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nCrafter [ABC2] [Progression] [Customization] [Supports Most Items] [Restocking] [Muling] [Extremely Reliable & Stable] [150B+ Total Profit/30B+ Total Exp]


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4 minutes ago, Jurii said:


Do you have any plans to implement the charter ship method (world hopping)? Thank you.

Unfortunately I don't plan to support this. I believe Auto Crafter Pro does if you are looking for an alternative.

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12 hours ago, Naton said:

Unfortunately I don't plan to support this. I believe Auto Crafter Pro does if you are looking for an alternative.

Bummer. I tried the other script but it bricks when worldhopping to PvP Arena worlds / BETA worlds so it wasn't working. Thanks for your reply!

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  • 3 months later...

do you only have right click make all method for battlestaffs? why not just left click both items...id be annoyed as a human doing that. honestly stopping the script when i saw that

also the withdraw all feature is right click to all instead of "x" amount left click...can I get a refund

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1 minute ago, Novasyn said:

do you only have right click make all method for battlestaffs? why not just left click both items...id be annoyed as a human doing that. honestly stopping the script when i saw that

also the withdraw all feature is right click to all instead of "x" amount left click...can I get a refund

Could you elaborate on what you mean by it's right clicking? Maybe capture a gif?


If you enable withdraw all on left-click ingame, it will use that. It goes with whatever you have set in-game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey mate,

The script isn't withdrawing "x" amount when making jewellery at edgeville furnace. I have it set to "x" amount, but it still right clicks and manually types in "14" every bank. Very bot-like. Can you change it so it can just left click withdraw both items?

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23 minutes ago, dantheman9 said:

Hey mate,

The script isn't withdrawing "x" amount when making jewellery at edgeville furnace. I have it set to "x" amount, but it still right clicks and manually types in "14" every bank. Very bot-like. Can you change it so it can just left click withdraw both items?

Could you capture a short gif of this please? Here's a tutorial on how to take a gif if you aren't familiar: https://community.tribot.org/topic/83649-how-to-take-a-gif/

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9 hours ago, lncreased said:

I'm having the same issue. I can pm you the gif?

Yes please send me a gif



I've tested this myself and everything is working fine. If you see something else, please send me a gif that shows the full screen (don't need to see your chat, but need to see inventory + bank).


Here's a gif of it withdrawing properly



Edited by Naton
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  • 2 months later...

Hey @Naton will you ever consider adding Super glass make spell support with Giant Seaweed + Buckets of Sand?

All it would need is to perform the following actions:

Have runes/staff in inventory to cast super glass make
Withdraw 3 Giant Seaweed & 18 buckets of sand
cast super glass make
deposit molten glass
repeat until stack on floor reaches 25+ then loot stack of Molten Glass on floor

I need this method for some iron man characters would buy this script if you supported it! :)

Edited by dom584


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2 hours ago, dom584 said:

Hey @Naton will you ever consider adding Super glass make spell support with Giant Seaweed + Buckets of Sand?

All it would need is to perform the following actions:

Have runes/staff in inventory to cast super glass make
Withdraw 3 Giant Seaweed & 18 buckets of sand
cast super glass make
deposit molten glass
repeat until stack on floor reaches 25+ then loot stack of Molten Glass on floor

I need this method for some iron man characters would buy this script if you supported it! :)

nMagic supports that, but it doesn't support buying from the charter shops that iron men require

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  • 3 weeks later...

An option to mule items when restocking/muling would be useful! Selling the same item on several accs can quickly crash the prices, especially with such a stable script that seems to run endlessly!


"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it."

Jordan Belfort "The Wolf of Wall Street"

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  • 3 months later...
2 hours ago, Hermes said:

@Naton Bought this for making sapphire bracelets on DMM worlds. It auto-quits as DMM isn't supported worlds, and doesn't have functionality for a city safe zone furnace such as falador. Any ability to add these quickly?

It doesn't support DMM worlds - if you just bought for that use case, open a support ticket on the forums for a refund and I'll approve it

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, 2wr said:

No holy symbol or tiara? Silver jewelry lacking here, any chance of compatibility

There hasn't really been much demand for these but sure I can add them in

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/11/2023 at 3:37 PM, Derpino3000 said:

I just purchased your bot and we can't craft rings with a crafter bot? I am a little surprised to be honest. Would I be able to get a refund?

You can craft rings under gold jewelry

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, McLazy said:


Does the script cut amethyst to arrow tips / dart tips?

Just checked and it doesn't currently support that

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  • 4 weeks later...

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