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Auto Wintertodt Pro


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I just bought it, and it just stays beside the trees doing nothing. And within 5 minute my Tribot Client crashes. Happened four times now, anyone help?


EDIT: I just started it once again. Never seen such a confused bot before. It doesn't work at all, why? Can you fix it, or I want a refund, because that's kinda pathetic for $6 :-)

Edited by pkar
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I did allow firewall still nothing showing on screen just a blank white page/screen (gui) after starting script.the script is purchased so I would like to figure this out. At top of gui screen it says auto wintertodtpro v1.2 but nothing displayed in gui its self.

Edited by Chizzmo
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Any idea why this would be acting the way it is? I have restarted the client about 10 times letting it load to the osrs login screen each time. It will miss click the brazier to light it fairly frequently and often gets stuck on steps like lighting brazier. If it misses the light, it will stand there and do nothing. It also does this at the bruma roots if it has to eat occasionally.

I got this message one of the times as well:

  • [14:11:27] Auto Wintertodt Pro Script: [CRITICAL] Please disable resizable mode. TRiBot does not support resizable mode.

I play the game in fixed screen, as I hate the resizable crap.


I have everything in my inventory that I need, it will eat food, it just doesn't interact with the in game objects very well. I have the game at max zoom, and roofs are disabled.

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19 minutes ago, itsasecrett said:

Any idea why this would be acting the way it is? I have restarted the client about 10 times letting it load to the osrs login screen each time. It will miss click the brazier to light it fairly frequently and often gets stuck on steps like lighting brazier. If it misses the light, it will stand there and do nothing. It also does this at the bruma roots if it has to eat occasionally.

I got this message one of the times as well:

  • [14:11:27] Auto Wintertodt Pro Script: [CRITICAL] Please disable resizable mode. TRiBot does not support resizable mode.

I play the game in fixed screen, as I hate the resizable crap.


I have everything in my inventory that I need, it will eat food, it just doesn't interact with the in game objects very well. I have the game at max zoom, and roofs are disabled.


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It is looking like it commonly gets stuck in the lighting brazier step of the script. This is happening on southeast side, ill try southwest and see if its better.


Note: It skips to the lighting brazier step even though the brazier was lit and it was supposed to enter the step where it puts kindling into the fire.

Note2: It happens on both sides for me. After I finish fletching, I run to the brazier, and it says 'feeding brazier' as the status until it reaches the brazier then it switches to lighting brazier and it just stands there doing nothing unless the brazier goes out. Then it lights it, and stays in the same status waiting to be able to light it again.


As a further note, I have tried deleting the tribot file out of the appdata file, then just to be sure something didn't mess up with the hooks file, I deleted that afterwards as well. So it should all be fresh. I am using Looking Glass if that matters.

Edited by itsasecrett
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Interesting note.... I was using the osrs official client at first and it was giving me a ton of issues. I switched over to osbuddy and now the script seems to be running just fine.

Not sure what the difference is, but yeppp works better now.

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@Chizzmo make sure you have wintertodt.encodedscripting.com and added to TRiBot's firewall always allow. Also make sure your java version is 1.8u100+ Check the Bot Debug and Client Debug for errors and paste them here.

Edited by Encoded
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Yeah, ever since I switched to osbuddy it has been working pretty well. I do have a question though, it seems like it banks after 2 rounds every time. I have it set to bank at 1 food, tried changing it to bank at 3, food it still banks at 2 crates. I am using cakes and have it withdraw 5 every round. I still have typically 4 sometimes all 5 left and it will still bank after 2 crates.


Is there a way to make is that the script will run until you are at the amount of food you specified to bank at? Regardless of how many crates you have in the trip. 


@Encoded Or add a slot to say it banks at a specific amount of crates give or take a few (and they still have food to keep going). Bank everytime at 2 crates exactly is a bit off.

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@EncodedI checked the firewall it is all allowed and as you can see I have the required java. Thank you for your time


[19:13:07] TRiBot Release 9.306_4 loaded. (1.8.0_161:C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_161)
[19:13:07] Loading human mouse movement data.
[19:13:09] Could not load human mouse data. Reason: Human mouse data encryption key not found.
[19:16:45] java.lang.NullPointerException
[19:16:45]     at scripts.api.deprecated.util.v.h(JFXUtil.java:43)
[19:16:45]     at scripts.wintertodt.c.f.start(GUI.java:177)
[19:16:45]     at scripts.wintertodt.c.f.k(GUI.java:161)
[19:16:45]     at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$null$172(PlatformImpl.java:295)
[19:16:45]     at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
[19:16:45]     at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$173(PlatformImpl.java:294)
[19:16:45]     at com.sun.glass.ui.InvokeLaterDispatcher$Future.run(InvokeLaterDispatcher.java:95)
[19:16:45]     at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication._runLoop(Native Method)
[19:16:45]     at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication.lambda$null$147(WinApplication.java:177)
[19:16:45]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


[19:13:52] Starting client.
[19:16:37] Downloading script 'Auto Wintertodt Pro'.
[19:16:42] Script Started: Auto Wintertodt Pro.

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@Encoded I seem to have figured out the problem 8) first I want to thank you for your time again and, your quick response to my problem.it seemed that I have k9 web protection that was keeping it from working so your theory about the firewall was correct, and I have the script running for 27 min:)

Edited by Chizzmo
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So script afk'd at brazier with 800 points and 22% left of WT's health left. I manually clicked the tree and it cut 2 logs, fletched them and used on brazier. The status was: Switching brazier, when the pyromancer was not down. Then around 15 or 10% it ran to the lobby thing. I have a screenshot of the client debug and gif of it waiting. It should get 500 points, calc how many more points it can get before WT is dead, cut logs and fletch/burn them until WT is dead.



There was nothing on the bot debug, And only this showed on client debug.


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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Also, can you make the bot go to (1638,3988,0) instead of (1638,3989,0)? It is a safe spot from the falling snow, and i believe the one we are standing at now is not.


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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Some suggestions:

-Add a loot tracker. It can be an overlay over the inventory; Shows items looted from crates, prices of the items, total loot acquired.

-Add support for phoenix pick up and store (i am not sure if this is implemented yet)

-Auto equip pyro clothing as you get them; minus bruma torches (I am not sure if this is implemented yet)

-Adding smart calc on getting 500 points ASAP then what ever the health is on WT, to go back to cutting more logs and earning more points.

-Custom points till AFK; Get 500 points then afk once x amount of points is reached

-Axe upgrading? I don't think this is that important since dragon axe is like a 1/10000 chance or something.

-Ways to toggle between all exp gained (FM, WC, Fletch and construction)


Just some suggestions, not sure if they are necessary but it contributes to a better script :)


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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14 hours ago, mryodog said:

one account made it to 74 , the other 3 accounts got banned with in a day ... wasted bonds and accounts, can you issue a refund ?


A ban does not justify a refund. If you botted all those accounts on 1 IP. It most likely was a chain ban. Sounds like a botting habit problem to me. Better luck next time. im at 80+ FM with this script alone. Sorry mate, try again.


Also, @Encoded you should make it worlad hop to 309 automatically if you arent already there. Would be a nice feature to be able to start it in any world and it fixes itself. thanks!

Edited by gosubear


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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New payment options

  • 6 credits for 1 month, 3 instances.
  • 8 credits for 1 month, 5 instances.
  • 12 credits for 3 months, 3 instances.
    Note: Instances are the amount of accounts that can be ran simultaneously.
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On 2/21/2018 at 6:25 AM, Encoded said:

New payment options

  • 6 credits for 1 month, 3 instances.
  • 8 credits for 1 month, 5 instances.
  • 12 credits for 3 months, 3 instances.
    Note: Instances are the amount of accounts that can be ran simultaneously.

Do you think you could make an option for 1 instance for 5 credits for three months?

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43 minutes ago, xx1azn1xx said:

Do you think you could make an option for 1 instance for 5 credits for three months?

3 is basically my 1 instance option. This is to help prevent the "Maximum amount of instances has been surpassed. Cannot run script" error message from happening when users fail to end the script properly and then have to wait 15-30 minutes for the instance to time out.

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5 hours ago, Encoded said:

3 is basically my 1 instance option. This is to help prevent the "Maximum amount of instances has been surpassed. Cannot run script" error message from happening when users fail to end the script properly and then have to wait 15-30 minutes for the instance to time out.

Ah, okay that makes sense

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