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ARKSlayer Pro - OSRS Slayer Training Bot | Cannon | Restocking | Superiors | Level 1 to 99 | Muling | Advanced Anti-Profiling


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Bot is amazing, works well. Just wondering if there is a way to get the bot to attack baby black dragons, instead of brutal black dragons? Before it was attacking baby dragons, which i preferred, but now its attacking brutal dragon.

EDIT: also it doesnt take Expeditious bracelet for the brutal dragon task

EDIT: also doesnt start when i have barraging ticked, and not on ancient spellbook. I have spellbook on standard for high alch. I've set spellbook to ancient to run the bot, but just wanted to ask whether the bot will automatically switch to standard spellbook for high alch for non barraging tasks?

Also will there be support for combination runes? Btw the bot is awesome.

Edited by bbw_fan01
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On 4/3/2024 at 4:01 AM, SuperSerial said:

I actually don't know how to replicate seeing the setting again; I only saw it that one time and it hasn't shown up since. Otherwise, everything has been smooth except the last time I had a prayer task, prayer gear wasn't equipped (not a big deal).

I've added it as an automatic setting now anyway 🙂

12 hours ago, Authn said:

Hey amazing work on this bot. Curious if there's any plans to change spell book via house for barrage task?

Yeah, soon 🙂

3 hours ago, bbw_fan01 said:

Bot is amazing, works well. Just wondering if there is a way to get the bot to attack baby black dragons, instead of brutal black dragons? Before it was attacking baby dragons, which i preferred, but now its attacking brutal dragon.

EDIT: also it doesnt take Expeditious bracelet for the brutal dragon task

EDIT: also doesnt start when i have barraging ticked, and not on ancient spellbook. I have spellbook on standard for high alch. I've set spellbook to ancient to run the bot, but just wanted to ask whether the bot will automatically switch to standard spellbook for high alch for non barraging tasks?

Also will there be support for combination runes? Btw the bot is awesome.

Whether it chooses Brutals or Babies is based on your level - there's no way to override it, sorry!

You can't have alchemy on if you have barraging on - soon the script will spellbook swap automatically, but that's not currently supported, sorry 🙂




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script is having issues with travel not sure what's happening, just stuck in one place, ive tried restarting it and moving the bot manually but im not having luck it just says even if the bot appears to be paused let the scrip run 

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[21:14:23] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
[21:14:53] [Navigation] No valid path found
[21:14:53] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
[21:14:54] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
[21:14:59] Disabled all randoms.
[21:14:59] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
[21:15:29] [Navigation] No valid path found
[21:15:30] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
[21:15:39] Disabled all randoms.
[21:15:39] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
[21:16:09] [Navigation] No valid path found
[21:16:27] Disabled all randoms.
[21:16:57] [Navigation] No valid path found

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13 hours ago, drgn said:

Having the same issue with traveling

DaxWalker went down last night - this is not related to the script and is the walker service most major clients use. It should now be back up.

42 minutes ago, tom21120 said:

is there also anyway to add the wyvern shield to the tasks?

If you have it, it'll use it.




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2 hours ago, tom21120 said:

it always uses my dfs instead of the ancient wyvern shield I also have in the bank. I can't see how I would manually change it 

Ancient Wyvern Shield would only work for Wyverns. The script also only takes it if you're using Magic - otherwise it has negative melee/ranged attack bonuses. It will want to use a DFS if you're using melee.




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Hey man I love this script! My only bug is wherever my character is he can't find cave horrors? I've reloaded the script twice and he can't do it. The quest is done, I've even got a black mask and made a slayer helm. Weirdly the script used to work but doesn't now, not sure if an update happened, my settings haven't changed? Also I was wondering if a ectophial update could help find them faster?

Update: been about 10 mins still calculating to find dust devils, this also used to find it, so not sure if a jagex update did something? I'll let it calculate for another 20 mins or so and see if it finds them and let ya know 🙂


  • [16:22:14] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:22:14] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:22:14] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:22:17] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:22:17] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:22:23] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:22:23] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:22:32] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:22:32] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:22:44] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:22:57] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:23:15] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:23:55] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:23:55] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • [16:23:55] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
  • [16:24:01] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
  • [16:24:12] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:24:29] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:24:29] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:24:53] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:25:16] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:25:42] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • [16:25:43] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:26:09] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:26:09] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:26:23] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
  • [16:26:41] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:27:08] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:27:08] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:27:35] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:28:03] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:28:20] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • [16:28:41] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:29:22] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:29:22] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:29:55] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][16:29:59] [Unique Antiban] Having a Microbreak. The script will leave the screen and pretend to be fully afk. Please note: The script will not let your account die if you do get attacked during this time.
  • [16:30:17] [Unique Antiban] Had a Microbreak. We will have another microbreak in: 00:02:00hms
  • [16:30:17] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:30:17] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:30:17] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:30:36] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
  • [16:30:58] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:30:58] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:30:58] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:31:20] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • [16:31:43] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:31:43] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:31:43] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][16:32:27] [Unique Antiban] Having a Microbreak. The script will leave the screen and pretend to be fully afk. Please note: The script will not let your account die if you do get attacked during this time.
  • [16:32:27] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
  • [16:32:42] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Checking a Tab...
  • [16:32:54] [Unique Antiban] Had a Microbreak. We will have another microbreak in: 00:10:21hms
  • [16:32:54] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:32:54] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:32:54] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:33:42] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:33:42] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:34:21] [Antiban] Unique Antiban: Refocusing Target
  • [16:34:43] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:34:43] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [16:34:43] [Navigation] No valid path found
  • [16:35:47] Disabled all randoms.
  • [16:35:47] [Navigation] No valid path found

EDIT: it works again 

Edited by BuenoGuy
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Is there a way to configure the number of Antifire potions brought per inventory? It's bringing one each time, which usually isnt enough to get much of the task done against metal dragons. Also, I found that it was using protect from magic versus metal dragons, which doesn't actually provide any protection (and is unnecessary with Antifire + shield). I resolved this issue by removing metal dragons from prayer list when using magic, but I find myself using hardly any resources (i.e. having full inv of food still) when taking this approach and running out of Antifire potion doses.

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Amazing script, really loving it! 

I did notice one thing while babysitting it just now. A superior gargoyle for someone else spawned and the bot kept clicking on it repeatedly. Coud you add a failsafe if the message 'That is not your superior creature.' is given, the bot stops trying to kill it? Or having the message 'A superior foe has appeared...' as a requirement to kill the superior?


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I have some more suggestions, I hope they are welcome 🙂 

- A toggle option to always use the best combat prayers (I noticed it didn't see gargoyles as a high level task for instance)

- An option to choose whether or not to burst certain tasks, like Nechreals

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How can I make sure the bot goes for the bursting/barraging method for dust devils? In the equipment - barraging tab, the 'use barraging on suitable tasks' is checked, options and potions selected + I have a loadout. It still wants to go to the smoke dungeon to cannon them. I also tried starting with ancients and unchecking the alch option.

Edited by BBN
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Hi there!

Bot has been running great for a few days until it died fighting Nechs yesterday.  Attempted self trouble shooting by restarting & clearing cache.  After manually finishing the task, the bot started working normal.  Next task was dust devils, watched it briefly to ensure it was okay.  After first bank run, the bot did not turn prayers back on & would've died again if I did not intervene. Now when I start the script again, it checks the task then stays idle in place doing anti ban movements.

Before my trouble shoots I did see that the script failed to download the "deathwalk" or something similar after my account died, then just stood in lumby for 7 hours. I unfortunately did not save the debug info before attempting my fixes.

Any idea why this is happening or how to fix?

Current Debug from any attempts now.

  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][11:31:52] [Welcome] Initialised ARKSlayer Version 7.16
  • [11:31:52] [GUI Manager] Loaded Profile: lastRun
  • [11:33:24] [GUI Manager] Saved Profile at: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\.tribot\Ark\ARKSlayer\arkslayerpro_lastRunsettings.ini
  • [11:33:24] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Steel Dragons
  • -more skips
  • [11:33:24] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Spiritual Warriors
  • [11:33:24] [GUI Manager] Chosen Slayer Master: Duradel
  • ForegroundColor[0,255,0][11:33:24] [Unique Antiban Tool] Generated unique antiban profile based on your username seed.
  • [11:33:24] [Slayer Shop Purchasing] Chosen Slayer Master to purchase Slayer items from: Duradel
  • [11:33:24] [Zoom Manager] Current Zoom = 6. Desired Zoom = 16. Scrolling to adjust Zoom.
  • [11:33:27] [World Hopping Management] Attempting to get current World from World List.
  • [11:33:27] [World Hopping Management] Generated next World for World Hopping (519)
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][11:33:28] [Task Management] Task we have been assigned is: Dust Devils

Then does nothing.  

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55 minutes ago, Chuck22 said:

Hi there!

Bot has been running great for a few days until it died fighting Nechs yesterday.  Attempted self trouble shooting by restarting & clearing cache.  After manually finishing the task, the bot started working normal.  Next task was dust devils, watched it briefly to ensure it was okay.  After first bank run, the bot did not turn prayers back on & would've died again if I did not intervene. Now when I start the script again, it checks the task then stays idle in place doing anti ban movements.

Before my trouble shoots I did see that the script failed to download the "deathwalk" or something similar after my account died, then just stood in lumby for 7 hours. I unfortunately did not save the debug info before attempting my fixes.

Any idea why this is happening or how to fix?

Current Debug from any attempts now.

  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][11:31:52] [Welcome] Initialised ARKSlayer Version 7.16
  • [11:31:52] [GUI Manager] Loaded Profile: lastRun
  • [11:33:24] [GUI Manager] Saved Profile at: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\.tribot\Ark\ARKSlayer\arkslayerpro_lastRunsettings.ini
  • [11:33:24] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Steel Dragons
  • -more skips
  • [11:33:24] [Task Management] Will skip any tasks named exactly: Spiritual Warriors
  • [11:33:24] [GUI Manager] Chosen Slayer Master: Duradel
  • ForegroundColor[0,255,0][11:33:24] [Unique Antiban Tool] Generated unique antiban profile based on your username seed.
  • [11:33:24] [Slayer Shop Purchasing] Chosen Slayer Master to purchase Slayer items from: Duradel
  • [11:33:24] [Zoom Manager] Current Zoom = 6. Desired Zoom = 16. Scrolling to adjust Zoom.
  • [11:33:27] [World Hopping Management] Attempting to get current World from World List.
  • [11:33:27] [World Hopping Management] Generated next World for World Hopping (519)
  • ForegroundColor[0,0,255][11:33:28] [Task Management] Task we have been assigned is: Dust Devils

Then does nothing.  

Current work around to get bot working.  I turned off the barrage option & the bot is killing dust devils with normal melee. Not sure where the issue resides in the barrage.  Confirmed I had sufficient runes for casting. 

Side note: inefficiency with the runepouch. I did notice on other days where the bot does not refill the runes in the pouch when running low. Would be a nice added feature to auto-reload.

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Hello, Just got the Script. It gave me Iron Dragons and it teleports to Kourend Castle but then it gets stuck there, it just keeps teleporting to Kourend when traveling. Any way I can fix this?

  • [11:58:39] [Navigation] We found that we are using a Dramen Staff for some part of our travel, adding a Fairy Ring travel method item.
  • [11:58:39] [Navigation] Taking a multi-charged Ring of dueling(8) as we need more than 1 charge for this trip.
  • [11:58:50] [Banking Management] Banking actions successful!
  • [11:58:52] Disabled all randoms.
  • [11:58:52] [Navigation] Calculating route, this may take some time. Please let the script run, even if it appears to pause.
  • [11:58:52] [Navigation] Path received from server...
  • [11:58:52] [DaxWalker Teleports] Target teleport: KOUREND_CASTLE_TELEPORT
  • [11:58:54] [Antiban] ABC2: Leaving client screen
  • [11:58:57] Failed to handle teleports...
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Would really like to know how to make the bot barrage both Dust devils and Abbysal demons, it only does barraging for Nechreals for me. For abbysal demons it goes to the slayer tower and dust devils the smoke dungeon. 

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Man this script is a life saver, I like the farming option as well, that was a nice touch. One of the most advanced scripts I’ve ran by far. So just want to say thanks for that. My only question is how come Konar isn’t an option?

Also the slayer task will take the ring to lizardman, but skip wyrms, is there a reason? I really want a dragon harpoon, and it’s right outside a bank location 🥲

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Hey @Ark


Failsafe keeps getting triggered due to baby dragon bones drop notification happening, causing script to stop.


"Detected multiple repetition of chat message, being cautious: 8.0 (message: <col=ef1020>Valuable drop: Babydragon bones (1039 coins)</col>)"

After a few of these, i get the below. goes and banks, comes back.. happens again and then it stops fully. 

"Failsafe Mechanism: Hard reset mechanism activated - pre-failsafe management"


Was on blue dragon task, was killing baby drags

Edited by Deez~N0ots
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On 5/1/2024 at 12:54 AM, Deez~N0ots said:

Hey @Ark


Failsafe keeps getting triggered due to baby dragon bones drop notification happening, causing script to stop.


"Detected multiple repetition of chat message, being cautious: 8.0 (message: <col=ef1020>Valuable drop: Babydragon bones (1039 coins)</col>)"

After a few of these, i get the below. goes and banks, comes back.. happens again and then it stops fully. 

"Failsafe Mechanism: Hard reset mechanism activated - pre-failsafe management"


Was on blue dragon task, was killing baby drags

Just turn off your loot notifications for low value items 🙂 




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On 4/25/2024 at 6:43 AM, BBN said:

Would really like to know how to make the bot barrage both Dust devils and Abbysal demons, it only does barraging for Nechreals for me. For abbysal demons it goes to the slayer tower and dust devils the smoke dungeon. 

Select Catacombs of Kourend in the GUI




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