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Auto Wintertodt Pro


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Auto Wintertodt Pro subdues the Wintertodt located on Zeah for profitable firemaking experience.
This is a dangerous activity. Do not bot with any items you are not willing to lose!

Wintertodt Requirements:
- 50+ Firemaking
- 21+ Woodcutting w/ Mithril axe if fletching
- 41+ Woodcutting w/ Rune axe if not fletching

Current Options:
- Fletching
-Hybrid (Fletch/Cut)
- Lighting Brazier
- Fixing Brazier
- Idling at 500 Points

Braziers Supported:
- South West
- South East

Food Supported:
- Rejuvenation potions
- Any item with the "Eat" option, including cakes.
- Wine
- Saradomin brews if using item id or entering "Saradomin brew" as the food name. Requires 4 dose brews if entering name and not id.

Dragon axe special attack supported.

Recommended amount of logs for 1-50 firemaking:
- 135 normal
- 324 oak
- 891 willow OR 459 willow & 297 Maple Logs

uses the last used settings and skips the GUI

Progress Reports:


Usage Guidelines:
Have roofs disabled and camera at max zoom.
Food name must be the exact name when inputting it in the GUI.
Must have all required items at script start:
- Axe equipped or in inventory.
- Tinderbox in inventory or Bruma Torch equipped or in inventory.
- Knife in inventory (only if fletching).
- Hammer in inventory (only if fixing brazier).

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1 minute ago, IamToxic said:

Bugs I've Noticed: sometimes idles in the middle while the wintertodt is a alive. it will try to burn the logs without a full inventory sometimes.

What options did you select? This sounds like it might be default behavior.

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Would love to buy it soon after work! Looks like worth the money! 

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1 minute ago, IamToxic said:

I didn't select any of the options since there is no need to if i'm just training fire making.

Reasons it would idle:
- Energy is less than 80, you have 0 points, and you have no roots or kindling in your inventory (waits for next spawn).
- You have idle at 500 selected and you've reached 500 points.
- You have fletching selected without idle and you're above or at 750 points.

Reasons why it would burn before inventory is full:
- Attempting to ensure 500 points are reached for the bonus xp when not fletching.

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I seem to be getting stuck in the bank after depositing a supply crate. Any idea on whats causing that?

I fletching also doesn't always work, if you get hit it will say status: Fletching and just do nothing at all. Have almost died as the status seems to get stuck in Fletching despite doing nothing.

Edited by hysteria227
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Script got me killed on my level 3 acc with 10hp, wasn't around so I can't tell what went wrong. There is an issue with fletching as ^he said. Rest looks nice man, goodjob!

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Trying out the trial at the moment a few things i would like to see.

  • Banking after obtaining # chests (instead of after every chest to save run energy)
  • Obtaining 500pts priority (Not sure if its possible but I've gotten 400 pts because the bot was busy cutting and fletching and game ended) i.e. I have 400 pts the bot will cut 4 logs > fletch > feed > 500pts > return to normal
  • Same as above but with burning logs soly (500pts can be achieved with only burning you also get more xp/hr but the bot needs to stop cutting at the right time)
  • Waiting a few seconds to see if the NPC revives before wasting time running to the other Brazier

As long as you have 16 slots you get 500pts from fletching but if not its alittle harder

Edit Some more stuff

  • Option to disable fletching and just Burn logs after 500pts
  • Bot burns off what it has at 13% left to go (enough time to get rid of the rest of the inventory)
Edited by Noninnervate
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Fails most games because when it's fletching and gets hit it will just stand there forever or it will take forever before it actually continues to fletch and sometimes it will struggle banking and just sit with the bank open

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On 3/17/2017 at 7:41 PM, sanuis said:

I've tested this script for less than an hour, only issue that i've seen is that the bot freaks out when it accidentally picks up a jug but solid so far. Thanks for the release.

What do you mean by freaks out? It should try to drop it once your inventory is full.

On 3/18/2017 at 1:51 AM, Chivava said:

Does it support Sara Brews & Cakes ?

Cakes yes, brews will be added this week.

On 3/18/2017 at 0:55 PM, vibis said:

Script got me killed on my level 3 acc with 10hp, wasn't around so I can't tell what went wrong. There is an issue with fletching as ^he said. Rest looks nice man, goodjob!

I wonder if you got comboed somehow.  I run the script primarily on a low hp account and have yet to die.

4 hours ago, Noninnervate said:

Trying out the trial at the moment a few things i would like to see.

  • Banking after obtaining # chests (instead of after every chest to save run energy)
  • Obtaining 500pts priority (Not sure if its possible but I've gotten 400 pts because the bot was busy cutting and fletching and game ended) i.e. I have 400 pts the bot will cut 4 logs > fletch > feed > 500pts > return to normal
  • Same as above but with burning logs soly (500pts can be achieved with only burning you also get more xp/hr but the bot needs to stop cutting at the right time)
  • Waiting a few seconds to see if the NPC revives before wasting time running to the other Brazier

1) I'll probably add a minimum amount of food to bank at option in the GUI.
2) I've never had an issue getting to 500 when fletching, but I'll make it a priority.
3) It should already prioritize getting to 500 when not fletching.
4) I can extend the current time.

1 hour ago, chuggernaut said:

Fails most games because when it's fletching and gets hit it will just stand there forever or it will take forever before it actually continues to fletch and sometimes it will struggle banking and just sit with the bank open

I haven't seen that behavior when fletching or banking. Can you print the stack trace for me when it just stands there? At the top of the client click Script and then click Print Script Stack Trace and paste it here. Do this for both fletching and banking.

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@Encoded Yeah I switched up my inventory to take up 8 total slots (axe, tinder, hammer, knife, 4 cakes) which allows for 16 slots which is 500pts. After running the bot more it seems it prioritizes 750 pts which is cool it does a 16 roots/kindling then gets 10 logs fletches and trys to burn sometimes i get 750.


I also added 2 more possible options in my previous post, what do you think about them?

Note: bought full version, also testing how well the bot does without fletching

Edited by Noninnervate
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