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zoefey last won the day on November 1 2023

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  1. Hi @Encoded is this script still working?
  2. Great script @Ark - with Stamina (4) dose it somehow thinks there are no supplies, but for the rest - flawless!
  3. Does this support blue drags at myths guilds and picking up d bones/banking and teleport back ? Hi @Beg, I have tried to run this at wildy green drags and blue drags, but it just does not manage to walk to the destination... stuck on "Daxwalker backoff" is this due to daxwalker being down?
  4. So I have tried that multiple times over the last week and it still doesn't work, I have also not received a response from you on my last messages on discord so I would like to request a refund for this.
  5. Hi Dentist - I am also having issues immediately on start of the script and have opened ticket on your discord. Have also tried clearing hooks and cache.
  6. Hi @Aropupu, this script is simply amazing. Is there any chance you can ad support to create amethyst dart tips? it can only make amethyst arrow heads as I understand so far. This would be such a big help. Thanks!
  7. I use windows 10 and default launcher settings. Edit: I now cleared the cache and got the GUI working, but the minute I launch the script it again doesnt work, these are the logs: scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.sa.k(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.h(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager$deauthenticate$1.invoke(TribotDefaultAuthenticationManager.kt:23) scripts.nexus.sdk.routine.api.mb.h(RetryLoopWorker.kt:20) [13:39:10] Script Ended: Shaman Terminator.
  8. I am able to use other GUI's fine yea. The GUI used to work for me but then the bot wouldn't start, now the GUI doesn't load =/
  9. [18:44:55] Script Started: Shaman Terminator. [18:45:04] Uncaught Exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load frame. scripts.t.execute(LizardmanShamanProScript.kt:232) obf.ID.run(le:145) obf.UF.YE(wn:1005) java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829) [18:45:04] Script Ended: Shaman Terminator. I now get an error on script startup
  10. Awesome to see such a script coming out, definitely long awaited! The minute it tries to load into inventory it just logs out, it seems to always think I do not have the items stocked. ForegroundColor[153,51,204][07:46:50] [Debug] [Shaman Terminator] [Ferox Enclave Strategy] Executing strategy ForegroundColor[153,51,204][07:46:50] [Debug] [Shaman Terminator] [Shaman Behavior Tree] Attempting bank restocking during setup ForegroundColor[153,51,204][07:46:50] [Debug] [Shaman Terminator] [Program] Setup result: KILL ForegroundColor[153,51,204][07:46:53] [Debug] [Shaman Terminator] [Retry Worker] Logout Game: successful on attempt: 0 ForegroundColor[153,51,204][07:46:53] [Debug] [Shaman Terminator] [Program] Cleanup result: SUCCESS
  11. @Aropupu What actually solved it for me was clearing the cache in the tribot app - very weird. It was definitely related to Tribot but that solved it.
  12. Hi @Aropupu, I am having a very weird issue where my computer just freezes while using this script. Is there any way we can debug what is going on?
  13. With the two tick teak method it's very frequently ruining it's own set up by walking over the birds for some reason, I don't know why it would do this? Is it constantly checking if the attacks are spaced out? I feel like once set up it should at least be able to hold the setup for half an hour or so without checking? constantly keeps trying to synchronize birds after 1min of being in the setup I see it throws out messages about network latency issues but could there be a setting to toggle that it doesn't constantly check?
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