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1 hour ago, guywithlsd said:

@Naton hey man, maybe ou had a chance to look into login screen problem i mentioned before?

I haven’t been able to replicate it, I’m assuming it’s a Tribot issue but I still have to see if I can add a failsafe in myself

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3 minutes ago, iggnizzle said:

Does looking glass freeze for anyone else after like 1 minute of logging in rs?

I don't really use looking glass but try disabling your TRiBot firewall if you haven't already

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3 hours ago, iggnizzle said:

Does looking glass freeze for anyone else after like 1 minute of logging in rs?

Am using looking glass, no issues.

1. Make sure you minimize OSbuddy/Official client after hooking LG on Tribot.

2. When you switch paint to xp/h it might lag abit, but shouldnt freeze your whole client ( @Naton hope you can take a look at it :P)

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3 minutes ago, filthyfrank said:

Am using looking glass, no issues.

1. Make sure you minimize OSbuddy/Official client after hooking LG on Tribot.

2. When you switch paint to xp/h it might lag abit, but shouldnt freeze your whole client ( @Naton hope you can take a look at it :P)

The reason it'll appear to lag more when you switch is because drawing the xp gained paint is more cpu intensive then the basic basic, as it has to check which stats you've trained, load images and draw rectangles. I've never actually experienced an increase in lag but I imagine that is what would cause it.

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Got crashed, script proceeds to tele to Edgeville and then world hop ?

[17:43:32] [ABC2] Picking up mouse
[17:43:35] [Crash Observer] Crash detected
[17:43:35] [ABC2] Sleeping for: 1421
[17:43:48] [ABC2] Sleeping for: 1617
[17:43:50] [On Crash Action] Attempting to change worlds
[17:44:02] [Crash Observer] Crash ended
[17:44:03] [ABC2] Sleeping for: 709

At least it's walking back to port sarim as I type this out. ?

Sand crabs btw.

Edited by DiAngush
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Just now, DiAngush said:

Got crashed, script proceeds to tele to Edgeville and then world hop ?

[17:43:32] [ABC2] Picking up mouse
[17:43:35] [Crash Observer] Crash detected
[17:43:35] [ABC2] Sleeping for: 1421
[17:43:48] [ABC2] Sleeping for: 1617
[17:43:50] [On Crash Action] Attempting to change worlds
[17:44:02] [Crash Observer] Crash ended
[17:44:03] [ABC2] Sleeping for: 709

At least it's walking back to port sarim as I type this out. ?

Sand crabs btw.

I still have to submit an update for this, I was hoping trilez would adjust the build path for the repository as I've updated my script already for some of the new stuff hes added but it doesn't work yet so I can't upload anything unless I want to go back to an older version. If it takes much longer I'll have to do that.

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The script wont work for me, every time I run it, it ends itself straight away with the message "please disable all user input for best performance" and "the food selected does not correspond to any value in the chosen inventory setup"

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Just now, Avoxx said:

The script wont work for me, every time I run it, it ends itself straight away with the message "please disable all user input for best performance" and "the food selected does not correspond to any value in the chosen inventory setup"

What food did you select and what is your inventory setup?

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3 hours ago, filthyfrank said:

Seems like jagex cracking down on twitch prime accounts pretty quickly now.. used to be able to run 24hrs+ off tut island, now can barely last 12hrs before it gets hit on monday.


need to season the account before going to crabs now ;(

I would definitely try to avoid botting fresh accounts, my account is still going and I've been using the same account ever since I started working on the script

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Maybe I do not understand this script completely, but I have two issues.


I turn on world hopping when I get crashed but if I get crashed it uses my glory and teles to edgeville.


Just now it randomly walked to the docs and left sand crabs have no idea where it was heading just sketchy have to babysit it. Maybe you can provide your exact settings so we can see how you are getting these long proggies.

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Just now, dapstriple said:

Maybe I do not understand this script completely, but I have two issues.


I turn on world hopping when I get crashed but if I get crashed it uses my glory and teles to edgeville.


Just now it randomly walked to the docs and left sand crabs have no idea where it was heading just sketchy have to babysit it. Maybe you can provide your exact settings so we can see how you are getting these long proggies.

Currently theres an issue with banking due to a change in dax walker where it will use teleports to get to the nearest bank. You can avoid this by not using a charged glory, I'm waiting on trilez to add these 

to the tribot build path so that I can actually update my script since I've already updated to the new versions locally as I thought he had already added them (based on the thread he posted). 


What do you mean it walked to the docs and left sand crabs? What sand crab location are you using?

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I should say there isn't an issue with banking, its an issue with trying to move to a safe tile on crash/script end. Can't edit my post above.

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1 minute ago, dapstriple said:

It went to that guy forget his name at the docs you use to get to sand crabs. It traveled and got on the boat somehow then I caught it at port sarim.

What crab position are you using? Were you out of food/needed to bank?

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Just submitted a few changes that should prevent that weird travelling from happening. If it ever happens again, please let me know with an in depth description of whats happening, and what is in your inventory as well as the paint status. If you know how to print the script stack trace that helps even more. 

Some other small things were fixed/changed as well.

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Here's a reference for how to fill out a bug report that will really help me diagnose issues.

I've also posted this on the original post in the bug report section.

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