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Auto Wintertodt Pro


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36 minutes ago, smurfs14 said:

When fixing the braziers, will the script react in time to re light it too or will it just fix it and then miss the re-light part? 

Just wondering before I purchase thanks. :) 

Give the trial a go. It should attempt to fix and light, but it will prioritize eating over both of them.

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Hi, another feedback, when the minigame ends and the wintertodt timer goes off, it instantly click and walk to one of the braziers from the resting area. Maybe you could add ABC2 reaction time in here so it doesn't look too suspicious because I have seen mine running instantly when timer goes off with some other poeple at the same time.

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8 minutes ago, megaloden said:

Hi, another feedback, when the minigame ends and the wintertodt timer goes off, it instantly click and walk to one of the braziers from the resting area. Maybe you could add ABC2 reaction time in here so it doesn't look too suspicious because I have seen mine running instantly when timer goes off with some other poeple at the same time.

Added if you have reaction times enabled.

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9 hours ago, Encoded said:

Give the trial a go. It should attempt to fix and light, but it will prioritize eating over both of them.

I was planning on using the trial first anyway. :) 

thankyou for your reply. 

Edited by smurfs14


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Why not simply have the bot bank after each kill and grab x amount of food? It's very annoying seeing my account leave at 300 points to go get more food. It's almost impossible to have the right food settings so it banks after each trip. Waste time and experience with the current setup.

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3 hours ago, imperior said:

Why not simply have the bot bank after each kill and grab x amount of food? It's very annoying seeing my account leave at 300 points to go get more food. It's almost impossible to have the right food settings so it banks after each trip. Waste time and experience with the current setup.

Set the food amount to bank at to be the same as the amount to withdraw.

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Loving this script so far. Ran it for the past day and the only reason I didn't get a 24 hour proggy was because I went out when my computer had to force restart. Had an 18 hour proggy before I left it ~ definitely gonna use this for 99 and a few other accounts. Keep up the good work 

If you ever need help with anything, PM me and I will be more than happy to try and help.


Skype: iAznKyle


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Planning on using this on my Ultimate Ironman.

Would it be possible to add unnoting wines at the chest for people like me? I would really appreciate it!


Edit: NVM, you can't note items.

Edited by Priscilla
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3 hours ago, jordan2delta said:

good bot just got stuck for about 4mins when I saw the tinderbox was clicked when it was supposed to be cutting logs

It shouldn't have clicked the tinderbox in the first place, but I already have a failsafe in place if an item is selected and I just tested it and it works.
A picture would have been great if it does ever happen again. If you don't block user input when running the script, you may have ran your mouse across the screen causing the misclick. 

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So I got banned for using this script. It got stuck at the pin part to get into my bank and for 3 hours tried entering nothing. I'm sure its the clients fault, but there should be a failsafe for that.

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2 hours ago, Spyder94 said:

So I got banned for using this script. It got stuck at the pin part to get into my bank and for 3 hours tried entering nothing. I'm sure its the clients fault, but there should be a failsafe for that.

I can't implement a failsafe for that unfortunately. The client completely takes over and pauses the script (so scripts can't steal your pin). Did your pin happen to start with 0? I know that was an old bug where pins that started with 0 were being stored as 3 numbers instead of 4. Not sure if it was ever fixed.

Edited by Encoded
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5 hours ago, Encoded said:

I can't implement a failsafe for that unfortunately. The client completely takes over and pauses the script (so scripts can't steal your pin). Did your pin happen to start with 0? I know that was an old bug where pins that started with 0 were being stored as 3 numbers instead of 4. Not sure if it was ever fixed.

No I didn't save my pin, so it was shown as -1. I got disconnected temporarily overnight and when it logged back in it just sat there for 3 hours, I'm not sure what it was doing, I just saw in the log saying pin bot started/ended and logging back in to try again.


This is a fantastic script though, like top of the line when rsbuddy was still around. I have not seen it mess up a single time. 

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So the script is doing great for the most part. Only problem I've been encountering is sometimes after I check in after a few hours, the bot has picked up a jug or vial and repeatedly clicks it. Unable to drop it. Any update on that? ~

If you ever need help with anything, PM me and I will be more than happy to try and help.


Skype: iAznKyle


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Currently selling TriBot VIP Vouchers via 07 GP/Items


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9 hours ago, iAznKyle said:

So the script is doing great for the most part. Only problem I've been encountering is sometimes after I check in after a few hours, the bot has picked up a jug or vial and repeatedly clicks it. Unable to drop it. Any update on that? ~

I'm not able to reproduce this. It's dropping just fine for me and I haven't gotten any other reports on it.

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22 minutes ago, imperior said:

Edit: After every game and after banking, the bot runs in and out of Wintertodt until the game starts.

What are your GUI settings? What does the status say on the paint?

Edited by Encoded
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@Encoded Hey bro, for some reason, the script isnt detecting my tinderbox. I just used it for over an hour (trial and it was working perfectly) then i buy the script and go to use it and this? (yes i have tinderbox in inv haha)


  • [21:43:48] Auto Wintertodt Pro Script: [CRITICAL] Required items not found: Tinderbox
  • [21:43:48] Auto Wintertodt Pro Script: [CRITICAL] Required items not found. Please start with all required items.
  • [21:43:48] Script Ended: Auto Wintertodt Pro.
  • [21:42:28] TRiBot Release 9.305_0 loaded. (1.8.0_112:C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\jre)
  • [21:42:28] Loading human mouse movement data.
  • [21:42:30] Successfully loaded human mouse data.
  • [21:42:58] com.sun.tools.attach.AttachOperationFailedException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  • [21:42:58] at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.execute(WindowsVirtualMachine.java:117)
  • [21:42:58] at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.executeCommand(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:261)
  • [21:42:58] at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.getSystemProperties(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:144)
  • [21:42:58] at obf.dn.DV(os:259)
  • [21:42:58] at obf.dn.Gw(os:224)
  • [21:42:58] at obf.kL.run(jn:109)
  • [21:42:58] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
  • [21:42:59] com.sun.tools.attach.AttachOperationFailedException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  • [21:42:59] at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.execute(WindowsVirtualMachine.java:117)
  • [21:42:59] at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.executeCommand(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:261)
  • [21:42:59] at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.getSystemProperties(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:144)
  • [21:42:59] at obf.dn.DV(os:259)
  • [21:42:59] at obf.dn.Gw(os:224)
  • [21:42:59] at obf.kL.run(jn:109)
  • [21:42:59] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
  • [21:43:00] com.sun.tools.attach.AttachOperationFailedException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  • [21:43:00] at sun.tools.attach.WindowsVirtualMachine.execute(WindowsVirtualMachine.java:117)
  • [21:43:00] at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.executeCommand(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:261)
  • [21:43:00] at sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine.getSystemProperties(HotSpotVirtualMachine.java:144)
  • [21:43:00] at obf.dn.DV(os:259)
  • [21:43:00] at obf.dn.Gw(os:224)
  • [21:43:00] at obf.kL.run(jn:109)
  • [21:43:00] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
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Turned off reaction times but still runs in and out

Settings are SW light b, fix b, and fletch roots

Food name, # and #, both options checked

under settings I have nothing


if you run the bot yourself, you should replicate the same thing. I even turned off eating at bank and it still does it.

Edited by imperior
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23 hours ago, miasdu said:

just got banned for a year using this script. went smooth till 99fm but still detectable.

Care guys

(was using LG on osbuddy)

If you went a year without getting banned that is great. I'm sure you botted other stats to.. so you u really can't just pin point this script ;) pretty nice though.

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5 hours ago, imperior said:

Turned off reaction times but still runs in and out

Settings are SW light b, fix b, and fletch roots

Food name, # and #, both options checked

under settings I have nothing


if you run the bot yourself, you should replicate the same thing. I even turned off eating at bank and it still does it.

Take a screenshot of the food tab for me and post it here (image attachments don't work, so upload to somewhere like imgur).


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