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nRestocker [Grand Exchange] [Muling] [Bonding] [Gearing] [Script Starting/Queuing] [~100 Different Tasks] [Automate Your Gold Farm]


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Revolutionize your gold farm management by building automated custom workflows for preparing and managing your bots. 



This tool will allow you to build a list (basic) or tree (more advanced) of (conditional) tasks to automate your farm. You can build workflows for preparing your accounts as well as workflows for actually running your main money making scripts, or even combine the two to a fully automated workflow.

The core of this script is a 'Task'. You can combine multiple tasks to run sequentially. You can add conditions to these tasks, or pick between tasks based on conditions. An example of a task is buying items from the grand exchange. An example of a condition is you have at least 5,000,000 gp.

This bot can restock on any item at the grand exchange, trade items to and from a connected mule, start other scripts on tribot that you have access to, set up your inventory, set up equipment (you can configure it to be dynamic based stats), travelling anywhere, purchasing a bond and using it, hop worlds, teleport, and so much more.


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Configure a list of tasks (or a tree if you are looking for something more advanced). You can put together tasks in any order and the script will run them. Be creative - you can build many different workflows to save you time.



None (the requirements are really dependent on what tasks you have configured and how you have configured them, for example you will need gold to buy items on the grand exchange)



Grand Exchange buying
Grand Exchange selling
Choose any prices you want (3 different types, static, dynamic, and arrow keys)
Adjust the pricing based on the amount of time the offer has been pending
Muling (request items from mule, trade items off to mule)
Deposit any items to bank
Withdraw and items from bank
Setup any inventory (with alternatives for each item)
Setup and gear configuration (with alternatives for each item)
Automatically run a separate script after nRestocker has finished (these can be queued, to run scripts after on another, or even perform another task within
Buying a bond from the grand exchange, using it, and hopping to members worlds
Hopping to any arbitrary world (supports a custom world, random f2p worlds, random p2p worlds, preferred regions)
Moving anywhere (using dax walker, or using weighted custom paths)
Teleporting using almost all jewelry and teleport tablets (feel free to request any teleport to be added)
Simple waiting, optionally logged out
Dropping items
Selling all bank items above a certain threshold at any price
Selling all inventory items above a certain threshold at any price
Moving to GE (supports varrock teleport, ring of wealth, and amulet of glory) with custom priorities
Moving to Zeah
Setting quick prayers
Setting fkey bindings + escape close interfaces
Setting shift dropping
Configuring advanced options within OSRS such as remove roofs
Configuring left click character options (npc, player)
Disabling sounds
Setting resizable/fixed mode
Setting left click withdraw banking settings and withdraw X value
Setting camera zoom
Enabling/disabling accept aid
Decanting jewelry
Decanting potions
Filling blowpipe
Charging trident
Emptying blowpipe
Emptying trident
Obtaining ava's accumulators
Obtaining a goblin staff
Collecting from the collection box
... and so many more tasks








Task Tree Images





Bug Reports

For the sake of both of our time, please attempt to solve issues on your own first to verify that the issue is not on your end (for example, misconfigured settings).

If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, please reach out to me for assistance. You can obtain assistance through the forums thread, the TRiBot forums private messaging system, or in my support discord.

At the minimum, please provide the debug when reporting an issue. You can obtain the debug by following right clicking the Client Debug/Bot Debug tabs and clicking Copy to Clipboard. You can then paste this to pastebin and give me the link. This will help me to figure out what exactly is happening.

Follow this gif for assistance with obtaining the debug. https://i.imgur.com/JruOAaz.gif

The more information you can provide, the faster the issue is likely to be resolved. A description of the issue (ex. what is happening vs what you think should be happening) is helpful. A gif of the issue is very helpful, but if you can't get that then a screenshot is better than nothing. The debug, as mentioned above, should be provided.


Advanced Preferences

This script contains a plethora of advanced customization. These settings are primarily targeted at more advanced users. It's not recommend to mess around with them until you have some experience with the script. You can hover your mouse over many of the advanced preferences for more information. If there is a specific setting you would like a description of, reach out to me and I'll add a tooltip/improve the existing tooltip to better help you.


Script Arguments

All of my scripts support script arguments in the form


where name is the name of the settings file to load. You can use the special name `last` to load your last settings.




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A quantity of '0' is generally indicated as 'All'. For example, to sell all of an item, set the quantity to 0.




Variables allow you to store specific values to use them at a later date. This allows you to give the program different states. For example, you can set a variable to "5" after completing a specific task to signify that you have completed this task.

Variables are set via tasks, and they are checked via conditions.

When checking variables via conditions, the variable must exist. You can run a set variables task at the start of your task tree/list if necessary.

Variables can also be used to store the current time, and check how long has passed since that time. Ex. you want to only perform a task if it has been at least 15 minutes after script start. You would have a set time variable task as your first task, then use a time variable condition to check the time that has elapsed since.


Here's a post of mine on discord awhile back

"variables are mainly to add more power to creating your task tree, most people prob wont care about them

lets say towards the end of a tree, you have a task that can be reached by two different paths in the tree. let say you really need to know which path was taken. you can use a "set variable" task in each path, and then check that variable by using a condition to see which path was taken. ex. if the variable = 1 then the left path was taken, otherwise the right path was taken

the time variable can be used to record time and incase you only want to do something after a certain amount of time has passed from a specific point. ex. you only want to execute a task if 2 hours has passed since the start of the script. you would have a "set time variable" task at the start of your tree/list, and then you would check that variable by using a condition to see how much time has elapsed since that variable was set"


Account List/Account Dispatching

Configure an account list at Advanced Preferences -> Account List, or a connection to nAccount Dispatcher at Advanced Preferences -> Account Dispatching.

This will use a new account on script start, and rotate to a new account whenever the task list/tree completes, or when an account is banned/locked, and keep going until all accounts are used. There is more customization of this at Advanced Preferences -> Account List -> List/Dispatcher Options.



nRestocker supports most string input as a template. This means it can take a line of text, and process it into something else based on some variables (for example, ingame name). Examples of places this is supported is the start script task, discord webhook task, and system notification task.

Example. ${username} has ${attack-level} attack in world ${world} -> MyIngameName has 50 attack in world 304.

The following template variables are supported:


${loginname} -> Your in game account login name (the email/name you use to log in)

${username} -> Your in game account username (what appears to others ingame)

${skill-level} -> The level of that skill, where skill is the lower case name of a skill (ex. attack, firemaking)

${skill-exp} -> The exp of that skill, where skill is the lower case name of a skill (ex. attack, firemaking)

${skill-adjusted-level} -> The level of that skill, accounting for boosts and other adjustments, where skill is the lower case name of a skill (ex. attack, firemaking)

${combatlevel} -> The combat level of your account

${position} -> The position of your account in the format (x, y, z)

${game-setting-index} -> The value of the specified game setting, where index is the index of the game setting

${varbit-index} -> The value of the specified varbit, where index is the index of the varbit

${variable-name} -> The value of the specified nRestocker variable (for example, from a set variable task), where name is the name of the variable

${machine-name} -> The name of the machine running the client

${system-username} -> The username of your system account (ex. your Windows account user name)

${world} -> The current world ingame (ex. 301)

${quest-points} -> The quest points of the current account

${quest-state-quest-name} -> The state of the specified quest (not started, in progress, complete) where quest-name is the name of the quest. To find the exact spelling you should use, open a quest start/stop condition and base it off the options there (case does not matter, spaces can be optionally swapped for a dash, ex. ${quest-state-black-knights-fortress}).

${inventory-count-item} -> The current quantity of that item in your inventory, where item is either the item name or item id

${bank-count-item} -> The current quantity of that item in your bank, where item is either the item name or item id - NOTE this won't open the bank to check, in order for this to be non-zero, the script must have opened the bank once in that script session (and the script will remember what was in the bank)

${equipment-count-item} -> The current quantity of that item equipped, where item is either the item name or item id

If you find a place that these are not currently supported, reach out to me and I will add it in. If there's another template variables that could help you, feel free to reach out and I will consider it.


External Tools

This script works extremely well with the Graphical Client Starter. https://community.tribot.org/topic/80538-graphical-client-starter-automate-launching-managing-your-clients/

This script can connect to nMule and nAccount Dispatcher

Edited by Naton
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Had an indepth look at the script, using the 1 hour free trial. It looks fantastic, and will turn a tedious 1 hour job into a 10 minute job for me. Thank you!

Are there any plans to add script arguments to bypass the GUI?


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1 minute ago, dodgedave said:

Had an indepth look at the script, using the 1 hour free trial. It looks fantastic, and will turn a tedious 1 hour job into a 10 minute job for me. Thank you!

Are there any plans to add script arguments to bypass the GUI?

It already supports arguments, read the saving/loading tab in the GUI for info on this

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I've set up a script where the slave will meet the mule on a f2p world, to trade cash over, then buy a bond. The slave will then log into a p2p world. But after that, when it comes to me wanting the slave to meet the mule to trade p2p items, they both just log into a f2p world again.

Is there any way around this? Cheers


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4 minutes ago, dodgedave said:

I've set up a script where the slave will meet the mule on a f2p world, to trade cash over, then buy a bond. The slave will then log into a p2p world. But after that, when it comes to me wanting the slave to meet the mule to trade p2p items, they both just log into a f2p world again.

Is there any way around this? Cheers

I guess two mules? Or you could transfer over coins and let the bot purchase/sell the p2p items rather than trade it over. The mule currently is programmed to stay in the initial location/world that the script was started in, and the bot will hop to meet the mule so that's why it hops to f2p.

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Yeah, it was just the buying limit that I was trying to bypass. I'll give 2 mules a shot, thanks anyway. Love the script so far

Edited by dodgedave


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It would also be a great addition, if you could give it the choice of idling while waiting for the GE offers to be completed, or just leave the offer in the GE and exit the screen ?

Edited by dodgedave


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Just now, dodgedave said:

It would also be a great addition, if you could give it the choice of idling while waiting for the GE offers to be completed, or just leave the offer in the GE and exit the screen ?

Like an option to not wait for the offers to complete + collect? I've had a few requests for this so I'll probably add it in sometime soon

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Just now, Naton said:

Like an option to not wait for the offers to complete + collect? I've had a few requests for this so I'll probably add it in sometime soon

Yes, just like that ?


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Anyone not using this script already should be, Works brilliant naton is always open to suggestions for stuff to add the bot and has already added numerous requests, Fixes any issues super quickly as well awesome and very useful script. 

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19 minutes ago, nickolastirrell said:

Great script, I love it so far! Please add getting boots of lightness!  

That's a good idea, I probably will add that in

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