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Just now, ponymermaid77 said:

I don't really understand the potion section. Can you explain?

The drink threshold is the difference between the actual level and current level, that when reached the script will drink a potion. Ex. If you select 2, and are using super strengths, and your actual strength level is 80, it will drink a potion at or below 82 strength. This threshold is very slightly randomized so it doesn't always drink at the same exact value.

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Highscore rankings now available :)

It still needs a little work like more customization as most of the code I found off google (I'm not the best with web programming, yet).

The functionality of it works perfectly.


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Nice, I have the most XP gained in one skill out of all users :P & #1 in str/hp. Is there a way to sig this? Anyway, I run out of heapspace all the time. Is this a script issue? I just increased it from the default 356mb or w/e to 1000 hoping that'd solve it for at least 3x longer.

Edited by boatsb4hose



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1 minute ago, boatsb4hose said:

Nice, I have the most XP gained in one skill out of all users :P & #1 in str/hp. Anyway, I run out of heapspace all the time. Is this a script issue? I just increased it from the default 356mb or w/e to 1000 hoping that'd solve it for at least 3x longer

I'm not sure, I have to look into it. I have never had problems with it before and randomly its happening

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Nvm I just watched it accidentally open the minimap, unfortunately this is a tribot issue and when the minimap is opened, the client lags an incredible amount. The devs are aware and working on the problem. Closing the paint will still help reduce the amount of heap space that is used.

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1 minute ago, Naton said:

Nvm I just watched it accidentally open the minimap, unfortunately this is a tribot issue and when the minimap is opened, the client lags an incredible amount. The devs are aware and working on the problem. Closing the paint will still help reduce the amount of heap space that is used.

Damn nice quick catch lol. Any way to get a sig for this :P would love to flaunt it now



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Just now, boatsb4hose said:

Damn nice quick catch lol. Any way to get a sig for this :P would love to flaunt it now

http://nscripting.com/crabkiller/signatures/users/All Users.png

Replace "All Users" with your tribot username

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1 minute ago, boatsb4hose said:

thanks mate. i'd love to see where I rank on there too but that's me bragging. gonna see if i can't maintain this #1 spot for xp :P 

Interesting idea

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~700k on separate accounts


36 strength to 70 strength in one go


~17h proggy, would have longer but vps keeps having hiccups.


Also, sig isn't representing correct strength/hp gained according to hiscores. About 2.6m difference in str xp. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Edited by boatsb4hose



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Just now, boatsb4hose said:

~700k on separate accounts


36 strength to 70 strength in one go


~17h proggy, would have longer but vps keeps having hiccups.


Also, sig isn't representing correct strength/hp gained according to hiscores. About 2m difference in str xp.

Awesome proggies!

The signature image will cache locally (may be because of browser) when you view it, and will auto update after some period of time (I'm not sure why, I don't know too much about web programming) but if you directly go to the website image and refresh the page it will update for you. For others who haven't viewed your signature in awhile it will display properly

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6 minutes ago, boatsb4hose said:

1m xp 22h proggy before getting hit with the heap space issue. Unlucky




Great proggies! Just wondering how much heap space do you give per client?

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1 minute ago, boatsb4hose said:


Damn alright if it doesn't get fixed when they fix the minimap issue I'll take a look into it.

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27 minutes ago, jpcav said:

is it just me but since update it won't go to safe tile when crashed?

Please make sure to delete hooks and restart your client x2 after every update

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thanks, everything back to normal. have noticed whenever I try hop worlds after being crashed just spams clicks top of map.


edit, sorry didn’t realise other Bots having this problem too something todo with world hoping

Edited by jpcav


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another 1m and 22h proggy before tribot client crashed lol. p sure my vps is responsible for that. does my hiscore still say 9days? http://nscripting.com/highscores/crabkiller/ 

i feel like it's only adding maybe one of my account's time and not both. i definitely accrued like 48h bot time the last 3 days but it only went up 24h which is the equivalent of one of my accounts. idk maybe it's taking it's time or i'm just crazy





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5 minutes ago, boatsb4hose said:

another 1m and 22h proggy before tribot client crashed lol. p sure my vps is responsible for that. does my hiscore still say 9days? http://nscripting.com/highscores/crabkiller/ 

i feel like it's only adding maybe one of my account's time and not both. i definitely accrued like 48h bot time the last 3 days but it only went up 24h which is the equivalent of one of my accounts. idk maybe it's taking it's time or i'm just crazy



The highscore page definitely updates accurately and instantly but if the client crashes, it won't update because it sends the data on script end

Edited by Naton
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Just now, Naton said:

The highscore page definitely updates accurately, and in real time but if the client crashes, it won't update because it sends the data on script end

shit lmfao, i've lost like 72h to that then :( just wanted to be #1 feelsbadman

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