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Doominati last won the day on October 22 2023

Doominati had the most liked content!

Doominati's Achievements

Botter I

Botter I (3/14)

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  1. Doominati


    Very exciting mate! I will check it out this weekend and definitely report any bugs =]
  2. Hi, how does one become a dev for tribot scripts? I've built plenty of full stack apps professionally and personally (over 15+ yr). Would love to learn about your stack or whatever you may call it.
  3. Can you add: cut oaks next to the rimmington portal, go inside and get your butler to make them into planks. Get out and continue?
  4. Doominati


    How's the progress m8!?
  5. Doominati


    is it out yet!? just checked the tribot store and don't see it. maybe it's for sale elsewhere?
  6. I have the world hop periodically unchecked but as soon as i run the script or someone comes into the world it wants to hop. how do i prevent any and all world hop???
  7. Doominati


    How's the progress?
  8. Script works wonderfully for all GOTR needs. Got pet and super high RC with tons of runes. Cheers.
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