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ARKSlayer Pro - OSRS Slayer Training Bot | Cannon | Restocking | Superiors | Level 1 to 99 | Muling | Advanced Anti-Profiling


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4 minutes ago, Ark said:

At the moment that's not supported, but it is intended to be added 🙂

If you use Ironman looting, it should loot Dragon Bones 🙂 

You the man, looking forward to using the script!


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Bro I have to say how great this is, I’ve been watching all day using it and it’s one of a kind, problem I need answering, I get 155 blue dragon tasks, it kills only the baby blue dragons, am I doing something wrong in the settings ? 

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52 minutes ago, MysticXeon said:

Bro I have to say how great this is, I’ve been watching all day using it and it’s one of a kind, problem I need answering, I get 155 blue dragon tasks, it kills only the baby blue dragons, am I doing something wrong in the settings ? 

Blue Dragons are the worst task in the game in terms of speed and XP, so it kills the baby versions to get through it as fast as possible. If you select the Free Farming option, it kills the big ones, but for the purposes of Slayer, killing the baby ones is better 🙂 




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Hello, I am noticing that the bot will get stuck in a loop on start. It will enable some settings, then disable, then loop. This was not happening before. Did I enable a setting that is conflicting?


  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:13] [In Game Settings Manager] Managing your Options...
  • [11:50:13] [Options Manager] Disabling Supply Piles on Death.
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:23] [Interface Manager] Closing In Game Settings Interface...
  • [11:50:24] [Zoom Manager] Current Zoom = 47. Desired Zoom = 8. Scrolling to adjust Zoom.
  • [11:50:24] [World Hopping Management] Generated next World for World Hopping (338)
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:25] [In Game Settings Manager] Managing your Options...
  • [11:50:25] [Options Manager] Disabling Supply Piles on Death.
  • [11:50:28] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
  • [11:50:33] [Options Manager] Turning on Auto-Equipping items on Death.
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:39] [Interface Manager] Closing In Game Settings Interface...
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:39] [In Game Settings Manager] Managing your Options...
  • [11:50:39] [Options Manager] Disabling Supply Piles on Death.
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:47] [Interface Manager] Closing In Game Settings Interface...
  • ForegroundColor[128,128,128][11:50:48] [In Game Settings Manager] Managing your Options...
  • [11:50:48] [Options Manager] Disabling Supply Piles on Death.
  • [11:50:53] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
  • [11:50:59] [Options Manager] Turning on Auto-Equipping items on Death.
  • [11:51:02] [Thank you] Thanks for using ARKSlayer Pro. If you have any progress reports, please add them to my script thread!
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][11:51:02] [ARKSlayer Pro] Your Stats for this run: Runtime: 00:01:33, XP Gained: 0k XP, Tasks Completed: 0, Profit/Loss: 0k gp
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More Big Patches:

  • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports all of the monsters in the Iorwerth Dungeon:
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Dark Beasts, including Free-Farming.
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now support Elves in the Iorwerth Dungeon, including Free-Farming. These will be prioritised over the Iorwerth Camp Elves if you have Song of the Elves completed.
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Waterfiends in the Iorwerth Dungeon, including Free-Farming. These will be prioritised over Waterfiends in the Ancient Cavern if you have Song of the Elves completed.
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Kurasks in the Iorwerth Dungeon, including Free-Farming. These will be prioritised over the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon Kurasks if you have Song of the Elves completed.
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Greater Nechryael in the Iorwerth Dungeon, including Free-Farming. These will be prioritised over the Nechryaels in the Slayer Tower if you have Song of the Elves completed.
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Moss Giants in the Iorwerth Dungeon, including Free-Farming. These will only be prioritised over the Giants Den Moss Giants if your combat level is high enough.
    • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Bloodveld in the Iorwerth Dungeon, including Free-Farming. These will not be prioritised unless you do not have access to the Meiyerditch Laboratories (Sins of the Father), which give higher XP/hour.
    • All of these tasks can drop Crystal Shards, which the script will pick up automatically.
  • NEW: ARKSlayer now has the Eternal Teleport Crystal as an option for teleporting to Prifddinas (Iorwerth Dungeon) tasks.
  • ARKScripts with Death mechanics now turn off loot piles dropping on death and turn on auto-equipping equipped items on death.




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@ArkCan't start it keeps saying we've lost our cannon & i've went to the dwarf got the cannon & reset everything even deleted cached files tried everything but right when it sits the cannon down it teleports & keeps trying to get the cannon back

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42 minutes ago, Prenix2495 said:

@ArkCan't start it keeps saying we've lost our cannon & i've went to the dwarf got the cannon & reset everything even deleted cached files tried everything but right when it sits the cannon down it teleports & keeps trying to get the cannon back

Should now be resolved, sorry!




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2 hours ago, kutsikas said:

Cerberus is not suporrted? 🙂

No, sorry, that's a fairly complex boss that could have a whole script of its own 🙂 




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So far it works pretty well, but there seems to be a pretty serious bug when assigned Cave Horrors when trying to use the Trouble Brewing teleport: it keeps spam trying to teleport when the game requires you to switch to the required world, and then if I manually switch worlds, it'll continue trying to spam teleport even if the minigame teleport isn't ready yet.



Edited by SuperSerial
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7 hours ago, SuperSerial said:

So far it works pretty well, but there seems to be a pretty serious bug when assigned Cave Horrors when trying to use the Trouble Brewing teleport: it keeps spam trying to teleport when the game requires you to switch to the required world, and then if I manually switch worlds, it'll continue trying to spam teleport even if the minigame teleport isn't ready yet.



I wasn't aware you have to be on that world to use the teleport - you don't, do you?




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11 minutes ago, Ark said:

I wasn't aware you have to be on that world to use the teleport - you don't, do you?

I didn't think you did, but for this teleport in particular, I had to disable a setting in chat to teleport while in the wrong world; maybe it's new. After disabling once for that minigame, you aren't prompted again.

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Yeah the trouble brewing teleport is an issue. 

Also, I'm having an issue with it trying to teleport with a ring of wealth but j don't have any cos I'm in Ironman. Is it to get to the new dungeon you added? How do I disable it? I noticed it for an elves and a bloodveld task so far. 

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3 hours ago, SuperSerial said:

I didn't think you did, but for this teleport in particular, I had to disable a setting in chat to teleport while in the wrong world; maybe it's new. After disabling once for that minigame, you aren't prompted again.

Can you show me that setting? Happy to sort this if I can work out how to disable the message 🙂

2 hours ago, chrisgfmarshall said:

Yeah the trouble brewing teleport is an issue. 

Also, I'm having an issue with it trying to teleport with a ring of wealth but j don't have any cos I'm in Ironman. Is it to get to the new dungeon you added? How do I disable it? I noticed it for an elves and a bloodveld task so far. 

Should be resolved next update




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Major Patch:

  • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports Barraging/Bursting, both on and off-task.
    • All Barrage and Burst Spells are supported.
    • Tags NPCs with darts (customisable) and tick-walks to stack the NPCs on top of each other.
    • Supports:
      • Dust Devils in the Catacombs of Kourend.
      • Nechryaels in the Catacombs of Kourend.
      • Jellies in the Catacombs of Kourend.
      • Abyssal Demons in the Catacombs of Kourend.
    • These are the best tasks to Barrage/Burst.
    • ARKSlayer now offers one of the best ways of training Magic in the game - often profitably.
  • NEW: Added support for Jellies in the Catacombs of Kourend.
  • NEW: ARKSlayer's list of Free Farm monsters is now sorted alphabetically and has been slightly pruned.
  • Implemented much smarter and more accurate detection of when a player is in our combat area to prevent unnecessary world hops and time wasting (ARKSlayer).
  • ARKSlayer will no longer turn on prayer before assessing if its spot is busy (when world hopping to find a free world).
  • Ironman accounts no longer need a Ring of Wealth to get to Prifddinas Slayer tasks (Iorwerth Dungeon).
  • Improved World Hopper responsiveness to the combat timeout.




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hey I just want to say the script is amazing but there's just was one thing I was wondering if there's a option to auto equip best gear for your stats depending on what's better for the task melee/range and could you potentially write a separate for fight caves?

thanks 🙂

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3 hours ago, happygobotting said:

hey I just want to say the script is amazing but there's just was one thing I was wondering if there's a option to auto equip best gear for your stats depending on what's better for the task melee/range and could you potentially write a separate for fight caves?

thanks 🙂

It's an intended feature in the future, but there's currently no way to do this with the script, sorry!

I am currently not looking to write a Fight Caves script - that may change, but my next script is likely to be a Star Miner script 🙂 




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Absolute awesome script but can I request that we if we use the catacombs dungeon in kourend, would it be easier to just use the normal spell book and teleport just outside there, I don’t have the talisman but when I ticked the option to slay in catacombs, it teleports me to woodcutting guide then walks from there

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On 3/30/2024 at 9:18 PM, Ark said:

Can you show me that setting? Happy to sort this if I can work out how to disable the message 🙂

Should be resolved next update

I actually don't know how to replicate seeing the setting again; I only saw it that one time and it hasn't shown up since. Otherwise, everything has been smooth except the last time I had a prayer task, prayer gear wasn't equipped (not a big deal).

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