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@shibbstar I'm seeing this being reported for other scripts as well. Seems to be a client issue (also logging in in general is handled by the client and not scripts).

@slash0r What is your woodcutting level? I've never had an issue getting to 500 points with fletching.

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4 minutes ago, Encoded said:

@shibbstar I'm seeing this being reported for other scripts as well. Seems to be a client issue (also logging in in general is handled by the client and not scripts).

@slash0r What is your woodcutting level? I've never had an issue getting to 500 points with fletching.


I think he is talking about how the script knows just how many logs it needs for the 500 points when fletching is unticked. But with it ticked, the script may only need 4 logs for the last bit for 500 points but instead of stopping at 4, it cuts a full inventory before fletching them and burning them. wasting more time than need be. (This is @slash0r's problem/suggestion i believe). He just wants the script to know that it only needs 4 logs while on fletching mode.


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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1 hour ago, gosubear said:

I think he is talking about how the script knows just how many logs it needs for the 500 points when fletching is unticked. But with it ticked, the script may only need 4 logs for the last bit for 500 points but instead of stopping at 4, it cuts a full inventory before fletching them and burning them. wasting more time than need be. (This is @slash0r's problem/suggestion i believe). He just wants the script to know that it only needs 4 logs while on fletching mode.

There should be no issue getting to 500 points when fletching; 750+ points is easily attainable even at wc levels as low as 21 when fletching. If he has idle at 500 points selected then it will stop when it has enough roots to fletch to get to 500 (if this is not the case, then he failed to mention that he has this selected). Otherwise it is going to try and get 750+ points.

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19 hours ago, Encoded said:

There should be no issue getting to 500 points when fletching; 750+ points is easily attainable even at wc levels as low as 21 when fletching. If he has idle at 500 points selected then it will stop when it has enough roots to fletch to get to 500 (if this is not the case, then he failed to mention that he has this selected). Otherwise it is going to try and get 750+ points.


im thinking you're missing the point. but ill let the original bug poster to explain it. but i do see both points. I guess maybe his abc2 seed is a lot longer than most. who knows, but ill let him explain to you if possible.


Bought the VIP instead of VIP-E? Want to change that? Go to: TriBot VIP Manager
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see the option to pay the difference to upgrade to VIP-Extended for the remainder of your subscription.

Banned? Tell us why! Go to: TriBot Ban Discussion Thread

TriBot bugging out? Need to know how to delete hooks? Go to: TriBot doesn't work Tutorial


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2 hours ago, Encoded said:

Did this happen before or after the game update today? If after, restart TRiBot twice, letting runescape load to the login screen each time.

after the update, tried to restart a coupple of times here and there.

btw i was using LG, i would have tried again but i think the trial is over, dident get to try it really :P

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Sometimes I am at 475 points, and what the bot does is it will chop till full inv and then fletch. But then the times runs out and i miss a crate.

You should add option/logic to priotisize 500points. Like instead of going for full inv then fletch the bot will get 1 log,fletch,burn to finish the 500 points.


Edited by megaloden
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@Encoded is it possible to make it do a few additional logs past the 15% mark too potentially increase the chance of triple loot? ive noticed that it wil finish burning an invent with 15% left and just idle when it could maybe do 10-20 more logs for more xp/loot


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25 minutes ago, Takesoul said:

Script is currently not working? I keep running back and forth in one spot

Anyone else having issues with running this script? I had the same setting yesterday and it was working fine. Today I hit start and the bot just runs around in the minigame and doesnt do anything


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3 minutes ago, Takesoul said:

Anyone else having issues with running this script? I had the same setting yesterday and it was working fine. Today I hit start and the bot just runs around in the minigame and doesnt do anything

I haven't changed anything since the last time you posted. Script was last updated Sat, 22 Apr 2017, 7:05AM BST

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script gets stuck @ banking status doesnt matter how you set it up it goes to bank does nothing and Status: Banking

Fixed it by removing Folder and reinstall tribot!


Edited by Warping
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3 hours ago, ryantje5 said:

Keep getting banned, even if its only for a few hours. Only after using this script.


Any advice on breaks/bot times?

Once you get banned for the first time, your IP is pretty much marked, all accounts used and created on that IP will be WATCHED.

That's why they encourage proxy, although Jagex generally know's what IP you made the account on, unless you use one during that process too.

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3 hours ago, Warping said:

script gets stuck @ banking status doesnt matter how you set it up it goes to bank does nothing and Status: Banking

Fixed it by removing Folder and reinstall tribot!


your IP is probably flagged then. Been running this script for 5 days now already 50 to 91 FM and no issues 


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