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nHerblore [All Potions] [All Unf. Potions] [All Herbs] [All Tars] [GE Support] [Crushing] [Progressive Mode] [Customization] [ABC2] [1B+ Exp Gained]


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This bot will create almost any herblore item in the game. It supports restocking and muling, and offers a plethora of advanced preferences to create your own playstyle.


Repository Link




Select the item you would like to create

Have supplies for that item, or have restocking enabled and coins to purchase supplies

Start near a bank or the grand exchange for best results



Supplies to create the specified item (or gold if restocking from the grand exchange)

You will probably need druidic ritual complete

The necessary herblore level to create the specified item



Almost all herblore items in the game (let me know if there's something missing and I'll look into it)
Almost all potions
Almost all unfinished potions
Almost all herbs
Almost all tars
Crushing items
Grand exchange support
Progressive system
Random AFK'ing
Amulet of chemistry support
A plethora of advanced customization to create your own playstyle







Progress Reports











Track your progress against other users at http://nscripting.com/highscores/fletcher/


Bug Reports

For the sake of both of our time, please attempt to solve issues on your own first to verify that the issue is not on your end (for example, misconfigured settings).

If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, please reach out to me for assistance. You can obtain assistance through the forums thread, the TRiBot forums private messaging system, or in my support discord.

At the minimum, please provide the debug when reporting an issue. You can obtain the debug by following right clicking the Client Debug/Bot Debug tabs and clicking Copy to Clipboard. You can then paste this to pastebin and give me the link. This will help me to figure out what exactly is happening.

Follow this gif for assistance with obtaining the debug. https://i.imgur.com/JruOAaz.gif

The more information you can provide, the faster the issue is likely to be resolved. A description of the issue (ex. what is happening vs what you think should be happening) is helpful. A gif of the issue is very helpful, but if you can't get that then a screenshot is better than nothing. The debug, as mentioned above, should be provided.


Advanced Preferences

This script contains a plethora of advanced customization. These settings are primarily targeted at more advanced users. It's not recommend to mess around with them until you have some experience with the script. You can hover your mouse over many of the advanced preferences for more information. If there is a specific setting you would like a description of, reach out to me and I'll add a tooltip/improve the existing tooltip to better help you.


Script Arguments

All of my scripts support script arguments in the form


where name is the name of the settings file to load. You can use the special name `last` to load your last settings.




User Testimonials











Edited by Naton

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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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Thanks to @Failed4life

Nice 26-67 herblore proggy in one session


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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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Gratz bud, looking clean as per.

Want to view my scripts? Search "Jamie" in the repository!

If you need support, you can join my support discord by clicking the link below or sending me a PM. :)


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7 minutes ago, vho835 said:

The repository link doesn't seem to link to this thread

Thanks, fixed

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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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Testing right now. Seems to be working flawlessly! A quick suggestion though, when making potions it currently clicks the first unfinished potion in the inventory (for sake of simplicity lets call this inventory space 1) and the first secondary in the inventory (inventory space 15). When I make potions on rs I typically click the potion that is closest to a secondary or some random variation. I hardly ever click on inventory space 1 and then inventory space 15.


Let me know if this makes any sense to you! 


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Just now, btjohnson3812 said:

Testing right now. Seems to be working flawlessly! A quick suggestion though, when making potions it currently clicks the first unfinished potion in the inventory (for sake of simplicity lets call this inventory space 1) and the first secondary in the inventory (inventory space 15). When I make potions on rs I typically click the potion that is closest to a secondary or some random variation. I hardly ever click on inventory space 1 and then inventory space 15.


Let me know if this makes any sense to you! 

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I could potentially add an option in the GUI to choose which one to click

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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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1 hour ago, btjohnson3812 said:

Reached 99, thanks @Naton! I had zero issues with this script. I did not see an option for to make stamina potion (3) correct me if I am wrong. It could be helpful but not completely necessary. 

Great! I can add them in

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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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Added some new options, let me know if there is any problems


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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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1) When using progressive mode, make the script switch to "X" mode when switching task to unfinished potions. The "X" is to the left of the "all" button and is quicker when x is set to 14.

2) When using progressive mode, make the script switch to "all" mode when switching task to cleaning herbs. The "all" is to the right of the "X" button and is quicker when cleaning herbs. Both these suggestions speeds up the tasks

If you need an account to borrow for this, let me know

Edited by vho835




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1 minute ago, vho835 said:


1) When using progressive mode, make the script switch to "X" mode when switching task to unfinished potions. The "X" is to the left of the "all" button and is quicker when x is set to 14.

2) When using progressive mode, make the script switch to "all" mode when switching task to cleaning herbs. The "all" is to the right of the "X" button and is quicker when cleaning herbs. Both these suggestions speeds up the tasks

If you need an account to borrow for this, let me know

Do you mean for banking?

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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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10 minutes ago, vho835 said:

Yes for withdrawing from the bank, sorry I should have been more specific

I can add it right now if you have an account I can borrow

Edit: I've found one, nevermind

Edited by Naton

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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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On 12/27/2018 at 7:04 AM, btjohnson3812 said:

Reached 99, thanks @Naton! I had zero issues with this script. I did not see an option for to make stamina potion (3) correct me if I am wrong. It could be helpful but not completely necessary. 

1-99 or what?

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Advanced preferences -> actions -> efficiency -> set optimal left click withdraw


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Automate your bot management through nRestocker and the TRiBot Bulk Launcher

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