 said:

I have problems with the GUI, trying to reload the script but the GUI wont appear to me.

Anything in the Bot Debug? Be sure to accept all firewall messages.

As for the others:

I've noticed some issues with blackjacking the lower level bandits, mainly with luring and closing the doors, i'm working on an update.

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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19 minutes ago, daledd said:

I got the trial but starting your script causes the tribot client to freeze indefinitely 

This is very unlikely due to the script. Have you tried restarting your tribot/computer? Is your CPU maxing out?  java updated?

Edited by yojoedude
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2 hours ago, yojoedude said:

This is very unlikely due to the script. Have you tried restarting your tribot/computer? Is your CPU maxing out?  java updated?

I have not tried restarting my computer. Only your script ever did this, the trial has expired now so I can't try again. My cpu was not maxing out. Java is latest version.

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On 17-11-2016 at 6:39 PM, losmikki said:

Hey Man!

Tried you script with blackjacking today. Must say that it doesn't currently work at all. My guy just keeps running around the area and lures them into a house full of other bandits so it cannot hit them... If you get this fixed, I am really interested in buying this script.




On 19-11-2016 at 6:44 AM, border said:

I've also tried Blackjacking and it did not work, I've restarted the client but it still does not work. It will work okay for 5mins or so but then something will happen and it will break.


On 23-11-2016 at 6:38 PM, WhyWasFaggotBanned said:

Any update on the blackjacking issue?


On 26-11-2016 at 5:48 PM, goodbuds123 said:

Trailed for blackjacking. Not too impressed so wont purchasing


https://gyazo.com/c2ea3fbab85bd02c8451af9665c3b5fd < A Fail.

Timing is very out of control. Pickpockets when target isn't stunned




15 hours ago, King James said:

Very interested once you fix the blackjacker :)


3 hours ago, Insehcure said:

Having some issues here; Blackjacking has been pointed out already at low levels, but timing appears to be off at 65+ Thugs as well - ran script twice and died twice as a result of failing to recognise when being attacked.  Also noticed that the camera is never being moved on any of the settings provided by GUI, not sure if that's just me - I'll do some more testing.

Wonderful looking script though, hopefully these holes can be plugged quickly C:



Hey everyone! Sorry for the blackjacking issues. I've been trying to get in contact with some of you in order to get more details on the issue.

I've just pushed an update that will address most issues, i wasn't able to reproduce a few things, so if you still have issues please PM me on skype or discord so i can fix it!

This update:
- Fixed issue that the script appeared frozen while blackjacking.
- Fixed issue that the script would attempt to pickpocket NPC's in other houses while blackjacking.
- Fixed issue with doors around the lower level bandits not being detected.
- Fixed issue that the script would not recognizing that a room is full in some cases while blackjacking.
- Fixed issue with your own character being detected as a different player in some cases which caused the script to run between houses erratically. 

I'll need some details on the combat detection stuff. Please contact me directly if you still experience any issues. I'll also be doing some small Quality of Life updates and tiny fixes over the next few days.

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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For some reason, it does not drop seeds from the master farmer below the GP i set it too. It worked fine in my trial period, so i'm pretty confused. 

EDIT: i think it's because it does not seem to recognize when it gets stunned

Also tried thieving guards on the market of ardougne. Took 27 salmons as food, it thiefs one's or twice and then it start an infinite loop of banking>thieving once, twice and repeating. 


Pretty disappointed in this script, not gonna lie.

Edited by Restllesss
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2 hours ago, Restllesss said:

For some reason, it does not drop seeds from the master farmer below the GP i set it too. It worked fine in my trial period, so i'm pretty confused. 

EDIT: i think it's because it does not seem to recognize when it gets stunned

Also tried thieving guards on the market of ardougne. Took 27 salmons as food, it thiefs one's or twice and then it start an infinite loop of banking>thieving once, twice and repeating. 


Pretty disappointed in this script, not gonna lie.

The price for seeds is grabbed from rsbuddy's api. If that is down then the price cannot be determined and it will never drop the item. It should say so in the debug.

Your issue with the guards is likely due to bad settings. I see multiple people who thieve them without issues. Please add me on skype or discord so i can help you out with it.

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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To add to my previous post, it messes up luring the knight in ardougne aswell, it hovers the npc but does not actually click something.  Or just stays stuck on walking to knight, not even exploring the area to find one.
Pickpocketing them on the market is super rusty aswell. Bugs out sometimes, where it just mindlessly walks around on the market



  • [10:28:21] [TravelAndLure] Cannot find a knight nearby to lure!! We will wait for one to come close/respawn.

it has litterally ran past 2 knights


After edit:

Spoke to lan on skype and he helped me and explained some things, nice friendly guy. Thanks!

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On 11/30/2016 at 8:00 PM, CellThirtyfour said:

Bot finds bandit in a house then just sits there and does nothing and spams this


Please contact me on Skype or Discord. I'd be happy to help resolve your issue.


For others: a lot of bug reports are mismatched settings. For example, Ardougne Knight luring requires the 'Attack' option on the NPC. Make sure it isn't disabled in the Runescape settings. If you believe you found a real bug in the script, contact me directly through Skype or Discord, so i can fix it promptly.

With a script this size there tend to be things that could break through runescape updates or whatnot. I'm here to make and keep this script 100% perfect, so please give me the chance to do so.


Also, after a runescape update, restart your client at least twice!

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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23 hours ago, laniax said:

Please contact me on Skype or Discord. I'd be happy to help resolve your issue.


For others: a lot of bug reports are mismatched settings. For example, Ardougne Knight luring requires the 'Attack' option on the NPC. Make sure it isn't disabled in the Runescape settings. If you believe you found a real bug in the script, contact me directly through Skype or Discord, so i can fix it promptly.

With a script this size there tend to be things that could break through runescape updates or whatnot. I'm here to make and keep this script 100% perfect, so please give me the chance to do so.


Also, after a runescape update, restart your client at least twice!

Hi, I also have this same problem, where it keeps clicking next to the curtain door, which is closed, and spams the same message. What am I doing wrong?

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On 30-11-2016 at 8:00 PM, CellThirtyfour said:

Bot finds bandit in a house then just sits there and does nothing and spams this



2 hours ago, Tranceh said:

Hi, I also have this same problem, where it keeps clicking next to the curtain door, which is closed, and spams the same message. What am I doing wrong?

Pushed a fix with the message being spammed. Let me know if anything comes up!

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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Hi all, when I tried blackjacking the biggest problem seemed to be when trying to exchange notes for food. I.e. if my char was in a house with the curtain up it would struggle to first open that curtain and then leave. Instead it would just spam click the note merchant.



when avoiding combat it runs wayyyyy to far away, does not seem normal/ neccessary. Has trouble luring and bringing bandits\ inconsistent



Edited by pjd410
get scripters attention
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On 6-12-2016 at 0:54 AM, pjd410 said:

Hi all, when I tried blackjacking the biggest problem seemed to be when trying to exchange notes for food. I.e. if my char was in a house with the curtain up it would struggle to first open that curtain and then leave. Instead it would just spam click the note merchant.



when avoiding combat it runs wayyyyy to far away, does not seem normal/ neccessary. Has trouble luring and bringing bandits\ inconsistent



Pushed an update for the Unnote NPC not being reachable. 
Some NPCs follow pretty far into combat, some don't, i've reduced the range a bit, please try and let me know what you think.

For anyone who has issues with luring: please make a video/gif, i hope you can understand it can be very hard to fix something like that without seeing it.

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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Isn't working for Bandits at 45 thieving, it just runs around doing nothing while, "

  • [14:38:11] [Lure] Couldn't find any Bandit to blackjack! We will keep trying to find one.."  

is being spammed in the Bot Debug even though there is numerous bandits to lure and pickpocket



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1 minute ago, God Prodiigy said:

Isn't working for Bandits at 45 thieving, it just runs around doing nothing while, "

  • [14:38:11] [Lure] Couldn't find any Bandit to blackjack! We will keep trying to find one.."  

is being spammed in the Bot Debug even though there is numerous bandits to lure and pickpocket

Since update earlier today, NPCs have been nulled it seems like so tribot can not see certain NPCs so it probably cant see the bandits atm. This is also going on in other scripts.


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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8 hours ago, God Prodiigy said:

Isn't working for Bandits at 45 thieving, it just runs around doing nothing while, "

  • [14:38:11] [Lure] Couldn't find any Bandit to blackjack! We will keep trying to find one.."  

is being spammed in the Bot Debug even though there is numerous bandits to lure and pickpocket

@gosubear is right. The tribot issue has since been fixed. Please see this thread for details

If any issues still persist please let me know! 

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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3 hours ago, Boonayy said:

Came back to screen and was Ring of lifed out of combat im assuming. was very buggy using all diff mouse settings, just consistently gets into combat 37 hp

Considering the max hit is 9, and ABC2 will eat around 40-60% hp, it is not very friendly for low HP accounts. 

Playing with the mouse speed will bring combat missclicks to a minimum. What speed you need depends on CPU/LG usage. 

I'm willing to fine tune any click settings if you can show me what is going wrong systematically, please add me on Skype or Discord so we can discuss this. 

LAN Chaos KillerLAN Chicken KillerLAN RunecrafterLAN Thiever

Snippets/Tools: Entity Finder | Event Dispatcher | IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Discord: Laniax#2381


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4 minutes ago, laniax said:

Considering the max hit is 9, and ABC2 will eat around 40-60% hp, it is not very friendly for low HP accounts. 

Playing with the mouse speed will bring combat missclicks to a minimum. What speed you need depends on CPU/LG usage. 

I'm willing to fine tune any click settings if you can show me what is going wrong systematically, please add me on Skype or Discord so we can discuss this. 

Thank you, ATM, i cannot go back as i have no ring of life and 37hp. HCIM :P

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