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Gods Scurrius | Train All Combat styles with better XP than NMZ! | Low Requirements | Ironman support |


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Gods Scurrius

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Kills Scurrius for massive amounts of experience, comparable or more than NMZ! 

This script can be ran on any account including ironman. I recommend wearing as much prayer bonus gear as you have to maximize your use of prayer potions. 

- 1 tick giant rat killing with bone weapons equipped
- Supports melee, range, magic (with a charged Bone staff)
- Supports spec weapons
- Perfect prayer switching and debris dodging
- GUI (Save/Load)
- CLI (Argument support)
- Mini-break System
- World Hopping
- Grand Exchange restocking supplies, decanting, selling loot
- Auto upgrading spine to bone weapon once you get the drop

Argument support: simply put the name of the saved profile you want to use in the argument box, for example if you wanted to load the last settings, put "last" in the argument box.

Can be ran on accounts as low as 40 attack 35 strength and maybe even lower stats for xp up to 25-30k xp/hr (Some of the best in the game at that level) 
You can expect anywhere from 25-100k+ xp/hr when running this boss, the main reward is experience and the drops are minimal.

Example gear and inventory:

Ld7peMK.png M7VgDEw.png

Fill out GUI options, press start script and watch the experience roll in.

NOTE: To run on an ironman, you need to have Varrock teleport tablets, running the script on a HCIM is not recommended as you could disconnect and die still.

- 43+ Prayer
- 40+ & 35+ Attack/Strength
- 50+ Range 
- Gear to kill Scurrius
- Prayer potions or super restore potions
- Food
- Stat boosting potions if desired (Super strength, ranging, etc)
- Varrock teletabs



Magic is only supposed via the Bone staff, you will need to charge the staff and set it as your weapon and it will train magic as well.


Note: You may be able to run the script with lower stats than listed but these are the recommended stats. At low level stats, you won't get many if any Scurrius kills/hr however you will gain fast experience (experience at low levels mainly comes from killing the giant rats since you will 1 hit them with a 15 no matter your levels)

I've been able to run it on an account with 1/1/1 att/str/def 24 hp with 43 prayer + a dagger (++). Experience was slow but now that account is at 85/85/85 and still going.


Future features coming soon:

  • Automatic bone weapon upgrading when you get a spine
  • Task to turn in additional spines for experience lamps (5k xp in all combat stats, 3.5k xp in prayer per lamp)
  • More in-depth ironman support
  • GE Restocking on out of supplies
  • Toggle for use of offensive prayers (~10% increase in xp/hr but uses more prayer potions)
  • Bone staff recharging



This account was started from 40/30/30 attack/str/def

zwhKlmt.png OZAzI2h.pngnNZrPvk.png vlBASmq.pngPa9TS8R.pngslJnS9q.pngK5LT4gb.pngOAw26qX.pngMHUQILp.png

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Got it working great.  Thanks dude.


EDIT:  IT appears to be a ping issue, it is running fairly smoothly now.  I will say, set it to eat at a pretty high percentage, as when I was having ping issues it would get overloaded with things going on and get killed.

Edited by HeDead69420
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39 minutes ago, HeDead69420 said:

Script just keeps ending for no reason.   Isnt switching prayers fast enough.  It's also just standing in half of the falling debris.  


Tweaking settings to see if anything helps.

Hey, can you message me on discord or PM with your GUI settings and bot, client debugs? Do you have high ping or low fps? 

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  • God changed the title to Gods Scurrius | Train All Combat styles with better XP than NMZ! | Low Requirements | Ironman support |

just purchased and its already stuck at bank withdrawing food then clicking deposit invent and repeating


EDIT : got it to start working, then it doesnt even drink prayer pots during fight and doesnt eat and dies haha

Edited by Rafie
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6 hours ago, snozzie said:

just purchased having same issue


On 2/17/2024 at 4:12 AM, OsamabinSkeetin said:

Having the same issues, banking, gathering supplies then banking on repeat

Can you guys post your GUI Settings? There may be an error somewhere in how the GUI is set up or how it is handled. 


I just pushed an update for bugs that were reported also pushed the following

  • GE restocking, must turn off end on out of supplies for restocking to take affect
  • Auto spine upgrading on drop to weapon, only supports bow and mace
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On 2/17/2024 at 4:12 AM, OsamabinSkeetin said:

Having the same issues, banking, gathering supplies then banking on repeat

This is happening since the update.   The fucking thing just sold all my saved loot tab for literally no reason.  Says "Missing boost potions" but i have them turned tf off....


Mind you I did about 3k kills with the bot before update with no issues, now it just cycles between ge, to east bank, then repeat.

Edited by HeDead69420
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46 minutes ago, HeDead69420 said:

This is happening since the update.   The fucking thing just sold all my saved loot tab for literally no reason.  Says "Missing boost potions" but i have them turned tf off....


Mind you I did about 3k kills with the bot before update with no issues, now it just cycles between ge, to east bank, then repeat.

Sorry that your saved loot tab was sold. I implemented restocking in the most recent update, it should only restock if you had "End when out of supplies" disabled on the GUI.


I just pushed an update which should resolve the issue where you have no boost potions selected and it is trying to restock

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43 minutes ago, God said:

Sorry that your saved loot tab was sold. I implemented restocking in the most recent update, it should only restock if you had "End when out of supplies" disabled on the GUI.


I just pushed an update which should resolve the issue where you have no boost potions selected and it is trying to restock

You're the man.

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On 2/24/2024 at 4:18 AM, snozzie said:

works great every time it hits the 6 hour log out timer it doesnt log back in?

Do you have an account added to the account manager and selected when running the script?

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19 hours ago, God said:

Do you have an account added to the account manager and selected when running the script?

no never have with any script it just logs back in normally unless something has changed recently with an update ill do this now an see if it works @God

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, mormaii2 said:

Any chance this can get looked at? We need more potion options, more spec items, adding bonus damage prayers too

THISSS, is script maker alive or active? Such a slept on script... Add Piety and other prayers

Edited by Kendoby
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