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ARKSlayer Pro - OSRS Slayer Training Bot | Cannon | Restocking | Superiors | Level 1 to 99 | Muling | Advanced Anti-Profiling


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2 hours ago, RudyG said:

Any chance to look over issue soon?

Can you please send me your settings file again that is not working - I can't replicate the issue at all on my end. Please try also clearing your cache and starting a new settings file from scratch.


Pushed Patch V5.22:

  • Fixed an issue with using a Rune Pouch and teleporting to your chosen Slayer Master when the script was started with no task
Edited by Ark




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Trying a run to 99 slayer on a fully botted account at the moment. Would you recommend doing hyper-afk mode for this @Ark, or leave this unchecked? Lets see how far we can get! 


/* If you don't want to make waves, be mediocre, be normal and fit in *\


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13 hours ago, scriptoboy said:

Trying a run to 99 slayer on a fully botted account at the moment. Would you recommend doing hyper-afk mode for this @Ark, or leave this unchecked? Lets see how far we can get! 

Good luck! I always recommend keeping as many of the antiban options checked as you feel comfortable with :) 




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18 hours ago, DoesItWork said:

The bot is does not deposit alch runes into rune pouch after dying. It would carry rune pouch and runes in the inventory.

I presume the Rune Pouch empties automatically on death? If so, I'll just make it so the script does not take a Rune Pouch if it's empty :) 



Pushed Patch V5.23:

  • Added support for the Twisted League Dwarven Multicannon (ornament kit)
  • The Rune Pouch will no longer be taken on tasks when it is empty - this includes after dying
  • The correct item to teleport to a nearby Fairy Ring will now be taken on tasks e.g. Ardougne Cape if you have this selected in the GUI
  • Updated Tribot repo ID management

Pushed Patch V5.24:

  • Fixed an issue with Ardougne Cloak teleporting
Edited by Ark




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4 hours ago, millexthrillex said:

Does this script use more memory than usual? I get client freezes from time to time and was wondering if there was a fix for this? Thanks!

No, it's quite optimised and shouldn't have any memory leaks. If you're trying to run the script at a particularly low RAM allocation, you can try to run it with imageless paint mode active and low CPU mode (both options in the GUI) to reduce consumption as much as possible.




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15 minutes ago, Ark said:

No, it's quite optimised and shouldn't have any memory leaks. If you're trying to run the script at a particularly low RAM allocation, you can try to run it with imageless paint mode active and low CPU mode (both options in the GUI) to reduce consumption as much as possible.

Alright, thanks!

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Can you make it so you can travel to the Catacombs slayer dungeon through the koreond teleport through the POH Portal?

Also just purchased, killing bloodvelds didnt switch to my magic defense armor and is using my bandos? Shouldnt it switch to that sort of method?


Also is there  a way to make it use piety on regular tasks? IE Bloodvelds? Or is it only on prayer tasks?

For instance why did my account just complete a slayer task and run all the way to the wizard tower to use a fairy ring when it has house teleports in its inv>?

Edited by Hot Grannys
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22 hours ago, Hot Grannys said:

Can you make it so you can travel to the Catacombs slayer dungeon through the koreond teleport through the POH Portal?

Also just purchased, killing bloodvelds didnt switch to my magic defense armor and is using my bandos? Shouldnt it switch to that sort of method?

Also is there  a way to make it use piety on regular tasks? IE Bloodvelds? Or is it only on prayer tasks?

For instance why did my account just complete a slayer task and run all the way to the wizard tower to use a fairy ring when it has house teleports in its inv>?

The short answer is no, sorry, not at the moment.

It's quite hard to explain why what you're asking is incredibly complex - but generally, every person's house is very different, has different things in it and different unlocks. I'd have to write an entire new navigation system to take advantage of these systems, then ask the user to choose which ones they have in their house in the GUI/make the script always go to the player's house on start to identify what their house has in it. Given the script is already very efficient and covers a huge number of unlockable travel methods, it's simply not worth it for me to spend many, many hours writing a system like this at the moment.

You can only make the script use Piety on tasks you choose to pray on. This is to keep setup simple.

If you create a "Magic Melee" equipment loadout and select the checkbox, it will switch to that for Bloodvelds. You've likely not selected the checkbox.


Pushed Patch V5.25:

  • Now turns off GE price warnings in your settings to prevent blocking at item purchasing
Edited by Ark




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5 hours ago, Ark said:

The short answer is no, sorry, not at the moment.

It's quite hard to explain why what you're asking is incredibly complex - but generally, every person's house is very different, has different things in it and different unlocks. I'd have to write an entire new navigation system to take advantage of these systems, then ask the user to choose which ones they have in their house in the GUI/make the script always go to the player's house on start to identify what their house has in it. Given the script is already very efficient and covers a huge number of unlockable travel methods, it's simply not worth it for me to spend many, many hours writing a system like this at the moment.

You can only make the script use Piety on tasks you choose to pray on. This is to keep setup simple.

If you create a "Magic Melee" equipment loadout and select the checkbox, it will switch to that for Bloodvelds. You've likely not selected the checkbox.


Pushed Patch V5.25:

  • Now turns off GE price warnings in your settings to prevent blocking at item purchasing

Makes a lot more sense now (I am no script writer). Thanks for the reply but I do love the script and will be using it a lot!! Works great so far. I wasn’t aware of all the details it takes to add such things so I appreciate the explanation:) thanks again for being awesome and making a crazy ass good script!!

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Just purchased the script to use but it appears your V5.25 update is bugged as whenever I start the script it sits in an infinite loop of opening the options, turning off GE warnings. closing the options, and then opening them, seeing the options are off, closing and re opening.

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2 hours ago, bananasnake said:

Just purchased the script to use but it appears your V5.25 update is bugged as whenever I start the script it sits in an infinite loop of opening the options, turning off GE warnings. closing the options, and then opening them, seeing the options are off, closing and re opening.

Should be now fixed.




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Strange bug not experienced before - it grabbed POH and Varrock tele tabs for Spitting Wyvern task.

But my Varr tele defaults to GE. It just kept spamming the Varr tab back to GE after calculating route over and over. It wasn't until I manually tele'd it to Varrock right-clicking, it then navigated correctly to Wyverns.

Great script though been running pretty much flawlessly last few weeks now.

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On 2/25/2023 at 5:16 PM, olstan said:

Aren't wyrms classed as dragons? Shouldn't it use dragon setup?

A lot of people complained about them being classed as Dragons, so I switched them to Magic Melee or Prayer.

14 hours ago, Aerosparx said:

Strange bug not experienced before - it grabbed POH and Varrock tele tabs for Spitting Wyvern task.

But my Varr tele defaults to GE. It just kept spamming the Varr tab back to GE after calculating route over and over. It wasn't until I manually tele'd it to Varrock right-clicking, it then navigated correctly to Wyverns.

Great script though been running pretty much flawlessly last few weeks now.

I'll check this out :)


Pushed Patch V5.26:

  • Fixed an issue with detection that the GE warnings had been turned off in the settings
  • Added two failsafes for in case a user disconnects and loses their cannon during a task
  • Antiban improvements regarding cannon reloading




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Any New tasks added for the catacombs by chance? :) Loving the script so far!!

Edit: I saw abby demons were added, wondering if any others hve been since the guide has only a few. thank you!!

Also I have Xerics heart unlocked for my tali and i just got my abernt task and it isnt going to the catacombs why is that? It goes to nievs slayer dungeon instead. Im a bit confused so please let me know :) I would like it go to there but if the script thinks thats better (nieves) then totally get that. I just unlocked the tali so I was hoping it would go there instead

I also have the Catacombs prioritized with sufficient Talis charged in my bank. Am i missing anything? I just unlocked it so Im trying to start using it but i feel like I am probably missing something. Please let me know :)

EditL using catacombs task doesnt tele out now

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image.thumb.png.3367ab36283401114c3b36f861b453a1.pngScript seems to be struggling with tasks now. Had a Dagannoth task and it kept spamming my Rada Blessing trying to teleport, I couldn't find any settings to disable that and so I added skips to Dagannoth to my script, it went got a new task, got assigned Turoth and promptly tried to spam use Rada Blessing again. (It autologs out after a few failed attempts due to failsafe). Any possible fix? My POH has every tele needed and I have the resources to travel anywhere easily [also mounted Xeric's, Digsite, and Ornate Jewelry Box would be massive additions] but it won't allow me to continue any tasks now because of the Rada Blessing cooldown


Edit: Slightly alleviated the situation by changing the Rada Blessing in my loadouts to an Unholy Blessing, looks like it is back on track - more POH support would absolutely be welcome though for additional options! Still love the Guardians script and I'm looking forward to trying this slayer one a lot more!

Edited by AnotherJason1
Slightly fixed
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3 hours ago, AnotherJason1 said:

image.thumb.png.3367ab36283401114c3b36f861b453a1.pngScript seems to be struggling with tasks now. Had a Dagannoth task and it kept spamming my Rada Blessing trying to teleport, I couldn't find any settings to disable that and so I added skips to Dagannoth to my script, it went got a new task, got assigned Turoth and promptly tried to spam use Rada Blessing again. (It autologs out after a few failed attempts due to failsafe). Any possible fix? My POH has every tele needed and I have the resources to travel anywhere easily [also mounted Xeric's, Digsite, and Ornate Jewelry Box would be massive additions] but it won't allow me to continue any tasks now because of the Rada Blessing cooldown


Edit: Slightly alleviated the situation by changing the Rada Blessing in my loadouts to an Unholy Blessing, looks like it is back on track - more POH support would absolutely be welcome though for additional options! Still love the Guardians script and I'm looking forward to trying this slayer one a lot more!

I'll just remove Rada's Blessing as a teleport option and that should resolve the issue. It's not a reliable mechanism of teleporting anyway due to the limitation on number of uses.

There is a plan to add a whole host of house teleportation options, but adding it is incredibly complex, so it will take a while and be a gradual process :)




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36 minutes ago, Ark said:

I'll just remove Rada's Blessing as a teleport option and that should resolve the issue. It's not a reliable mechanism of teleporting anyway due to the limitation on number of uses.

There is a plan to add a whole host of house teleportation options, but adding it is incredibly complex, so it will take a while and be a gradual process :)

Awesome! Super excited to see the script progress and get smarter over time! :D I know POH stuff has definitely gotta be a headache to figure out! Thanks for the update and best of luck!

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The script it's just not working for me, i've changed a lot of configs to try to find the issue, it seems to be teleporting, it just buy the teleportation method dueling rings, glorys or varrock tabs and then afks at GE, with the messages ABC2: leaving client screen and waiting on purpose. I've tried to start it at nieve, it just talks to her and go back to the ge to do the same thing, i disabled reestocking and then gets into the bank and says i don't have methods to go back to the ge after the task, how this can be solved?


4 hours ago, Fredimho said:

The script it's just not working for me, i've changed a lot of configs to try to find the issue, it seems to be teleporting, it just buy the teleportation method dueling rings, glorys or varrock tabs and then afks at GE, with the messages ABC2: leaving client screen and waiting on purpose. I've tried to start it at nieve, it just talks to her and go back to the ge to do the same thing, i disabled reestocking and then gets into the bank and says i don't have methods to go back to the ge after the task, how this can be solved?


I won't delete this comment because it might help someone later, the problem was i didn't have DS1 started, started it and bought the shield and it was fine.

10 hours ago, Fredimho said:

The script it's just not working for me, i've changed a lot of configs to try to find the issue, it seems to be teleporting, it just buy the teleportation method dueling rings, glorys or varrock tabs and then afks at GE, with the messages ABC2: leaving client screen and waiting on purpose. I've tried to start it at nieve, it just talks to her and go back to the ge to do the same thing, i disabled reestocking and then gets into the bank and says i don't have methods to go back to the ge after the task, how this can be solved?


I won't delete this comment because it might help someone later, the problem was i didn't have DS1 started, started it and bought the shield and it was fine.

Tested it for like 12 hours, it's a very good script once you get the hang of it!!

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11 hours ago, Jok3r said:

Script is good, support? Not so much 😕

You literally contacted me once at 7:30pm on Friday and I'm replying now. You contacted me about an issue where you forgot to turn on a feature - you could literally have googled the answer to your question. Strange comment to make... and untrue. I've replied to your message in PM.

Edited by Ark




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  • Ark changed the title to ARKSlayer Pro - OSRS Slayer Training Bot | Cannon | Restocking | Superiors | Level 1 to 99 | Muling | Advanced Anti-Profiling

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