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ARKSlayer Pro - OSRS Slayer Training Bot | Cannon | Restocking | Superiors | Level 1 to 99 | Muling | Advanced Anti-Profiling


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10 minutes ago, Deez~N0ots said:

Anyone else know?

No, it doesn't support Tormented Demons, sorry!

On 8/30/2024 at 2:35 AM, bh2 said:

My only problem is it goes to greater nechs instead of the nechs in the slayer tower. Been on the same task for around 3 hours if not longer with minimal xp.

Why is it going to Greater Nechs an issue? πŸ™‚

On 8/26/2024 at 11:23 PM, Green Re4per said:

So I’ve used this script quite a bit without issues however recently it won’t do any tasks in the catacombs even tho I have prioritize catacombs selected. Wondering how I can fix this? Runs great, otherwise.Β 

It will go to the Catacombs if the task is better at the Catacombs only πŸ™‚




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I’m inclined to disagree. It’s also not using the expeditious bracelet or bracelet of slaughter. It’s not going to the catacombs on ANY tasks and it’s not using bracelets on ANY task although both options are selected. I’m currently watching it do a nechs task in morytania basement without bracelet of slaughter. If that’s not an ideal task to use bracelet and be done in catacomb then what is? These are recent changes as I watched the script use both catacombs and bracelets until I renewed my 30 days and then it stopped. I am hesitant to run the script now because of things like how it’s doing the nech task.Β 

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how come its takes mage pouch on tasks when barriging with alch runes in it? and barrage runes in inv?

doesnt pick up some untradables.Β 

any chance u can make it use fairy rings inside house instead of running all the way toΒ  one when 1s in my house portal.

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Amazing script no issues running it whatsoever. Have achieved 99 slayer twice with it and currently 2/3 of the way to my third.

request - not really important but will give the script a little more efficiency imo. Add fairy ring support from POH

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Love the script so far! So far the only concern i have is, it always withdrawals 15 tablets for teleports, even if i have 14, it re-banks the 14 to pull 15 out again when it makes a new inventory for task. Would be cool (or less obvious) if maybe it withdrew a random amount like between 15 and 30? Something like that? Or just ignore banking more if it already exists in the inventory?

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Edit: I figured out why some tasks were skipping automatically. So far enjoying the script. I am babysitting it for a while, as i note down some minor issues and inconsistencies.

Will report back soon.

Edited by BdoeOSRS
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Hey ARK,

Amazing script as usual.

when looting i usually use the recommended setting, but it ignores a lot of loot.
When i change the loot setting to any item over 1.8K GP, it doesn't seem to loot any untradeable items

Are you able to make an option to loot all untradeable items?

or fill inventory with loot if empty inventory slots available? - if using recommended settingΒ 

Thanks again!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to have to script pick up lizardman fangs during free farming? I can't seem to figure out how to get it to pick them up.Β 


Edit: Also would it be possible for the script to recharge prayer points before going to the slayer task? Sometime's the script shows up with 0 prayer and drink prayer potions already at the spot and instead of doing it either at a bank or going to recharge prayer somewhere.Β 


Love the script! Currently 86 slayer on my Ironman!

Edited by TFM
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Is there a reason the bot takes full inv of food on prayer tasks? For example right know during Wyrms my account is using prayer yet it brings a full inv. of sharks and is just dropping sharks every kill to pick up bones? Would it not be better to just not bring sharks since its using prayer anyways?? Thanks


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Just experienced an issue where it was in combat with a skeletal wyvern, but kept trying to attack other skeletal wyverns. Adding to skip list to mitigate this.

Also, could you add support for POH fairy ring? I have a maxed POH but it's using the fairy ring on misc.

Edit: Another feedback item, it takes out a slayer gem when it can use the slayer helmet to check task. Could you update this? (note: using black slayer helmet imbued)
Edit2: I just watched it use my slayer helmet, so I know it can, but maybe when you don't have gear equipped it uses the gem instead of using the slayer helm?
Edit3: It's trying to use the witchwood icon for cave horrors even though I have it set to use prayer on that task, making the icon unnecessary.
Edit4: Doesn't use antidote++ and instead goes to buy antipoison(4)

Edited by Tesfaye
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Keeps giving me fatal errors. Also the login bot somehow stopped working. I am on Mac.Β 

  • [08:41:40] Starting client.
  • [08:43:28] Downloading script 'ARKSlayer Pro'.
  • [08:43:45] Script Started: ARKSlayer Pro.
  • ForegroundColor[255,0,0][08:43:45] [Data Manager] Waiting for Login Bot to take over before showing GUI. ARKSlayer needs your account to be logged in before it starts.
  • ForegroundColor[255,0,0][08:43:48] [Stop Script] You must start ARKSlayer fully logged in for the script to grab the necessary data about your account to start or load an account for the script to auto-login.
  • [08:43:48] [Thank you] Thanks for using ARKSlayer Pro. If you have any progress reports, please add them to my script thread!
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][08:43:48] [ARKSlayer Pro] Your Stats for this run: Runtime: 00:00:03, XP Gained: 0 XP (0 Slayer XP), Tasks Completed: 0, Profit/Loss: 0 gp
  • ForegroundColor[255,0,0][08:43:48] [Stop Script] Stop reason: You must start ARKSlayer fully logged in for the script to grab the necessary data about your account to start or load an account for the script to auto-login.
  • [08:43:48] Script Ended: ARKSlayer Pro.
  • [08:44:39] Downloading script 'ARKSlayer Pro'.
  • [08:44:52] Script Started: ARKSlayer Pro.
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][08:44:53] [Welcome] Initialised ARKSlayer Version 8.15
  • [08:44:53] Disabled all randoms.
  • [08:44:55] [GUI Manager] Loaded Profile: lastRun
  • [08:45:59] [GUI Manager] Saved Profile at: /Users/gabriel/Library/Application Support/tribot/Ark/ARKSlayer/arkslayerpro_lastRunsettings.ini
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Steel Dragon
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Iron Dragon
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Wyverns
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Skeletal Wyverns
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Mithril Dragons
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Fossil Island Wyvern
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Spitting Wyverns
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Kurask
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Kurasks
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Drake
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Drakes
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Gargoyle
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Gargoyles
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Mutated Zygomites
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Blue Dragon
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Blue Dragons
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Black Demons
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Brutal Black Dragons
  • [08:46:00] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Brutal Black Dragon
  • [08:46:00] [GUI Manager] Chosen Slayer Master: Duradel
  • ForegroundColor[255,0,0][08:46:00] [GUI Management] You have selected to use Fairy Rings in the GUI but do not have them unlocked. Turning off this selection.
  • [08:46:00] [Antiban] Set new target Zoom to 25.
  • [08:46:00] [Zoom Manager] Current Zoom = 1. Desired Zoom = 25. Scrolling to adjust Zoom.
  • ForegroundColor[0,255,0][08:46:01] [Unique Antiban Tool] Generated unique antiban profile based on your username seed.
  • [08:46:02] [Slayer Shop Purchasing] Chosen Slayer Master to purchase Slayer items from: Duradel
  • [08:46:03] [World Hopping Management] Attempting to get current World from World List.
  • [08:46:04] [World Hopping Management] Generated next World for World Hopping (310)
  • [08:46:05] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][08:46:06] [Task Management] Task we have been assigned is: Nechryael
  • [08:46:07] Pin bot started.
  • [08:46:13] Pin bot succeeded
  • [08:46:14] [Barrows Item Management] Found a Barrows item, but it is not damaged enough to repair yet
  • [08:46:14] [Equipment Management] Using the following Equipment Loadout for this task: General
  • [08:46:14] [Equipment Management] Equipped Weapon = Ghrazi rapier
  • [08:46:14] [Equipment Management] Equipped Shield = Dragon defender
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][08:46:14] [Navigation] Chosen Task Navigation Teleport item: Ring of wealth (5)
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][08:46:14] [Navigation] Chosen Banking Teleport item: Ring of dueling(8)
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][08:46:14] [Navigation] Chosen Slayer Master Teleport item: Dramen staff
  • [08:46:14] [Navigation] We found that we are using a Dramen Staff for some part of our travel, adding a Fairy Ring travel method item.
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][08:46:14] [Superior Monster Management] Taking a single Prayer Potion in case we spawn a Superior Slayer Monster.
  • [08:46:14] [Grand Exchange] Items that we do not have enough of in the bank = Shark
  • [08:46:14] [Grand Exchange] We need to buy 1 item/s off the Grand Exchange or the Slayer Shop
  • [08:46:14] [Grand Exchange] We only have 3 or fewer GE Teleport methods left - will purchase some on this run.
  • [08:46:14] [Item Purchasing Decisions] This item can be purchased from the GE, adding to GE Purchasing Task: Shark
  • [08:46:14] [Item Purchasing Decisions] This item can be purchased from the GE, adding to GE Purchasing Task: Ring of wealth (5)
  • [08:46:15] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [08:46:17] [Navigation] Path received from server...
  • [08:46:17] [DaxWalker Teleports] Target teleport: SOUL_WARS_MINIGAME
  • [08:46:29] Failed to handle teleports...
  • [08:46:36] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [08:46:36] [Navigation] Path received from server...
  • [08:46:36] [DaxWalker Teleports] Target teleport: SOUL_WARS_MINIGAME
  • [08:46:48] Failed to handle teleports...
  • [08:47:02] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [08:47:03] [Navigation] Path received from server...
  • [08:47:03] [DaxWalker Teleports] Target teleport: SOUL_WARS_MINIGAME
  • [08:47:13] Failed to handle teleports...
  • [08:47:29] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • [08:47:36] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [08:47:36] [Navigation] Path received from server...
  • [08:47:36] [DaxWalker Teleports] Target teleport: SOUL_WARS_MINIGAME
  • [08:47:48] Failed to handle teleports...
  • [08:48:03] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
  • [08:48:44] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
  • [08:48:50] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [08:48:51] [Navigation] Path received from server...
  • [08:48:51] [DaxWalker Teleports] Target teleport: SOUL_WARS_MINIGAME
  • [08:49:02] Failed to handle teleports...
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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, rsaccss said:

the bot currently breaks any time there is a barrage task. its happening to me at dust devils and nechryels. please look into it. just endlesslyΒ  teles out after reaching the catacombs for either task

Just need a debug submitted on my discord to help you πŸ™‚Β Unlikely related to the script, rather than the client




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