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|w| Zulrah Helper [1-3m/hr] - Plugin Tool [RESIZE]


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Update - v1.02

- Will no longer take pictures during the fight

- Picture frequency changed to every 1 hour

- Fixed a bug that seemed to ruin the pattern on the blue phase

- Added a minimize paint button that will hide everything covering the chatbox (the green overlays will still be visible)



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I still get that, deactivated and activated the script. Pm'd you on Skype about it

I didn't get a PM on skype. My name is worthytb, make sure you haven't added the wrong person and are running the latest version.



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yeah I'm still getting a few desync problems, was on one of the red phases. I'll try get a video.



I'm getting this as well...


In other news, I just hit rank 1 on the hi-scores for this script :D 2 onyxes and 2 magic fangs in 3 days. RNGesus has blessed me




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I'm getting this as well...

In other news, I just hit rank 1 on the hi-scores for this script :D 2 onyxes and 2 magic fangs in 3 days. RNGesus has blessed me

Nice. Does the desyncing happen every time on the same phase/pattern?



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happens here for me (red outlined squares). I was lagging a little bit but it wasn't a problem for the other patterns.


I will check it out thanks :)

Just saying, there is nothing like 0% ban rate.

You are incorrect. This script doesn't interact with the game at all so there is a 0% chance you can get banned from using this script. It's like playing runescape normally within the tribot client.

There is no risk of getting banned.



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One thing that really pisses me off about this script is during the Jad phase I click on the prayers when it tells me and it still fucking 2 hits me. 

The JAD phase is always 100% accurate for me. Just make sure to click the green square for the prayer the second it turns green. If no prayer turns green, then you are using the correct prayer. You should change prayers (and it should turn green) right when zulrah bows his head after a projectile attack.


Try taking a look at this for a better explanation: https://youtu.be/aiFvUk0-JC8?t=13m52s

Edited by Worthy



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1) Often messes up the rotation fatdoobie posted

2) On first red phase ('2' on fatdoobies picture) the square which you move to (to avoid stun) is no longer highlighted

3) Have noticed jad prays occasionally mess up still (maybe 1 in 10-20 kills) but not a significant issue for me

Had some good proggies today, ty!

Also, I have basically learnt the rotations off by heart thanks to this tool!

I will look at issue 1 tomorrow.

For number 2, you don't need to move, he can't hit you.

And the Jad phase never messes up, it's always a user interaction.

But seems as phase desyncing is definitely a verified rare bug. Not sure why it happens as I use the same code in the zulrah slayer and that one is fine. Will look tomorrow though.



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Not showing where to stand and all those other color codes for me. Is there a setting on my client im supposed to enable?

Just restart the script. Client bug.

If doesn't work, show me on skype.


is it possible to run this/tribot in resizable?


Currently not possible. I've already asked trilez :(

What am I doing wrong? I open up the equipment tab then I click "Grab Current Equipment" it's asking me to open equipment tab when I've already done that

Try restarting the script or deleting your .tribot folder. If that doesn't work, add me on skype worthytb



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Just restart the script. Client bug.

If doesn't work, show me on skype.

Problem was I was zoomed out a little. seems to only work when using default zoom. The problem i'm having now is the jad phase doesn't tell me which pray to use, I've died 3 times as a result :/

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Problem was I was zoomed out a little. seems to only work when using default zoom. The problem i'm having now is the jad phase doesn't tell me which pray to use, I've died 3 times as a result :/

Are you on osbuddy? You should be playing in fixed mode on the tribot client. It's undetectable.



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Hey Worthy, got some more info for you about the phase desyncs and Jad desync.


So I'm 99% sure the phase desync happens only for the two Red patterns, and it often starts when the two patterns branch apart (Phase 4), and becomes more and more noticeable as the patterns progress. I have a feeling it is due to the script attempting to determine which red pattern we are on at Phase 4, and very occasionally it will pick the wrong one.


And for Jad, occasionally on the last 2 or 3 hits of the phase, the script  stops telling you what to pray. Like for the East Jad phases, he tends to do 2 range hits and then a magic hit as the last 3 hits, but the script just says to pray magic the whole time. And also occasionally on the West Jad phases, Zulrah will also throw in an extra ranged and magic hit before the phase ends.


I have very occasionally noticed a weird kind of desync for Jad where the script will be telling you to use the opposite prayer to what we should be using. I always watch Zulrah during Jad and manually change prayers, but it is a little distracting.



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Hey Worthy, got some more info for you about the phase desyncs and Jad desync.


So I'm 99% sure the phase desync happens only for the two Red patterns, and it often starts when the two patterns branch apart (Phase 4), and becomes more and more noticeable as the patterns progress. I have a feeling it is due to the script attempting to determine which red pattern we are on at Phase 4, and very occasionally it will pick the wrong one.


And for Jad, occasionally on the last 2 or 3 hits of the phase, the script  stops telling you what to pray. Like for the East Jad phases, he tends to do 2 range hits and then a magic hit as the last 3 hits, but the script just says to pray magic the whole time. And also occasionally on the West Jad phases, Zulrah will also throw in an extra ranged and magic hit before the phase ends.


I have very occasionally noticed a weird kind of desync for Jad where the script will be telling you to use the opposite prayer to what we should be using. I always watch Zulrah during Jad and manually change prayers, but it is a little distracting.

I have just updated the script (a few seconds ago) to v1.03, which should fix the desyncing issues.


Also, for the JAD phase, I assume you are talking about the 2 red patterns. You are supposed to end on the mage attack, and then run to the opposite side of the island. It's meant to do this, and then you should wait there for a few seconds, until the new red phase appears again.


And you may be correct about the JAD desync, but it should happen extremely rarely, if your computer lags and zulrah skips an entire attack animation.



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I have just updated the script (a few seconds ago) to v1.03, which should fix the desyncing issues.


Also, for the JAD phase, I assume you are talking about the 2 red patterns. You are supposed to end on the mage attack, and then run to the opposite side of the island. It's meant to do this, and then you should wait there for a few seconds, until the new red phase appears again.


And you may be correct about the JAD desync, but it should happen extremely rarely, if your computer lags and zulrah skips an entire attack animation.


Alright cool, I'll do some runs now and see how it goes.


And yeah, it could be that with the animation skip, is there no way for the script to "resync" with Zulrah's animation? Or is it the same animation for both projectiles?



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Alright cool, I'll do some runs now and see how it goes.

And yeah, it could be that with the animation skip, is there no way for the script to "resync" with Zulrah's animation? Or is it the same animation for both projectiles?

Uh it happens extremely rarely but there is a way I think. Trilez has added the projectile api, so I'll take a look. The animations are the same.

But it should never really happen unless your computer is extremely laggy. Even so it should happen < 1% of the time. Odds are you are just praying incorrectly, I doubt it's the scripts fault.



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