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ARKSlayer Pro - OSRS Slayer Training Bot | Cannon | Restocking | Superiors | Level 1 to 99 | Muling | Advanced Anti-Profiling


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@Ark Hi Ark, the Vyre outfit would make banking much easier than tele out when full inv of loot and getting back, minimal time saved so not necessary just QOL, however nobody uses SGS at. Vyre and it looks pretty suspicious as you would just use the altar for pray and the sharks the bot withdraws for food. 

any word on using POH fairy ring as this is the main update in terms of efficiency and antiban?

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Pushed Patches through to V6.14:

  • Laid groundwork (including GUI work) for adding POH teleporting
  • Fixed a rare issue with Turael Skipping
  • Added Prayer to the XP tracker on the paint
  • Improved smoothness of world-hopping
  • Major upgrades to clicking and object interaction




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15 hours ago, Insanemurda said:

hey. can you put in a option to use fairy ring for slayer tower tasks? thankyou, keeps shutting down and trying to get a slayer ring 

You just have to make sure you've selected the correct option in the GUI. You must have selected Slayer Rings in the GUI. Fairy Rings are supported if you select the correct GUI option. Please read the GUI carefully.




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21 minutes ago, Insanemurda said:

Sorted now. Any chance of adding konar tasks?

Yes It's shut down it's not match the settings it can not read that its not compatible settings you can read. what setting are god on this forum

Test and read what script and what you need for that

all love to all poeple


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i got myself a xeric talisman and charged it, also ticked prioritize doing tasks in catacombs, for the black demons it still didnt go into catacombs. I dont have Xeric heart unlocked, however 100% favor in all houses is quite a requierment. It should still do the black demons in catacombs.

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Don't get me wrong, the script functions and it's good but.... see example below; 


Tele Varrock, walk to grand tree via GE (Nieve), get task (hellhounds), tele Varrock re-gear, walk back to grand tree via GE to kill hell hounds ?? 

1. Why not use the bank 10 tiles away from Nieve.

2. Why is it not prioritising hellhounds in catacombs? (it's ticked)


My earlier gripe about the script not using Kourend Teleport on normal spell book also, the script would rather walk for 5 minutes than use the teleport?

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Ice Trolls task on Neitiznot eats lots of food, even if like 7 hp is missing, then runs to the bank quite often.

It eats pretty much every time a valuable item drops even if there are plenty of free inventory slots.

Also randomly drops the picked up law runes and sometimes picks them back up then drops again, there are free inventory slots.

Edited by Mastadone
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On 11/11/2023 at 1:30 PM, ENG said:

Don't get me wrong, the script functions and it's good but.... see example below; 


Tele Varrock, walk to grand tree via GE (Nieve), get task (hellhounds), tele Varrock re-gear, walk back to grand tree via GE to kill hell hounds ?? 

1. Why not use the bank 10 tiles away from Nieve.

2. Why is it not prioritising hellhounds in catacombs? (it's ticked)


My earlier gripe about the script not using Kourend Teleport on normal spell book also, the script would rather walk for 5 minutes than use the teleport?

The first time the script banks it will use the nearest bank based on teleports - it then does what you've described - please watch more carefully.

Hellhounds aren't supported in the Catacombs yet.

I may add Kourend castle teleport, but it's not a priority at the moment for me, sorry.

On 11/12/2023 at 2:00 PM, Mastadone said:

Ice Trolls task on Neitiznot eats lots of food, even if like 7 hp is missing, then runs to the bank quite often.

It eats pretty much every time a valuable item drops even if there are plenty of free inventory slots.

Also randomly drops the picked up law runes and sometimes picks them back up then drops again, there are free inventory slots.

It needs those slots for its cannon. It eats to make room for loot while maintaining slots for its cannon so that it can be picked up. This is intentional behaviour.


Pushed Patch V6.17:

  • NEW: Added support for Nechryael tasks in the Catacombs of Kourend (including free-farming)
  • NEW: Added support for Hellhound tasks in the Catacombs of Kourend
  • NEW: Added support for Black Demons tasks in the Catacombs of Kourend




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@Ark Hi, Could you make fossil island wyverns a dragon ask please, currently set to use general slayer gear.


Also is there a reason Dark beasts are not supported? tasks fast only getting 10-20 and can get there using slayer ring if Mournings end pt2 is completed. Is this possible?

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On 11/15/2023 at 12:30 PM, KissHim said:


there is a small bug with Cave Horrors on my Ironman.

He will not teleport to the touble brewing minigame.

He will teleport Varrock > re-stock > open the grouping tab then he just stops. 


This should be fixed 🙂

On 11/16/2023 at 8:57 PM, DAQINGREX said:

@Ark Hi, Could you make fossil island wyverns a dragon ask please, currently set to use general slayer gear.


Also is there a reason Dark beasts are not supported? tasks fast only getting 10-20 and can get there using slayer ring if Mournings end pt2 is completed. Is this possible?

I'll change Fossil Island Wyverns to Dragons.

I just haven't had time to add Dark Beasts yet, sorry.




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5 hours ago, Ark said:

This should be fixed 🙂

I'll change Fossil Island Wyverns to Dragons.

I just haven't had time to add Dark Beasts yet, sorry.

Thanks for getting back to me, worth noting script works very well.


I have noticed that when it implements a tribot break via the inbuilt break manager in the client, if the script is on a cannon task it doesn't pick it up before logging out to break, so when it logs back in it goes to Nudolion for a new one but if the break is shorter than i believe 30mins then the script bugs out as its still in the 'same place you left it'.

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On 11/19/2023 at 7:44 PM, DAQINGREX said:

Thanks for getting back to me, worth noting script works very well.


I have noticed that when it implements a tribot break via the inbuilt break manager in the client, if the script is on a cannon task it doesn't pick it up before logging out to break, so when it logs back in it goes to Nudolion for a new one but if the break is shorter than i believe 30mins then the script bugs out as its still in the 'same place you left it'.

This shouldn't happen - could you send me the debug via a PM? 🙂

On 11/22/2023 at 7:24 PM, Mastadone said:

Alchs should be brought to Aberrant spectres. They drop rune full helms and battlestaves

Added in latest update.


ARKSlayer Pro - Price increased from $9.99/instance to $12.99/instance.

ARKSlayer Pro has been underpriced for a long time. It has exceptional utility and can be used to build accounts from scratch, train mains and goldfarm highly profitable monsters. It also requires A LOT of work to maintain and add the constantly requested stream of features from users. For this reason, for the first time ever, I am increasing the price of ARKSlayer Pro - though it remains underpriced for its potential, as I am sure many of you will agree.




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9 hours ago, Bayter said:

When I hit start nothing happens, any idea why?

Read the client debug at the bottom of the client - you've likely missed something in your setup. The script should be working perfectly.




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On 11/29/2023 at 11:30 PM, agat said:

hi ironman account wyverns task client says no dragon fire shield, but I do have anti dragon shields? 

Anti dragon shields do not work on Wyverns. Please read up on Wyverns. You need either a Mind/Elemental Shield, Dragonfire shield (not a an anati dragon shield) or a Wyvern shield.




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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, kudos on the script—it's doing great overall! I've got a few suggestions to enhance it:

- Currently, when using the house teleport-pool-glory method, the script tends to grab a glory amulet from the bank unnecessarily. Could this be adjusted?

- Any rough estimate on when we might expect the ability to use teleports in POH to be implemented?

- It'd be awesome if, for accounts with lumby elite completed, we could prevent the script from picking up a dramen staff. Similarly, for desert elite & passes.

Thanks for your work on this—appreciate any consideration on these points!

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Recent Slayer Patches!

  • NEW: ARKSlayer now supports House-Based Teleports for navigating to all tasks and Slayer Masters (WIP, Beta):
    • Mounted Amulet of Glory will now be used in place of the item if you have the option selected.
    • Mounted Xeric's Talisman will now be used in place of the item if you have the option selected.
    • Mounted Digsite Pendant will now be used in place of the item if you have the option selected.
    • Further features, such as support for the various Jewellery Boxes, support for using your pools in between all tasks if you ever visit your house and support for house teleporting via runes/Construction Cape are due soon.
  • ARKSlayer will no longer take a Dramen Staff with it if you have the Lumbridge Elite Diaries complete.
  • ARKSlayer now uses combat prayers on a larger selection of tasks if you have protection prayers selected for that task (e.g. Fire Giants and Dagannoth tasks).
  • Fixed an issue causing my scripts to sometimes ignore the Amulet of Glory when a teleport to Edgeville was an option - this fix may improve XP/hour fairly dramatically for some users.
  • ARKScripts now include one final failsafe that will kill the client if things go (very) wrong for whatever reason, preventing login/logout loops.
  • High value items will now not be rush-sold - the script will attempt to let them sit in the GE while it offers other items, improving profit for users and reducing price crashing.
  • ARKSlayer now correctly replenishes bolts and arrows.
  • All ARKScripts will now end properly if your account runs out of membership.
  • ARKSlayer Pro can now bond from F2P if you have the auto-bonding feature turned on.
  • Moved the position of the Cows task in ARKSlayer Pro due to the Christmas event.
  • Resolved issues with selling the RoW and Amulet of Glory.
  • All supported scripts can now mule for more gold without needing loot selling to be turned on.
  • Added a handler for accidentally opening the Prayers filter menu.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To All!




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